Wolf lookalike breeders Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. banji

    banji New Member

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    alas, with correct info.
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  3. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Banji, do you think these dogs, the full body shot ones, look of good condition and carrying enough weight?
  4. Cheyenne


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  5. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Is it me or do their heads look to small for their body
  6. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    Ok last post on the subject. Not seen any photos but I did visit this kennels around the last time the person making the allegations was there (5 years ago). This person was living at the kennels and was friends, they left and (I am told) didn't make contact or attempt collect their own dogs for 18 months. There was a falling out. The person started an internet hate campaign, much as they had done against the KC previously. People here appear to be refering to a thread on another forum.

    The kennels still exist, though the owner has retired after 35 years of breeding (stated on another forum as well) and someone else runs it as a business under french regulations.I have found no one who is aware of any court case. I have regularly visited this kennel. As far as I know there are no more plans to send dogs to the UK.

    I know nothing of any cross breeding but know some of the 'accused' dogs very well and there is nothing to suggest they are anything other than typical (and good) examples of the breed, I can't comment on hip-scores published on any database but do know the database to be incomplete in some areas.

    I do not breed dogs. Both my dogs have been inspected by the french kennel club and have been granted certification.

    It is up to everyone to be satisfied that they are happy with the breeder that they buy their dog from but people spreading misleading information and hounding breeders with misleading emails in an attempt to catch them out can only breed an atmosphere of distrust. I personally do not care if these breeds become established in the UK or not but I do care about the animals individualy.
  7. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    I'd be slightly concerned if my dogs look that,
    Isis has to be kept skinny due to her hips and not even she's that thin x
  8. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    See Andre sells pups in pairs as well, great breeder bet they fun to train
  9. tazer


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    Thanks. Just wondering, do all dogs have to be inspected by the French kennel club before they will be certified, and what is the criteria for certification.
  10. tazer


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    Isn't it up to the puppy buyer, if they want to buy 2 or not.
    Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I thought breeders didn't like to cell litter mates together, well the ones I know wouldn't. Especially if they're first time owners.
  11. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    There is no KC type certificate handed out by breeders!

    All dogs that want to be registered with the SSC (KC equivalent) have to be inspected after they are 1 year old. This has to be done by a registered SSC judge for that breed. The animal has to conform to the breed standard and will be measured etc. It will then undergo a charachter test including running the dog and meeting strangers. Aggression for example would not be allowed. After the test the owner will get a certificate from the judge and this will be exchanged for a full registration in the national stud book.

    It is not a legal requirement to have this done but the offspring cannot be registered with the SSC if the parents aren't.

    Only place I have seen non registerd animals are pet shops that sell popular breeds imported from puppy farms.
  12. tazer


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    I think the KC could benafit from introducing a test like that. It'd help to ensure that all regestered breeding dogs conformed to standard and were of sound temperament.
  13. batmandy

    batmandy New Member

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    Right you lot just BACK OFF.
    Sakari my inuit is a dog that you can see her ribs. She is a very healthy dog. Infact when she was spayed the vet was so gratefull that they told me she was a pleasure to operate on as they didn`t have to cut through laters of fat. I sometimes look at her and think she is too skinny but believe you me she is very very fit, she is fed the best of everything. My other inuit x is a little fatter but you can still see her ribs. Seeing dogs with ribs and a waist are good.It just depends on what you do mine are both working dogs. You want to see my JRT they are both fat but are a bit like native ponies they live on fresh air.
    Why do you all have a problem with Andre and why are you picking on her?
    Both of my dogs come from Andre, they are happy well ajustered, friendly in perfect health. Andre`s kennels are so clean you could eat your dinner off of them. Yes her job is to breed dogs that is how she makes a living. Andre spends a lot of time with her dogs they have a great life with plenty of exercise, she has very happy dogs i should know i have been there. when i chose my Sakari i visited Andre a number of times and never once were the kennels dirty and i turned up without an appointment. In fact she has several dogs who live in the house with her, and her house is clean.And what the hell has it got to do with anyone else how much she charges for her dogs if you don`t like the price then don`t buy, seams like a lot of jealous people out here. I WILL NOT have anyone slag Andre off she breeds good dogs who are well looked after they are fed with the best food and are given the best start in life, but sometimes the puppies end up in the wrong hands but then so do children.And instead of playing the guessing game regarding hip scoring why don`t you get in touch with Andre i`m sure she will be more than happy to fill you in on how the hip scores are done, and what they mean.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2009
  14. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    I agree with the above!

