Working line GSDs as pets Working Dogs

Discussion in 'German Shepherd Dog' started by Moobli, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. lozzibear

    lozzibear New Member

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    I love the name Arrow... but OH hates it!... And I hate the names he likes :lol: :lol: We have a few names that we can kind of compromise on :lol: They will probably change over the next 3 weeks though!
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  3. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I meant to say earlier - brilliant post!

    How do you find your boy fits into the description of active companion and what was about the working line that attracted you in the first place?

    Did you choose WL because of 1) or 2) (or both) above :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2012
  4. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Is Trent's pedigree on the database?
  5. Voraus

    Voraus New Member

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    Yes, it is!

    Thank you very much :)

    I am going to try to answer questions from both threads for convenience's sake -

    From the little I have seen, I believe that they are even less common of a first choice in North America! Initially I did not have my heart set on a working line dog, I had decided to get a German Shepherd without even being aware of the split in type between show and working lines. I was willing to go to any breeder who had German Shepherds, regardless of lineage. A few people I spoke to began educating me on the different lines, and while I was hesitant to consider the working lines, there was a local breeder who many people recommended to me, reassuring me that a working line dog would still be an excellent companion.

    I went ahead to visit the breeder and his dogs and put down a deposit for my puppy on that day, before he was even born.

    A little bit of both, but perhaps mostly 1) because I expected, at that point, for any German Shepherd Dog to possess those tenacious, working dog qualities. It was disappointing to find that not every dog necessarily had such character, and now that I am looking into another GSD, it certainly is for those "thinking dog" and "never back down" traits. But 1) still applies, because that IS what a good German Shepherd Dog should be!

    Before, I sought out 1) and got 1), a good GSD, and 2), the character without actively looking for it. Now, I am very actively seeking out those qualities I listed in 2) because I want 1), a good working type German Shepherd Dog.

    The Schutzhund club I talked about is 1 1/2 to 2 hours drive one way as well, which is another reason why I never gave it too much thought over the past 3 years. People frequently say that it is not a "weekend warrior" thing, but rather a huge commitment. I absolutely agree with you, I worry about not being able to fully give it my all, because it is something that you either devote to wholly or not at all.

    But luckily I do have my weekends free (and a little too much time during them, to be honest!), and the training director has encouraged me to make the effort even after I gave her an honest explanation of my own constraints. So we will see how it goes!

    The breeder of my dog's dam:

    Parchimer Land, my friend has imported Malinois from them before and told me he was a good breeder to work with, with excellent German Shepherds as well. I am a fan of the DDR lines that still retain the true working qualities, as they are often diluted in the US to cater to the pet/color market.

    Of course, among my favorite lines, is the Haus Iris lineage.

    And recently I have thought about the Belgian German Shepherd Dogs, but would be very picky about the litter I choose. They tend to be "busier" with more Malinois-like qualities, whereas I prefer my German Shepherds to be subtler in their power.
  6. Voraus

    Voraus New Member

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    Forgot to answer this part of the question -

    He fits into my life and his role as an active companion very well, but in a way that would still not be suited for someone unwilling or unable to manage a dog with a worker's mentality. He flourishes on the physical activity, but that is the easy part - understanding the elements of his temperament and how to handle this type of dog was the harder part, but even more rewarding for me.

    Someone can run 8 miles a day and still not be well suited for a working type German Shepherd Dog. They are a breed to be worked with, rather than simply "worked" or exercised. I have found that building a relationship and an understanding relative to each other is highly important. There is a reason why he will push boundaries with others, but not with me. People describe the breed to be "pushy" in general, but I find that evaluation misleading. Yes, they will push you, but only if you let them.

