You got to believe eyes to see how gentle my Husky playing with a frog. Videos

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by Wei Wang, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    My brother has just taken on a young dog with lots of issues, her previous owners used a prong collar on her resulting with deep puncture wounds on her neck. they claimed she pulled on lead & it was the only way to stop her. my brother put a harness on her & walked her yes she pulls a little at first, but she soon realize that she was not being hurt & she settled down & started enjoying her walkies, there is NO REASON TO USE PRONG COLLARS THEY SHOULD BE BANNED ALONG WITH E-COLLARS & CHECK CHAINS.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I posted the link for the pictures, not the comments. Whether her mother uses/used prong/pinch collars or not is immaterial. The writer wants them banned, hence the petition.
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I do not advocate the use of prong collars and have never used one but I do feel that any tool has the potential to cause pain/discomfort if not used or fitted correctly.

    For example if a prong collar is fitted and used correctly, would it do more or less damage than constant pulling on a standard collar or any other tool, I do wonder which is actually worse for the dog, if it solves the problem is it actually any crueller than the people allowing their dogs to constantly pull until they choke and their tongues go blue.

    I grew up in the era when check chains was the norm and yes have used them in the past and my dogs didn’t choke or damage themselves, it is called a check chain when used properly, it only becomes a choke chain when put on the wrong way and dog allowed to pull into it, not everyone sees this and they just rely on them, not understanding how to use them.

    The purpose of any tool we use is to train the dog, you can yank a dog off its feet or string it up and choke it by a standard flat collar, cut/scrape its nose with a halti rub it raw with a harness, choke it with a combi /check chain the list goes on, What people don’t get is that these tools weren’t intended for permanent use, only as training aids.

    There are many videos online showing the misuse of tools we use and the effects it can have but does that mean that all tools are bad no I don’t think so, it’s down to the owners to use and fit them properly but I guess there will always be those who don’t. There will always be cases for and against any tool used.
  5. Wei Wang

    Wei Wang New Member

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    Thanks the comments from both sides, even I don't like the idea of banning a prong collar.

    Just say we have a drunk driver killed a person on a side way, should we ban all the cars on the road? So my point is we have a law to ban drunk driving, not the car.

    I raised two boys, and they both are in college now. The one of the lessons I learned is never to compare one of your kid with other, also there is no one formula to teach all kids. Same with husky dogs, they are all different. Pong collar may not suitable for one, but it could work great with the other. I care my Max a lot (I don't want to list everything I do here), so why don't you trust me that I will stop use prong collar if it will cause any pain to Max?

    I will upload a few more pictures just want you guys to check if any damage has been done to Max due to the use of prong collar. Those pictures were from the last winter.


    Also since I am living in a gated golf cause, so that is one of the reason I feel relatively safe to off leash my husky.

    I sincerely respect your believe not to use a prong collar, but I hope one day, you will agree that use prong collar properly, will benefit some dogs(not all) for the rest of their whole life. I enjoy having Max, and I believe what I did is good for Max.

    Best wishes!

  6. Wei Wang

    Wei Wang New Member

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    Here are the few pictures I mentioned.

    Attached Files:

  7. Branjo Snow

    Branjo Snow New Member

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    I don't mind my Husky pulling to be honest, I think it gives me a workout at the same time. Before I would just use his nylon collar but As GsDSlave said, he would literally pull enough that I noticed a blue tongue on many occasions and nothing I tried stopped him.

    So its been a harness ever since, he still pulls hella hard but his physique is fantastic. He gets such a workout as every mile is like 3 at normal walking speed. After 2 mile's of hard (me leaning back) pulling though you can see him reach the point of 'enough for today', then he walks with more of a lean than a pull, he just doesn't like slack at all. But then he is a Husky, not a Lab.

    They just needs to "pull" their little hearts out for a while, rids them of frustration. Prong collars always looked a little extreme to me to be honest. A little too much for a Siberian imho anyway. An unruly Malamute sure, those guys can get big and judging by the strength of my Sibe, a Malamute with a prong collar is understandable when on the street.

    A collar for a dog is basically cosmetic, if your dog is a puller then a harness is a necessity, you don't want the collar to become a yoke for the dog.

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