Utonagans and Northern Inuits ????? Purpose ! Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Malady, Oct 6, 2006.

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  1. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    i think you misunderstand me ls. :) i was referring to many people who have posted on this topic - and not to the exceptions - who i don't think it fair to list, but there are a good many people who have been as informative, helpful and patient, as others have been rude.

    i think sue understood what i was trying to say :) sadly, i'm not often as clear as i'd like to be.

    (eta. i do know a reasonable amount about rat genetics though ;) i made it my business to know as much as possible about the rats before i started breeding... but entirely off topic! :lol:)

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  3. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Thanks sutty - it does, usually. :lol:
  4. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Thank you Zoundz - I wasn't clear, which is why I asked the question and said, "forgive me". :grin:
  5. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    wolfie - is there really any need to be so hostile all the time? as i said above, you have evidently misunderstood the point i was trying to make. please could you stop being so defensive and hostile? :?

  6. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Good for you then! You know more than I do, even with a background in science :blush: :lol:
  7. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    glad you 'get me' no LS - and can everyone forgive me also, for not using caps where i should... i managed to spill wine on my shift key :blush: so it's not working properly,. and i always forget to use the one on the right side of the keyboard :lol:

    glad you understand me now anyway! :) i wasn't generalising at all - or speaking of owners of any breed in particular, i'm just a bit saddened by thed rudeness of some, and theway some jump to awful conclusions :(


  8. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    You're drinking wine? :shock: ;-)
  9. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    Probably going to sound terribly ignorant but the first I heard of Utes and NIs was on Dogsey, so bare with me :?

    I would like to know which breeds made which dogs? If anyone can help, have been reading through but have been getting confused with which has GSD and Sibe and so on.

    Also if you breed a NI for example from husky and Gsd, does that mean that all dogs born of husky/gsd mix are NIs? Or is it just the ones that look like wolfs?

    Honestly just curious, dont want to get involved in all the politics :grin:
  10. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    actually an interesting point zuba - i would also, purely out of mad curiosity, be interested to knwo at what generation it becomes an ni/ute and no longer a mixed breed...? i mean, presumably now, breeding is being done just ni to ni and ute to ute... but when it all started? :)

    just interested! :D

    and no - i'm not drinking wine... yet... though there *is* a bottle in the fridge calling to me... its one of those days lol

  11. janie

    janie New Member

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    Siberian husky, alaskan malamute, GSD..
    This is from the NI society on the breed:
    There are many admirers of the Timber Wolf but it is not practical or fair to keep these wild animals as domestic pets. The aim of the founders of this breed was to satisfy this love of the wolf, by creating a breed that resembled the wolf in appearance while having the loyal and affectionate nature required of a family companion. A Court case was fought in 1995, which proved the Northern Inuit is not a wolf dog hybrid. The Northern Inuit is merely a wolf look-a-like with wolfish qualities.

    Brief History (a full detailed history is soon to be published in a book)

    In the late 1980’s various northern breeds of dog were selected for type and size (including the Husky and Malamute) and another breed for trainability (the German Shepherd). These were carefully bred over several generations to create the Northern Inuit. In the early years a handful of other dogs (from these same breeds) were brought into the breeding programme to improve the breed by expanding the gene pool and setting certain characteristics. For many generations now the Northern Inuit has been bred pure, Northern Inuit to Northern Inuit, and a definite type has been established.

    I hope it`s OK to put this here ;O)
  12. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    it says that there were 'various northern breeds of dog... including husky and malamute' which means there must be others too? unless it's just badly worded... :) any ideas what the other breeds are anyone? :)

  13. zero

    zero New Member

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    Hi Zoundz :D I think it is easy to pinpoint this to only NI and Ute threads but almost all discussions I have seen often turn far more heated than this. I think the very reason that this remains an open thread denotes that it hasn't gone to severely off the tracks...just yet. :D

