Utonagans and Northern Inuits ????? Purpose ! Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Malady, Oct 6, 2006.

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  1. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    you see though - it can never be boring, because for new members, it's not been done before. On several rat forums I'm a member of we frequently have to go over old ground - because new members ask questions. I think with any breed/animal, if you claim to be at the forfront of the development of that animal/breed, then you must be prepared to go over old ground time and again, and answer questions nicely, until you're blue in the face. Sadly, the attitudes portrayed on here by many, past and present, would seriously make anyone consider how they felt about the Northern Inuit or Utonagan, very strongly.

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  3. Scottish Mags

    Scottish Mags

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    Margaret NI Society
    :grin: I hope this helps you Malady
    Northern Inuit’s and Utonagons
    What’s the difference?

    It is often asked what is the difference between the Northern Inuit & Utonagan. It is a common misconception that these are the same breed, they are not & I hope this helps to clarify the difference.

    The Utonagan is not the same the Northern Inuit.

    The Utonagan Society was origionally started by a group of people who had decided to breakaway from the Northern Inuit Society, over time they started to cross their dogs (Northern Inuits) with various other breeds such as Belgium Shepherds, Collies, Akitas and German Shepherds. These people took their own Northern Inuits and the crosses they had created and re-named them Utonagans.

    For quite a long time these people claimed on their website that the Utonagans were no different from the Northern Inuit, that they had just decided to rename them due to the controversy caused by the name Northern Inuit (this is not true) and since acknowledging their difference’s they have changed the information on their site.

    The Utonagan Society eventually divided into the British Utonagan Society and the British and International Utonagan Society.

    In January 2005 the new chairperson of the British Utonagan Society agreed that the Northern Inuit and the Utonagan are not the same, and confirmed that the Utonagan is a cross breed of the Northern Inuit, Collie and German Shepherd and that they would be composing their own breed standard in the near future.


    So as you can see although Utonagans started out as Northern Inuits and indeed that some of the much older Utonagons are in fact Northern Inuits that had their names changed by these people, these dogs now look and behave nothing like the Northern Inuit and unlike the Northern Inuit the Utonagans are known to suffer with many health problems.

    The British and International Utonagan Society has now dissasosiated themselves with the Utonagan name & have renamed their dogs ******. It is believed that they may also have been adding in another breed that is illegal to own in the UK.

    -------BREED STANDARD -NORTHERN INUIT -------------------

    HEAD: Not too broad, skull slightly domed. Muzzle slightly longer than skull, strong and gently tapering. Lips close fitting and always black. Cheeks flat. Nose black (winter noses acceptable) and nostrils large. Slightly imperfect scissor bite.

    EYES: Oval, forward facing and set at a slightly oblique angle. Any colour or colour combination permitted.

    EARS: Set fairly high, not too large and carried erect.

    NECK: Strong and muscular with a well-defined nape.

    SHOULDERS: Moderately sloping. Elbows fitting close to chest, which must not be too broad.

    BODY: Topline level, ribs well back. Loin short and deep with no exaggerated tuck up. Croup broad and fairly short but not steep. Tail set fairly high and reaching to the hock, carried down when standing, may be lifted when excited. Curly tails considered a fault. Good rear angulation. Short hocks.

    Oval, may have five toes, dewclaws permitted.

    FORE FEET: Round, pasterns upright but flexible. Pads black and well cushioned with hair.

    COAT: Dense double coat, slightly harsh in texture, heavy coats permitted but long, flowing, silky coats considered a fault. Well defined ruff and breaches. Tail bushy.

    GAIT: Easy and far reaching covers the ground.

    SIZE: Bitches 22 inches min., dogs 24 inches min. – overall balance more important than size.

    Pure white or any shade of grey and sable through to pure black. White faces and dark masks are permitted but any colour change should be subtle.

    TEMPERAMENT: Friendly and placid, never aggressive or showing any guarding tendencies. Will submit when challenged.

    Gay tails, long soft/silky coats, patchy/pinto or black and tan colours.
    Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.


    Height: Dog min. 60 cm Bitch min. 55 cm.
    Weight: Not specified but must be well balanced.
    Colour: Any – from pale grey to black, apricot to sable and pure white.

