What is the weather like there? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Azz, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    If we ever get postal deliveries again my only chance would be eBay. None of Amazon pet product suppliers will send to Israel, neither will Pet Planet and PAH. Amazon sell various microwavable imitation hot-water bottles but again they will not send them here.

    I know that the huge store at the dog Pension does not sell them - possibly ACE hardware/houseware at the big shopping centre might sell the microwavable thingies but as I cannot get out because of Pereg, I have to buy everything online.

    I could ask my neighbour to get me a couple of regular hot-water bottles but I cannot lift a kettle of hot water to fill one. There is no point in trying to explain a microwavable one to her as she will not understand what I am talking about. As far as she is concerned the only thing that goes into a microwave is food to be heated, and I do not think she has actually ever used hers. She cannot understand how I cook in mine, as against just using it for heating things!
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  3. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    We woke up to a bitterly cold morning and gale force winds so decided to skip training for this week mainly because since the Black Prince had his "short back and sides" he's feeling the cold, poor ickle chap! We still went to the hypermarket because I needed to find him a warm sweater and buy meat for us all. It took me ages to find something suitable for him as they were all too large or the wrong colour and I didn't think he'd appreciate either baby blue or pink. In the end I bought him a black polo neck sweater with silver coronets on the back which I thought was quite fitting to his status. He's wearing it now. I then had a quick look around the charity shop and bought myself a cream M&S polo neck sweater and a calf length, bronze coloured anorak for £11. Food shopping was a disappointment meat wise apart from fresh rabbit on special, nothing much else on the shelves, so the dogs will have to be content with chicken, pork, chicken livers and gizzards. Both dogs have gone to bed and I hope that's where they'll stay until tomorrow morning!
  4. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    Okay about 17 books on order and bought three and a calendar yesterday. Reading...it's an addiction:rolleyes: But the weather is still rather unseasonably warm. Good for getting pups out before it decides to change.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Let me put it this way.

    Sitting on the wall outside at 1am it was cold.
    Sitting on the wall outside at 2am it was very cold.
    Sitting on the wall outside at 3am it was extremely cold.

    Da Booga just wanted out, to eat grass and weeds as if she was starving, and no she did not have a tummy ache and no the grass and weeds did not make her vomit.

    Each time I dragged [literally] her in and went back to bed she snuffled all round the bungalow, round all the furniture, in every corner, being bdooly noisy but refusing to come to bed. As the noise of her snuffling kept me awake I kept getting up to find out what was wrong, and thud - she was launching herself at the door again.

    After the 3am balagan I had had enough, so did a Ram, ie dragged her along the floor into the bedroom and somehow got her up onto the bed and told her if she dared move next time I would let her out without her tether on, lock the door leaving her outside, and go to bed without her.

    She did not move.

    For about five minutes.

    Then she got herself comfortable and went to sleep.

    At 5.30am she decided she desperately needed a pee - went out, pee'd and came straight back in and zoomed through into the bedroom and had made herself comfy by the time I had locked up and gotten through to the bedroom.

    It is nice and warm and sunny outside now... :rolleyes:
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Malka I wonder why she was so unsettled in the night. Do you think that she could have had a gastric problem? Or have heard wildlife outside? I hope she's back to normal now.

    Yesterday was so cold that we had to walk the dogs in the wood at the end of the road. We couldn't open the car door due to being iced up. I do hope it's a bit milder today, as we are about to take them now. The side roads are still white with hard frozen snow, and all the car windows are frosted inside and out. Hope it is better tomorrow as Eddie is due to disgrace me at a show in Preston, and we've done no training this month, due to me bringing a virus back from the NEC!
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - I do not think she had a gastric problem as her tummy felt soft and she let me palpate it - and normally if she eats a bit of grass it is self-prescribing in that she has eaten it due to a tummy ache - promptly vomits it up and is fine.

    Last night she was stuffing herself with the grass and weeds so quickly and when I eventually got her to bed her tummy felt a bit fuller but still nothing untoward. As I said, she did not vomit and was as normal as she ever is this morning. Although "Pereg" and "normal" do not quite go together!

    I have absolutely no idea why she was doing it but as well as being on the normal seizure-watch I am now even more aware of every sound and movement she makes.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Sun, glorious sun
    Sun equals hot water
    Just washed my hands
    Four times just like I oughtta!

