Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    If this breed of dog is so specialised why are they being sold to everyday pet owners?

    What is being gained from breeding them with Northern Inuits?

    And why are the being bred by more than on breeder if they are so specialised?
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  3. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    Very good questions Jem!

    Especially question two - Leaving aside the temperaments of the "feral" bitches which CR apparently imported, which are by all accounts not normal for the breed, what is in it for the Sarloos, to be crossed with a "breed" so fraught with health and inbreeding problems?
    What Sarloos breeder worth their salt would allow several bitches to be exported to the same "busy" breeder for the purpose of crossbreeding?

    It all beggars belief and morally, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between JK and CR.

  4. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    I'm afraid only people who actively drown puppies would know the answer x
  5. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    In the wild there would be only 1 alpha bitch , bloomin dogs are confused, it gets worse and worse :-(
  6. sasmi

    sasmi New Member

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    I'm a newbie on this site and just wanted to say, on the question of hand rearing the pups, if it was impossible to get near this dog to euthanise it, how would it have been possible to remove her puppies?
    I'd also like to say that I have absolutely no knowledge of any of these breeds or breeders but I am amazed and appalled by how personal, rude and insulting many of these posts have been and shocked that no moderators have stepped in. It does not bode well for the future of pedigree dogs in general that a forum of supposed dog lovers can tear each other to shreds in such a manner on a public forum. I came here as I felt that the previous site that I used was becoming harsh and bitchy (sorry dogs!!) but they appear sweetness and light next to this thread.
  7. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    Because the kennels have more than 1 door....and I would imagine if the bitch was so bad wouldv'e been hiding inside...not standing out at the mesh door waiting to be shot...
  8. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    call it a hunch, but I don't think they want to answer your question :roll:

    I think many of us would like to know the answer to that.
  9. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Yes, I am sure many of us would, it is a very valid and relevant question.
  10. Cheyenne


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    How can she answer if she's not logged in :? Not everyone spends all day on here, they have other things to do with their time :roll:
  11. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    The original question was asked yesterday (6:45pm by my clock, it is 11:15am now...you can do the math) , and sansorrella has posted 11 times since then.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2008
  12. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    Ahh c'mon now Sandra, you know as well as I that Julie only had 2 studs, Ammik, who was kennelled with Skye, and Raven who was in with the other girls, they were never kennelled together.
  13. Cheyenne


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    Well looking back it looks like she has answered :?

    And I agree, if anyone one wants answers regarding CR dogs then why not ask him yourself? Then you will get it straight from the horses mouth.

    Edited to say - By our clock the original question was asked yesterday at 11.35pm so was a bit late for some that need to get up early to see to dogs. Plus it is Sunday a day of rest :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2008
  14. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Marie if there is an answer perhaps you would be kind enough to point it out , as we seem to have missed it.

    Ref the wolfdogs (If you don't mind me asking) are you invloved with them also?
  15. Cheyenne


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    If you had read my post properly you would have seen it, she is saying if you really want to know things about CR dogs and are concerned, go and ask him yourselves! After all they are his dogs not Sandra's :roll:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2008
  16. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    As a future breeder of wolfdogs, I was just wondering of your involvement in the breed.
  17. Cheyenne


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    I have no involvment in the breed, what makes you think I have? :?
  18. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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  19. Cheyenne


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    PMSL it is a free website that I was playing with :roll:

    I have no involvement in the Saaloos breed, but thats not to say I haven't concidered or concidering it, I have no plans as yet. There is much to learn, and I am also looking into other breeds but I am not involved in them either.

    Edited to say - I had completely forgotten I had that site, think you for reminding me.
  20. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Hi Sasmi :) a bitch who was not trusting and approachable should not have been bred from in the first place then the sad situation would never have arisen . It seems there was such an urgency to get the bitches mated the moment they arrived there was no time to allow them to settle or to asses their temperament for suitability to breed.
    If the bitch in question was unapproachable after whelping it would I am sure have been possible to get a vet to to sedate her with a tranquiliser dart in order to remove the puppies,and if as seems to be the case the bitches temperament was deemed to be so bad she needed to be put to sleep the vet could then have gone on to do this while the bitch was still sedated.
    If the milk from the bitch was unusable a bitch milk substitute could have been used to rear the puppies, anything is better than letting them just die.

    In addition to the bitch which was shot it seems there is another bitch on the loose with puppies, presumable she is fearful of humans and may also be aggressive. I think there is also another whelped bitch who had to be muzzled to protect her puppies.

    This whole episode just goes to show how aggressive these dogs can be in the hands of people who don't understand and can't manage them. From what I know of Saarloos they are quite timid and need a knowledgeable handler, they are not the sort of dogs to be sold to just anyone.

    This breeder who owned the bitch is it seems an experienced breeder of sheep and a 'professional dog breeder' ,he is advertising some of his puppies from sale on free internet sites so they are being made available to just anyone experienced or not. Some of the puppies are selling for £2,000. I guess there are not many people with that kind of money to spend (even if you take advantage of the 'easy payment options , buy now pay later' which is available to those who buy from this breeder )so I guess if you have the money you will get a puppy.

    With such a specialist breed how long will it be before one of these dogs gets into the wrong hands , what if one accidental gets in whelp, if this supposed 'expert breeder' can't cope with a couple of bitches in whelp what chance does an ordinary pet owner have of dealing with a similar situation . How long will it be before there is a disaster involving a child

    I feel so sorry for these poor bitches from this lovely breed :-(
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2008
  21. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I see, that is why you put your contact details on there and spent time starting a website :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Ref you having much to learn, yes, I agree with you there.
    Happy learning, I hope you have a decent tutor.
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