    If you have any more questions Malady..... Well I am sure this covers them all ....I HOPE..:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2007
  4. Scottish Mags

    Scottish Mags

    Likes Received:
    Margaret NI Society
  5. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Is it any wonder some people are confused and mistrustful ..:shock:

    From what I have heard a number of NI have health problems too, it is not just the Utes which isn't surprising if they were as you indicate above the same breed with a name change, one would presume they originated from the same breeding stock :?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2007
  6. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    i always find it confusing that when you look up northern inuit on wikipedia - it directs you to utonagan - even the very very dubious '********' has a page on wiki - but you type NI - you would be excused for thinking it was just another name for ute.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2007
  7. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    The '********' breeder was Loki's breeder. :roll:

    Can't remember exactly but was it you who was thinking of getting a Ute/NI a while back but said you decided not to because of something you found out?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2007
  8. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    me? yes - not so much something i found out - but somethign I was very unhappy with. I thought them stunning dogs until I met a couple. I appreciate that the ones I met may well not have been the 'norm' for the breed - but I think it's given very very strong reservations, until I meet some more. hopefully one day. Have met a couple though, and yet to meet a nice one.

    was very upset at bloke at local car boot recently who had a ute - and said it was a rescue, and he planned to breed from it (bad enough itself imo) but this dog was nervous and snappy. I must say all of the NI and Ute that I've met so far, have not only been wolf lookalikes, but wolflike in temperament, which personally, I don't like, and would far rather an over affectionate spawn of satan like my doodlebug! :D

  9. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    :lol: You'd like Loki then - he's not great with dogs but people, OMG he smothers you with love and gets really excited. Big sloppy kisses all round.
  10. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    would love to meet him - he sounds such a darling - and he looks so stunning! :D

  11. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    ahhh zounds, i am so sorry that the couple of N.I you have met have put you off the whole breed, i would love you to meet my lot, they are soooo laid back, except tukki who is very bouncy and hyperactive but loves people, he even loves other dogs despite having half his face ripped off by a staffy. seriously tho, i took, moon and yummy to a local outdoor rock concert and they were beseiged with kids, they just lay on their backs having loads of tummy rubs loving the attention:grin:
  12. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    they sound wonderful sue! :D Would love to meet them - I would be there in an instant if transport wasn't sucha problem :roll:

    will keep you in mind though - and I AM visiting as soon as my useless fiance can drive :p

  13. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    well your welcome anytime lol, better come before i move to Ireland tho:grin:
  14. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    you're moving to Ireland? :D might be even easier to visit ;) I'm from Cork - i go there a lot - seeing as I run the Irish Rat Fancy and all ;)

  15. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    that would be great, will let you knoe where i am:grin:
  16. angelmist

    angelmist New Member

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    Yes it is confusing in that sense hence why I wrote the article on the difference to try & help people to have a better understanding.

    Mini I don't deny there maybe the odd Northern Inuit with health problems but as far as the society can tell no particular health problems are re-occuring therefore are not considered to be breed specific problems just one offs. All breeds can suffer health problems that are not specific to their breed. The society has been monitoring the health of the NI very closely so that if any breed specific problems should ever arise it will be caught early. As I stated in an earlier post the problems with the Utes started after the split from the NI after other breeds had been added in.
  17. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Zoundz, I wasn't being personal, and please don't patronise me! No one is desputing that Malady was asking some quetions. Your comment 'don't read it' isn't exactly being polite, is it.

    When Scottish mags posted that it was becoming boring, I think she meant that threads of this type are being exhausted :-(

    I can fully appreciate people asking questions that are INTERESTED IN OWNING one of these breeds, but why take an interest in a breed that some people, IMHO, don't seem to like.
  18. Scottish Mags

    Scottish Mags

    Likes Received:
    Margaret NI Society
    Thankyou Wolfie:grin: That is exactly what I meant. I have given a link to all other posts concerning the self and same issue ..its like "ressurection of the dead" PART 2
  19. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    ...and PART 3, PART 4, PART 5 you get the picture :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. jessicahampson

    jessicahampson New Member

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    I have just joined and have read all the posts. Im not going to get involved, as all i know is enough to keep my dog healthy and fit.

    All i can add to this thread is that anyone who is unsure of the Northern Inuit comes to spend some time at one of our fun days, and sees 30+ dogs in one field having the time of their lives, and making so many of us owners so proud,and plus all the owners will be there to ask any questions face to face. We are a small community of owners but very close and i have always had help whenever i have needed it, surely that is good for the promotion of any breed, prubred or cross!

    I agree that we should be here to celebrate this breed. Being horsey there is the same problems with breeding, but would like to add that the thoroughbred has a mixture of so many breeds, and has been very carefully evolved and look what has been made of this breed Desert Orchid, Red Rum etc. I know this is of no relevance but just wanted to get the point across that although some people may think that the N.I have been designed for fashion in a neish market, with all the correct breeding within a strict society, this breed has that chance to be so strong in any group or enviroment.

    Just one last thing, my Northern Inuit makes me so proud, he is a gentleman and have had so many positive comments, i have even been told he is a credit to me. I am defensive about this breed as i have been made to feel part of a family within the N.I society. I love my dog and he loves me, and wouldnt be without him for anything.
  21. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Thanks Jessica, and welcome to the forum :grin:

    If you haven't already, why don't you put a post in intros' telling us a little bit about yourself and your lovely lad :grin: :grin:
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