What is the weather like there? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Azz, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. manydogz

    manydogz Member

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    manydogz (Debra)
    It was 80F this afternoon. It is now 3 a.m. and it has been freezing cold for hours. Florida and I are having our usual love/hate relationship. It's either too hot or too cold.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It rained heavily overnight which is A Good Thing but it had stopped by 5.30am which was also A Good Thing. I know the times because the binmen came at 5.20am and woke Da Booga who woke me and who then decided she wanted to go out and sniff round the bin to see if whoever took my bag out of it had left any dog mail messages.

    She then had a p&p, came it and zoomed back to bed. Dunno what it was like at 7am when the alarm went for her pills as it was quick into the kitchen to get them and quick back to the bedroom, get her to agree to take them and back into bed.

    Surfaced after a couple of hours [well it was way past 1am before "lights out"] and lo and behold, SUN. Did not very last but long enough for sufficient sorta hot water for a non-very warm strip wash. Shower? You gotta be joking. :rolleyes: It is now overcast and no sun so no more hot water [or even warm water] today. Booga.

    But no rain so thought Yippee, can go across to the macolet for a couple of things only I cannot because "they", whoever "they" are [probably from the Moshav, not from the macolet] are digging up the pavement the only side of the macolet that I can get onto where there is a dropped kerb.

    I Hate Winter.

    Mind you -

    I Hate Summer.

    I think I am just a grumpy and miswubble old woman. SNIFF
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    A really hard frost last night. It took AGES to get the car doors to open, and the glass de-iced. The wiper blades were still iced solid when we set off - those sprays are useless. We parked in the sun at the Country Park, and when we got back from walking the dogs, there was hardly a drop of water left on the little beast.

    Like you Malka, I love Spring and Autumn, but do struggle to enjoy Summer and Winter. However, we met our friendly local alcoholic in the woods, enjoying a bottle or two.
    'Nice day', said Charles.
    'Yes mate'. 'Everyday you're alive is a nice day, mate', he replied.
    Today's lesson in Philosophy!
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - we only have a couple of weeks, if that, of Spring and Autumn - because one day it is Winter the next is Summer, and vice versa.

    It really is ridiclemous - sitting here wearing three layers of clothes with thermal long janes and long-sleeved tops as a base layer, plus two layers on top and then having to wear a thick full-length dressing gown over the top?

    To say nothing of the down gilet on top of all that, plus long thermal socks and imitation "wooly" lined calf-length boots [I do have a couple of pairs of originals but prefer to ruin these if necessary] - oh, and not forgetting the fleece-lined woolly hat which makes me look stooopid but I do not care.

    I am actually fairly warm at the moment, although looking like the Michelin man and barely fitting into Xanadu, but the only parts of me that are open to the ccccccold air are my face from eyebrows to chin [the rest covered by woolly had and high neck warm sweater], and hands.

    It inn't 'arf difficult to go to the loo with so many layers of clothes on though! :D
  6. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    We woke to 2 inches of snow and a freezing fog so no "iskola" for the the Prince and Princess today because the royal chauffeur refused to drive for 40 miles along icy roads. As usual after surveying the palace grounds from the porch the Princess Georgina went back to bed leaving Prince Gwylim to venture out on his own.

  7. manydogz

    manydogz Member

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    manydogz (Debra)
    Going to be a nice day today. Probally another freezing night though. I hate the heat and I hate the cold. It's always very humid here and the children will not tolerate wet feet. So they all did their business on the newspaper in the laundry room this morning.
  8. pugluva

    pugluva Member

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    We had freezing fog this morning I had a job to see on the motorway when I was taking dogs to the park.
    It's hang around all day so probably be the same tomorrow.
    I much prefer spring and autumn I love to see everything coming to life in the spring and all the trees changing colour in the autumn.
    Summers are to hot for me and the pugs.
    But I do love the frosty mornings it's so pretty.
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It is bucketing down, and with no insulation between the roof tiles and the plasterboard ceilings, it is bloomin' noisy.