    Well, Tirtza has just delivered 5 kilos of chicken backs which I had to tear in half, pack each piece individually, and put in the freezers to freeze.

    So - dump the backs into the sink and put the bags they were in in the bin.
    Go wash hands in handbasin.

    Get pack of freezer bags and put on the left side of the unit adjoining the sink unit.

    Get stuck in tearing each back in half.
    Go wash hands in handbasin.

    Take out a bag at a time with left hand and put piece of chicken back in bag with right hand.
    Put bag on left side of sink unit.

    When all done...
    Go wash hands in handbasin.

    Put trays on right side of sink unit - roll up bags and put on trays.

    Take each tray at a time and put on washing machine next to Three Bees in the little hallway.
    Put as many bags in ThreeBees as there is freezing space.
    Put rest in the freezer section of Super Apollo in the kitchen

    Back to the sink to scrub it out.
    Wash hands for the fourth time.

    And lots and lots of lovely hot water in which to wash my hands! :D

    Thank you sun!
  9. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    It's sunny here but freeeeeeezing cold 'an ah donta wanta go outerside!

    Today the Princess resplendent in her warm winter coat has spent the day inspecting the palace grounds and barking instructions to passing serfs. She tells me though that if we don't have snow soon she's off the the Val d'Isere to do a bit of skiing and socialising with other high borns! The Prince refused to go out 'cos he's worried he'll get chilblains on his little whatsits and is now ensconced on one of the royal thrones reading a travel guide on "Recommended lamp posts in Europe" as he's considering a trip abroad to places where he can leave his mark ... which will be a change from the wheels of the Royal Housekeeper's car!
  10. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    its freezing & sunny here x
  11. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    At 9.30 this morning it was -13C and none of us wanted to go out. Decisions, decisions to be made ... do I wash the floors or clean out the inside of the wood burning Aga type stove in my kitchen. The stove won as there seemed no point in having clean floors only to dirty them again when I cleaned to stove. (What brilliant thinking Batman :115:) It's a lousy job because to get inside means lifting off heavy cast iron plates, brushing off all the ash and tar and soot with a wire brush and removing all the gunge by hand, followed by cleaning all the plates before re-assembling them. Gwylim (typical male) sat and watched me but was rather miffed that mum's arm.... up to the elbow ... had mysteriously changed from its normal pink to black :eek: Anyway its done now and all I have to do is empty the contents of bucket on the compost heap, then collect logs to stack under the stove, light the fire and we're all systems and this evening we'll have a lovely warm kitchen as well as a cosy living room! :041:
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Glorious out but I woke during the night as I was so cold, so ended up wearing a soft fluffy fleece onesie over my pj's - lovely and warm but a booger when needing the loo! :D
  13. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    Oy that there's a nationwide artic front and cold as a witches teat...not that I would know;) Work was no fun, every time the doors opened the cold would blast through. Cozy at home now for the New Year.
  14. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    We got rain but that's ok as its washed all the ice away x
  15. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Most of our snow has gone, but watch out for a layer of ice under the puddles. It is absolutely lethal!
  16. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Minus 4C and just started to snow .... must go up to the woodshed and bring in more logs for the fires .... tata! :039:
  17. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    We have gale force winds now along with the rain xx
  18. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Am tempted to take the 2 guard dogs over to where the branches have snapped off the trees, then tie the branch to the dogs & get them to drag it back & I can cut it up into logs for my fire (perhaps get one of the other guards to chop it into logs for me)
    Wonder if the dogs will be able to drag it back or just get other guard to go out there & chop branch up into 1 foot logs, looking at branch should get at least 6 logs from it x
  19. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    WET and very windy .
  20. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Its wet here today but have given out more snow over the forecoming weeks.

    Yes I got the fallen branches off the footpath, they been chopped up into 12 inches logs & are now on my log pile, I got 31 logs in the end off the fallen branches.
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Cccccccoldddd - winter is officially here with storms and rain [and snow in high places] forecast.

    My little bungalow is like an icebox and Da Booga is currently sitting by the open door watching the world go by - not that there is anyone around because it is Shabbat - and the door is less than an arm's length away from me...

    ...she does not care though - well, she is wearing a fur coat after all!

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