    It is people with different ideas and opinions that's all nothing more and any tone only says something about people in general not the NI not the Ute or any other dog infact. Some times people will be umm people :lol:
  14. janie

    janie New Member

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    i think it`s badly worded .. as far as i am aware... and i have done as much research as possible.. prior to getting an NI.. the 3 breeds stated at the beginning of my post are the only 3 breeds used in the creation of the NI. But NIs are no longer crossed with any other breed.. only NI to NI.
  15. zero

    zero New Member

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    Hi Zuba...no it means that would be a direct cross. an NI or Ute at this stage is a dog from other NI's or Ute's as cross breeding is now in the past. Is that what you meant?
  16. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    Thanks I think you managed to put it better than me :grin: I was trying to ask with out it sounding like I was making a point :? :lol:
  17. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    Oh now I see, I didn't realise that the breed had already been substantuated and now only breeding occurs between NIs, right? :blush: Sorry I honestly have no clue :lol:
  18. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    :lol: think that was what i was *trying* to say mys... lol! just a bit fuggy headed this morning - feel ill with this cold, and have just rememberd i have until 5pm to work out my entries for saturday's taunton rat show... :shock: aaarrrrrgggggh!!

  19. janie

    janie New Member

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    Correct.. the NI has been esablished and pure bred for many years.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2006
  20. Mel

    Mel New Member

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    So how long is it since Utes and NI's split from each other and were they the same breed before the split?

    Sorry but that is the bit that baffles me .....I have read the thread through (and very interesting it is too) but couldn't find if anyone actually knows this, sorry if it has been answered
  21. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    I agree with the above and it is good to see someone in a separate camp looking at the breeds with objectivity :grin:

    As I see it, when ever these breeds are discussed anywhere some of those who own the breeds in question automatically jump to the conclusion that everyone is out to knock their beloved dogs and so they spring to their defence, that is justifiable. :) This assumption is often untrue and seems to have been fostered to some extent by certain members of the breeds communities who have behaved in a less than scrupulous manner and don't want any questions asked.

    Some of us like the breeds but question the motives of the original breeders not the dogs, our comment are in no way malicious although there are those that wish everyone to think so.

    The problem I have with these two new breeds (any new breeds for that matter) is this, I am not saying I dislike the dogs in any way but I do question their raison detra.

    The fact that they were bred for no specific purpose except to look like another animal is relevant in as much as that old established breeds were bred for a specific purpose be it to fulfil a working task like herding sheep or merely to be lapdog/companion like the Pekingese, they had a legitimate purpose at that time . I have read much on websites about the reasons for establishing NIs and Uts and all they say is 'to look like a Wolf, there is no mention of meeting criteria not fulfilled by existing breeds.

    If I wanted to create a wolf like dog (and I wouldn't want to because to me the wolf is a separate entity/ still in existence/ I prefer the real thing and wouldn't want a tame one ) I would do so under almost laboratory conditions.

    If I wanted to create a breed in the seventies to look like a wolf (and I wouldn't because I don't think that is a good enough reason) on seeing all the information on hereditary defects that was coming out at that time I would have created my new breed using the very best tested breeding stock, every dog would have been monitored and tested as would all the progeny and a detailed record kept. The breeders of old breeds were unable to do this but with new technology it was possible to do this for a new breed.

    That doesn't mean I am condemning anyone here for having these lovely dogs just the people who bred the dogs in the first place without giving the matter thought, those who gave some the opportunity to breed cross bred dogs and charge exorbitant prices for their novelty value.
    I have looked at many pictures of these breeds, if looks alone was the reason for breeding them there seems to be little conformity, some dogs have a mask like a malamute, some a face like a GSD, ears and body shape are all over the place .

    So where do you go to learn about these breeds ? Someone on here said if people are looking for information on these breeds don't come to a general forum go to the breed clubs sites for the best information... really ? Both the Northern Inuit Society and the Utonagon Society websites are permanently under construction so not much information to be obtained there. So maybe turn to the breeders for advice but who can you trust? There is no recognised breed standard to adhere to and many uncertainties with breeding stock.

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