    Also we do not have gutters and drain pipes so the noise of the rain pouring off the roof is deafening. Well if would be if I was not deaf to start with! :005:
  10. pugluva

    pugluva Member

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    Oh malka you are funny.
  11. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Think yourself lucky! I once lived in a cottage with a tin roof and when it rained you couldn't hear yourself think. The section over the kitchen leaked like a sieve and we had so many buckets to catch the drips you could barely move and the bit nearest to the stove leaked so badly I had to wear a mac when I did the cooking! Ah those were the days! I don't have gutters or drainpipes on my house and when I walk up the path to the woodshed if I'm not wearing an anorak I get wet through which I suppose is better than being buried in an avalanche when the snow starts to melt and slides off the roof!
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @Pork1epe1 - the roof on the half bungalow I first rented when I moved onto the Moshav leaked like the proverbial sieve - through where all the lights came through the ceiling. It was bloomin' damp as well and anything that touched the walls ended up covered in mould.

    All the landlord [who lived next door] did was sling tarpaulins over the worst parts of the collapsing roof.

    That was about 18 years ago and all he has done since is sling more and more tarps over the roof - and yet he is still renting out both halves of the bungalow. :rolleyes:

    The original bungalow was divided into two by a plasterboard wall - an additional loo and shower added to one half, plus a sink unit and gas connection in that half - which was the part I rented.

    All it was was one large room with the sink unit one end - my bed etc went at the other end. A narrow salon at the front, leading off from the main room, plus a tiny shower/loo room.
  13. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Didn't get up until 12pm stayed in bed snuggled up to K9, so don't know what the weather was like this morning, but its freezing now at to break the ice on me fish pond to move the footballs around [got 8 footballs in pond to stop it freezing totally]
  14. manydogz

    manydogz Member

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    manydogz (Debra)
    Was cold last night, but a nice day today. I could get used to this, but that won't happen in Florida. Usually it's so hot you wish for winter. Then when winter gets here you wish for summer. But this inbetween is very nice.
  15. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    Now tonight was pretty decent, maybe 50 degrees with no wind. Drizzly but I got both pups out between raindrops. Tomorrow up to Wed. they're predicting progressively colder then snow.
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    At the moment it is lovely and sunny but I feel very cold as I could not sleep because this bdooly UTI or cystitis or whatever it is came back with a vengeance. In the end I gave up and got up when Pereg decided she wanted out at around 5.30am so at 10am now I do not know if I am awake or asleep.

    Our GP is here this afternoon from 4-6.30pm but I can only go on Xanadu or Tontoo as The Silver Monster is too big to get up the ramp at the side to get through the back door of the clinic. Tontoo is out of the question as he has no lights and it will be dark by the time I leave. And if it starts raining again, which is forecast, Xanadu will also be out of the question as his 'lectrics cannot get wet. Neither can Tontoo's for that matter but as I say, he has no lights and I am not prepared to drive him in the dark.

    Problem is that Orli, our nurse, will not be at the clinic until just before 4pm and if she does her usual she will leave the phone on fax when she first gets there and then when Olga, our GP gets there - so by the time I am able to get through it will be late - and in any case I have no-one to go into town to get a 'scrip filled. I wanted to see Olga last Thursday when she was here from 8am-10am but the phone was on fax all the time.

    Someone needs to give Orli a boot up the backside as she regularly "forgets" to switch over to phone from fax, and the way I have been feeling this last week I could well be me to do the honours.
  17. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Could you email or text them, Malka?
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have no idea whether or not the clinic has an email address - as far as I know the only computer is the one linked up to the main Health Fund to check on patients' reports and list of chronic medications.

    Texting? How? The only phone number I have is for the clinic phone and I have no idea how to text [I only have an ancient mobile phone]. In any case even if I did know how to text I cannot use Hebrew.

    I think I will leave it and hope that either the UTI or whatever has gone by Thursday or I am up early enough to get there then. I do not think it will rain this afternoon but tbh I do not feel too good and really not up to going as I am exhausted apart from anything else.
  19. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Hope you are feeling better soon.
  20. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Much as I hate to go off topic and with apologies for having done so, I reckon I should answer. I managed to get hold of Orli on the phone, told her that no way could I get there and would she please ask Olga to print out a 'scrip for Resprim Forte for me, because I know that is the only thing that will clear it up. And no, she does not need a sample because I know exactly what the problem is.

    So - just called her again and Olga has duly produced and signed a 'scrip and Orli is going to get Rivka to collect it and bring it here. I just pray it is this evening and that one of my drivers is working so I can get it filled and start taking it straight away. The thought of yet another night and then being up since sparrow's f@rt as I have been for the last few days is too much for me at my age.
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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