Wolf lookalike breeders Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Its also not beyond the realms of possibility that she was at her childs football match etc... and she saw a woman with the dog, is it?
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  3. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    A concern with the Saarloos crosses is the dogs they are being crossed with, namely the NIs. Out of all the breeds around, why the NIs? There has been a huge, public debate in recent months, concerning their alleged health problems, inbreeding, false pedigrees, dodgy breeding that has gone into them, the other breeds that might have gone into them, etc. etc. etc.

    If all of this is true, it seems to me that you can't be certain of anything regarding the NIs involved, so why use them with Saarloos? This is a genuine question, by the way.
  4. Lionhound


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    Very valid point.
  5. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    I don't understand the reason for crossing the Saarloos with anything. What will be gained from it? Why not keep the Saarloos just pure.
  6. blue29

    blue29 New Member

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    Thats what she was doing then,at her childs footy match,lucky she was in the right place at the right time then ehh,to get what she wanted for this breed of dog.
  7. **Leanne**

    **Leanne** New Member

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    Yet again, another thread about wolf dogs has ended up in bitching and tit for tat and picking on breeders for their breeding conditions and how much money they make, no one can make an opinion without factual evidence to back up anything that is said. Fair enough having a healthy debate but when people are taking personal swipes and accusing people of animal abuse it is getting ridiculous! And not how I thought this forum operated.....
  8. kodi2000

    kodi2000 New Member

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    but you were close enough to take pictures of them playing, what did you think it was around its neck ? a wart ?
  9. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Bark collar, dont have x ray vision sorry
  10. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    :grin: Thank you and thank you again for travelling her up from Shoshone!
  11. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    God knows, as already stated, if it was upto me, I'd breed pure.
  12. tazer


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    Just catching up with this thread. I wasn't going to get envolved in this anymore but, that was low.

    This thread isn't about Sandra. I personally couldn't give a rats ****, if she makes money from her litters, as long as the dogs/pups are well cared for. Many people make money from animals, vets, dog trainers/behaviouralists, boarding kennels, to name a few, so why, should breeding be any different in that respect.
  13. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    Because only breeders who produce large numbers of pups for no other reason than to supply a market, treat dogs as commodities and not as feeling, sentient beings.

  14. Cheyenne


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    But she doesn't produce large numbers of pups, and nor do I but we still get accused of viewing our dog as puppy making machines, and only care for the money and not our dogs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2009
  15. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    Hi Cheyenne, I wasn't suggesting that anyone in particular does that, but simply that this is the reason why breeding is a qualitatively different kind of activity from the others mentioned - trainers, behaviourists, boarding kennels etc.

  16. Shona


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    I did not intend to get back into this, but I cant believe the way some people are defending this ecollar,

    from what I seen in the photos the dog was not aggressive to other dogs but was said to have been zapped when she got to rough, she looked rather playful to me in the photos...

    these breeds are well known for there rough play,

    maybe the owner does not undestand what is normal within the breed and are mistaking play for aggression?

    Nor do I understand the need for an Ecollar on a dog thats on lead? why cant the owners deal with the issue by corrective handling?

    Im not a fan of ecollars, but can see why some people would feel the need for them if there dog was off lead at a distance, but to me having to use one for an on lead dog shows a total lack of knowlage.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2009
  17. batmandy

    batmandy New Member

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    I have both of mine doing SAR. They are both very good, they just go and stand very quietly by the misper, then come and show me in a very quiet and calm way.
    No sorry you didn`t get what i was saying, but i heard of a rottie who tried SAR but was a little bit over excited when doing the job, these dogs have to very calm when they find a misper as the misper could be frightened of dogs. But it`s like all breeds it`s what you put into them and how calm you are with your dogs. Hope this makes sense.
    Any dog can do SAR providing they have the right temperment and pass all the tests.

  18. Shona


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    ah I see what your saying now, are your two reg SAR dogs?

    where are they working?

    you must be very proud of them,

    as to the rottie thing, yes some rotties take there work very seriously and get very excitable doing it, I think from what you say the SAR rottie dog, was in need of a bit more training,

    though I guess if you think about it, rotties would not be my first choice of dog for SAR, take for example scotland, many of the dogs would need to go up mountains in the winter, with snow and ice, there are breeds far better suited to those conditions, breeds with the right coat type and so on,

    I think Rotties are more often used in other countrys for SAR than in UK.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2009
  19. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    :) That all sounds great, what type of tests are done ? and is the tests run over a day, or longer ? , hope you don't mind me asking it all sounds really interesting :)
  20. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    As louise has said you joined in and i'm sorry but if you don't like it then you know where the door is so to speak. Looking at your posts you have very little to add to this forum anyway other then singing from the 'we love CR and crywolf' hymn sheet!

    Back onto topic:

    I would love to know the answer to LS question, why are CWD and Saarloos being crossed? Because as far as i can see it just seems to be about producing a discount dog for the pet market that still has the desired wolfy look . . .
  21. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    A few have asked them reasonably why the need to cross these dogs why not keep them pure, and unless I am mistaken there has been no answer. They are certainly not promoting their dogs in a good way by the way they have been acting on here.
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