    With regards to skinny dogs though, I think they were talking about De Louba Tar. I've never seen an underweight dog at Andre's.
  15. banji

    banji New Member

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    quote batmanlady.
    sometimes the puppies end up in the wrong hands but then so do children.And instead of playing the guessing game regarding hip scoring why don`t you get in touch with Andre i`m sure she will be more than happy to fill you in on how the hip scores are done, and what they mean.

    i already suggested they phone andre and ask her personally so will get correct info, but thats too easy it seems.
    as for skinny dogs, i also had the same reaction from my vet as in it was a pleasure to handle a dog that was lean,as they are meant to be.
    people overfeed there poor dogs.
  16. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Batmandy what do you do working your dogs for them to be so thin?
    And some of us dont agree with these puppy farms, so the place is clean does that mean they are getting the one on one human contact they need every day I very much doubt it as you say its a business, and the dogs are just investments.
    Its not like she is just breeding one breed is it she is breeding the most fashionable ones all 4.
    Seen although you are such a frequent visitor how paid staff does she have to look after all these dogs?
    And how do you feel about the dogs Charlie got Louba Tar and the fact they probably x breeds anyway?
    And why Charlie close 2 threads down for people asking nicely?
    Might effect business eh?
  17. banji

    banji New Member

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    quote tazer.
    I think the KC could benafit from introducing a test like that. It'd help to ensure that all regestered breeding dogs conformed to standard and were of sound temperament.

    most definately. brittain could learn alot from europe in this regard then maybe get some credit back.
    if the kc were that concietious i may even consider buying a kc registered dog.but as they arent i will stay with the excellant breeders i know,who care about what they breed and how they look after their pups and dogs.
  18. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Right lots of post since i was last here so this is going to be a bit of a mixed reply. No idea how to do the multi quote thing though so here goes . . .

    Looking on the BVA table the score for NI is not 16 NOT 17 so i was correct.

    Dotty: Couldn't find any ref to an AA hip score and i read the whole thing through. It mentioned Aa but this was with regards to a test done on Guinea pigs not dogs and is not a EU grading system. The second link was for a Dallys breeders website and again i couldn't find a ref to AA only the UK scoring system. Seems strange you jump into threads post once and the *puff* you are gone again!

    Batmandy - I don't care how clean the kennels are or who well fed the dogs are its still a puppy farm. If thats where you choose to get your dogs from then thats your choice. Personaly i would rather get mine from someone that thought less about profit margins, investments and more about the dogs as living beings. But hey thats just me :)

    GSDmad - At least you got a reply i was banned ages ago for asking questions and never found out why. I was always polite but i was not one of the JK bandwagon haters so i guess i just didn't fit in. Not that i care as its becomming apparent that the whole forum is just another propaganda(sp?) tool for CR and his cronnies.

    Phew!! Thats it for now!
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Im sorry, who said Andre's dogs were thin? I must of missed that post. I dont remember ever commenting on her dogs, period!:roll:
  20. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    This is exactly what happened to me at NIS forum, i always asked polite questions but was not a JK lover, the NIS forum is also a propaganda tool for selling puppies, lets not be dillusional here. If you dont agree with the board admin of any forum you will be banned, in that Charlie is no different from anybody else.
  21. tazer


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    I'm at college at the moment, so apologise if this is quick.

    State one nasty remark I've made about shoshone kennels, the dogs or health tests.

    I can't agree that all kc breeders don't care for the health of their dogs. My choc labs breeder, health tested and dna profiled their breeding dogs, and they don't inbreed.
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