    Their drives aren't limited to prey drive, and low energy plus an off switch doesn't equate to low drive, either! My own dog is tough, hard tempered, defensive, turns "on" very quickly and is more independent than the average GSD. He needs someone who will let him know what is and is not acceptable, what he is and is not allowed to defend, and to work with his thresholds and drives. Is it hard work? No, not at all, in my opinion. The only key is consistency and creating that mindset. When the dog is bred to be so resilient, so intelligent, and so strong minded, the handler/owner needs to handle the dog with this in mind or else the dog will be greatly misunderstood.

    For the record, I do not subscribe to the "pack dominance" or "alpha" school of thought. Management, guidance, and most importantly mutual respect and understanding rather than hard handed towing around! My dog sleeps on the bed and couches and eats his meals before we do :mrgreen:

    It's not about training the little tricks, but rather about building that mindset and relationship between dog and handler. I think that is what makes me enjoy my own GSD so much.

    Wow, long winded reply for such a simple question, sorry about that!

    In short, he is an active dog that fits my description of an ideal companion, so in that sense - yes, he is the perfect active companion. But working type German Shepherds are not a breed I would recommend freely to most, unless they want and appreciate the breed for what it is - a working dog. And if they don't, I generally like to point them to consider adopting an adult (as most German Shepherds in rescue/shelters are bred for the pet market, and adult temperaments are already known) or another breed.
  7. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I haven't had a chance to look at the links you put up yet, but will definitely do so later :)

    Here is my WLs pedigree in case you were interested.

    He is line-bred back to the DDR Legend Tino vom Felsenschloß.


    I really like the dark sable DDR dogs and the Czech line dogs too, and I am learning more about them all the time. I also like some of the Belgian lines, but believe (as you have said) they tend to be much "higher" and perhaps more of a challenge to own in a companion environment.

    I agree with your observations about your own dog settling in to your lifestyle, in that a workline can make a wonderful companion in the right home. I think I would be more inclined to steer people down this route now than I would have prior to owning one myself, but again, only if the prospective home understood about working with the drives and energy. Having said that, my WL has been the easiest GSD I have owned so far.
  8. STGSD

    STGSD New Member

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    Interesting thread.

    And no fair with all this puppy talk!!! Those Bannetstane pups/dogs are boootiful!
  9. lozzibear

    lozzibear New Member

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    I know I am incredibly biased, but I think so too :mrgreen: The dad of my pup is absolutely gorgeous :049:
  10. Voraus

    Voraus New Member

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    Ah, Tino!! What a dog - I have met a few DDR dogs and DDR/Czech mixes with Tino close up in the pedigree and linebred on. He's a popular one and there's no doubt as to why :)
  11. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Thanks for all these links. I have spent an enjoyable half hour or so looking through the sites. All these breeders have some very nice dogs, and I particularly like the Haus Iris dogs.
  12. Voraus

    Voraus New Member

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    They are great, aren't they? Beautiful in structure and well known for workability.

    I have always enjoyed looking at breeder websites, glad you did, too :)
  13. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Just to dig this old thread up again for anyone thinking of getting a working line GSD ... mentioning no names ;-)
  14. Jet&Copper


    Likes Received:
    Hehehe if this is aimed at me may i remind you of the current issue that is putting mine on the back burner for a bit :lol: :mrgreen:
  15. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Oh no, I know yours is on the back burner - and you took part in the original discussion anyway ;-) This is for someone else :D
  16. Jet&Copper


    Likes Received:
    Ha so i did! Just re-read the thread :)

    Next year for me, next year.
  17. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Unless you decide on a CsV :009: :lol: :lol:
  18. Jet&Copper


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    Just keep showing me Zak and we'll be fine :mrgreen:
  19. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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  20. LupiLu

    LupiLu New Member

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    Ha ha wonder who that could possibly be:lol: :lol: :lol:
  21. LupiLu

    LupiLu New Member

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    Next year for me too but I'm starting to look NOW :mini: :mini: :mini: The idea being that if I register an interest for a litter planned for a year's time then I won't be tempted to go out and do something rash in the mean time. That's the plan anyway ;-) :lol:

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