I understand white Minis originated in the USA possibly as a result of puppy farmers crossing Minis with Westies . To me they are an aberration and although they are becoming popular I don't consider them to benefit the breed in any way.
Love it That said there is a German lady who has shown White Boxers very successfully in the USA for many years & still does. If I hadn't had our boy neutered [undescended testes] I just might have been tempted to show him as he is a fantastic looking Boxer. I would need a very thick skin [ ] but it would have been interesting to say the least I like the White Schnauzers, didnt know they existed but now having seen pics of them, I think they are lovely. Coat stripping would put me off tho... Oh the worries of [and praying] that the new coat will be threw in time for such and such show when you have a dog whose coat needs stripped