Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. Sansorrella


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    Well, several litters with different mothers - so you don't now have a problem with the possibility that I MIGHT be using him?
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  3. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    Another thing that greatly concerns me in CR's contracts are the rules about spaying and neutering not being allowed, surely this should be the owners personal choice, its a lot of money to pay and then be told what you can and cant do, I would have thought the rescue folk would be up in arms at this.
  4. Sansorrella


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    Echo has NEVER bitten anyone. She is gobby with other dogs and did lunge at Ursula's kid and knocked him over - when she could have done so much more since he was messing about with her pups at the time and wasn't under control himself - so I think she showed a great deal of control in handling the situation as best she could WITHOUT hurting the child!

    BTW Who bred Echo? oh yes, Mahlek again.
  5. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    done another thread for cr/wolfs etc as nothings being answered on here x
  6. abbie

    abbie Member

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    and who brought up Echo? You did. You have an awful high percentage of dogs that bite, don't get on with other dogs or go for people.
  7. Sansorrella


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    LS I know your question is genuine. We were told by JK that there were NO health problems in NIs - apart from one case over 4 years ago in my line which JK assured us wasn't genetic because it was unheard of in the breed - I did not have any more cases until March this year! Had JK been honest with me I would NOT have bred that line any further.

    I know what you have gone through with Loki and had to have my own dog pts at 12 months old after a weekend of cluster fits. Then shortly afterwards his brother started having cluster fits and I would have had him pts as well (its impossible to keep an epileptic dog with a pack - as the whole nature of the pack changes and they will attack it). Marie said she wanted to give it a try, but she wasn't aware of what she was letting herself in for and wouldnt take my word for it - it was something she had to learn for herself.

    I admire the way you have coped with Loki, but in a pack situation its very different.

    There is no way in this world that I want to breed dogs like that - which is why I will NEVER breed another NI x NI litter - they are just too inbred.
  8. Sansorrella


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    Simply that the European breeders don't want them to be brought over to be bred with NI, so they won't sell them to us.
  9. Sansorrella


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    There aren't that many purebred pups, and yes he is keeping the purebred ones.
  10. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    Why are they being crossed then if the european breeders didn't want that to happen in the first place?
  11. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I appreciate your answer, thank you and I am very glad that you won't breed from any more affected lines.

    Unfortunately, I know that Loki's relatives are still being bred from, despite the 'breeder' knowing about his condition.
  12. Sansorrella


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    You must have severe learning difficulties to not have read and understood the numerous posts all over the internet where I have explained that at the time Flow's brother had epilepsy there were a number of NIs and other breeds that went down at the same time - JK assured us it was not in the breed and since there was a problem with Frontline at that time affecting many breeds, it was assumed that was the cause. No others showed themselves in my lines for a further 4 years. Understand now?

    I don't suppose you do - you just can't get through to some people no matter how hard you try.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2008
  13. Cheyenne


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    this is true, when Bailey had his first fit it was in front of Diesel crate, as the girls were in season I thought it best to keep the boys apart as well as the girls from the boys. By the why Diesel was reacting i.e. agrresavly lunging at Bailey while he was fitting, Diesel would have tourn him apart, and that I could no longer put them back to gether.

    Both me and my daughter have met echo several times, and she has been fine with us both, even allowing my daughter to through her arms around her neck for a big hug.
  14. Sansorrella


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    You are just unbelieveable - he has only just got them and now you are speculating over what will happen to them when they are too old to breed?
  15. Sansorrella


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    Until I carried out independent research there was only JK to ask about health issues - and she was adament there were NO problems in the breed. The same certainty with which she told us that the breed would be KC recognised in a year or so - that was 8 years ago!
  16. Sansorrella


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    No, I've had to come down to yours. Nothing has changed here so far as I can see. I might not have been posting but I have been reading. Same old same old.
  17. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

    Likes Received:
    Originally Posted by Sansorrella [​IMG]
    I know what you have gone through with Loki and had to have my own dog pts at 12 months old after a weekend of cluster fits. Then shortly afterwards his brother started having cluster fits and I would have had him pts as well (its impossible to keep an epileptic dog with a pack - as the whole nature of the pack changes and they will attack it). Marie said she wanted to give it a try, but she wasn't aware of what she was letting herself in for and wouldnt take my word for it - it was something she had to learn for herself.

    this is true, when Bailey had his first fit it was in front of Diesel crate, as the girls were in season I thought it best to keep the boys apart as well as the girls from the boys. By the why Diesel was reacting i.e. agrresavly lunging at Bailey while he was fitting, Diesel would have tourn him apart, and that I could no longer put them back to gether.

    Both me and my daughter have met echo several times, and she has been fine with us both, even allowing my daughter to through her arms around her neck for a big hug.

    So you took Bailey from Sandra, hoping to make a go of it, despite the epilepsy?
  18. Sansorrella


    Likes Received:
    And what would you have done with him?
  19. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    And boy, haven't we learned differently!
  20. Sansorrella


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    They must be picking up vibes from me when visitors overstay their welcome then :lol:

    Why was Boris shut away in your mum's garage all day when we were at your mum's house? Wasn't it because he was unpredictable? You also had an aggressive collie pts, so you are a fine one to talk.
  21. Cheyenne


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    I took him from the person that had him at the time, i knew it wouldn't work long term with me cos of the amount of dog's I had, but I was hopeful to find him a good homw where he would be well looked after and loved. Sadly that was not to be.
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