Trust - A Deadly Disease Discussions

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by mo, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. Gnasher


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    I wasn't sure !! Thanks for the clarification, and apologies for being thick!

    I did have a lovely birthday thanks, despite having to work. Poor Tai's face is a mess, and he is refusing to have anything to do with me or OH at the moment. A natural reaction to a dog who knows his place in our pack and looks to us to protect him. We failed to do so, he got hurt, and it is our fault. I feel a heel, but to be fair to me, I was behind my OH and daughter and didn't see the GoldenRetriever to start with. When I did spot that there was going to be trouble, it was too late, the GR attacked and Tai had the temerity to growl back at him, causing the GR to erupt in a frenzy of jaw snapping of such ferosity that there was no way I was going to risk separating them with my hands, so waded in with my considerable bulk and pushed Tai in front of me with my knee. That sorted them out. I have now got blood all over my best Mansfield very expensive coat and poor Tai will be scarred for ever. And it was our fault really ... me for not being more alert, knowing that OH is not good at reading dogs body language, and him for turning his back on Tai to get our drinks before waiting for me to catch up and come into the pub.
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  3. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    what has jackbox said to get your goat??? :shock: :shock:

    the first line alone says 'this is comming from someone with no experience of this breed'

    but she is obviously keen to learn and to try to understand,unlike some that think they know all and are too stubborn to realise they know flip all!!!
  4. Gnasher


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    A havoc of Huskies! Love'em, beautiful dogs!!
  5. Gnasher


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    She consistently fails to miss any opportunity to have a go at me and my dogs, both present and past. She knows nothing about keeping northern-breed types, clearly she disapproves of my choice of cross but at the same time does not know what she is talking about. When I once offered to educate her, she rudely told me don't bother, she wasn't interested! And then has the temerity to tell me that as I have never owned a pure husky or mal, I don't know what I am talking about.

    Hence my suggestion that she takes the brick out of her own eye before attemping to take the mote out of her's!
  6. Gnasher


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    I do not know flip all actually. I have spent several years in particular researching and reading up about the Mal. I am very attracted to the breed, and before getting Hal, we were considering a pure Sibe because we were getting fed up waiting for Eddie to find us a pup. I think it took around 3 years before she eventually matched us to a suitable pup.

    Just because I happen to disagree and argue with the assertion made by most breeders of Mals and Huskies that you cannot let them off the lead, ever, does not mean that I know flip all. It means that I am a free thinker who does not just blindly accept what she is told ... there are many such myths surrounding dogs in general. One person says something, and then suddenly it becomes the Gospel, the Holy Word, and has to be obeyed. Well I'm sorry, I was taught to think for myself. I do not just blindly accept anything I am told by anyone, however professional they may be. I was told by a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, as an example, that I was fine, no bones broken. I had fractured and crushed two vertebrae in my neck, dislocated my coccyx, fractured my pelvis, my ankle, and seriously damaged my right knee and right foot in an accident a few years ago. Are you saying I was wrong not to question his judgement, and seek a second opinion? I could easily have ended up in a wheelchair because of his incompetence.

    My advice is always to listen to the experts, for sure, listen and research and then form your own opinion. Sometimes of course I am proved wrong. I may well be wrong about Huskies and Mals, but so far I see no evidence to persuade me thus.
  7. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    sorry gnasher but...
    1..... nor do you :? :?
    2..... yes u tried to educate me too :roll: :roll:
    3..... imo you dont ;-)

    in that one post Jackbox has shown,she has listened and learnt...why dont you try to do the same?
  8. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    but not lived with them,you can think all you like,living is the only reality ,untill then its just a fairytale;-) :mrgreen:
  9. Gnasher


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    I was not referring to the second part of her post, I was referring to the first part.

    Number 1, I beg to differ, but whereas I would never declare myself to be an expert, I do happen to know quite a lot about wolf crosses, having lived with more than one.

    Number 2, I did and you just refused to believe me. Your choice, and your loss as it happens, but there you go, it saved me wasting my time.

    Numbeer 3, you are entitled to your opinion.
  10. Gnasher


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    I am about to PM you, it is up to you whether you read it, or bin it.
  11. jan@pembs

    jan@pembs New Member

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    Im sat on the fence with this one .... i have my won opinion and i make sure my dogs are safe whatever we do together, be it on or off lead.
    My point is no matter what dog you own there are times and places when they should NOT be off lead and NO dog is 100% safe, look at the Lost dog sites you will see lots of terriers, gundogs and so on all gone off after furries on walks etc.
    Its not just Huskies that have this ability to go deaf and chase anything that moves.

    Back to the fence now

  12. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Yep - one of the worst things in the world - I HATE seeing birds in cages!

    And goldfish in bowls.....!
  13. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    I think my dogs agree with you as they always seem to want to let them out...:002:
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Thanks , glad I got the gist, Like I said, they are not breeds I am familiar, with, but from reading the many threads on here , I sort of understand why you are all so protective of your breed.

    That must have been terrifying for you:shock:

    :shock: :shock: My dont you just love to get your knickers well and truly twisted.

    As far as Boxers go, I know them inside out, so could answer all your questions, but then if you owned a Boxer /Lab/ Heinz 57 , and tried to tell me how to suck eggs, concerning my breed, then I would have to inform you , you need to own one to understand one?

    I think its the fact I opened my mouth :lol: :lol: :lol:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Thank you, I have found this interesting, and its always good to open your eyes (oops sorry, need to remove ones bricks first) and learn!!
  15. Gnasher


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    Oh yes! I forgot about goldfish. As a young girl, I won some goldfish as you do throwing ping pong balls into jars at the fair. I hated to see them swimming round a boring bowl, so we put our fish in an old enamel bathtub that we had at the top of the garden, underneath the garden tap. We filled it up with water (it was in the summmer), allowed it to stand for a few days in the sun to warm up a bit, and then turned the tap on just enough to drip a few drops per minute into the water to oxygenate it. We then released the fish into the bath, and to start with I would feed them with goldfish food, but eventually the natural flora and fauna built up and I ceased doing this. Winter came, and tragically I forgot about my fish. The bath froze ... winters were like the one we are having at the moment in those days ... and to my chagrin, in the ice you could see the shape of frozen fish. I was devastated. Come the warmer weather and the thaw, sure enough, no fish, just horrible white flaccid rotten bodies ... except for one! One brave little fella had survived the ice!! Ever more to be known as Lazarus, this plucky little chap lived on for at least a couple more years, with me being more vigilant this time during cold spells and making sure that I broke the ice and fed him. I don't remember whether we added any little friends to keep him company, but I expect we did.

    I wonder if Lazarus went over the bridge like Hal !!
  16. Gnasher


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    Good then ... it sounds like if I ask you nicely, you won't spurn my advances this time !! So, I shall send you a PM!
  17. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I have to say Jackbox has it pretty much nailed..considering she has never lived with the breeds or claim to know anything about them..

    Jackbox..I think we would all be fine if you decide to own a sibe or mal..LOL
  18. budskipup

    budskipup New Member

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    helen thatcher
    I mentioned earlier in the postings my son takes our husky to an enclosed site to run free, tonight at 5.00pm we got a call from him to say he couldn't get her back she'd gone to ground in the woods .Me and my two older sons went over armed with torches and treats, the snow on the fields was about 18ins deep and in the woods alot deeper .After 4 hours two of my sons found her running up and down the fence at the back of the wood.
    My son whistled her and she came running back to him straight past them through the wood and into the field where me and my other son were, she looked at me I got on my knees and she ran into my arms ( I think the sausage in my hand helped)
    Why didn't she come when he whistled her the first time we'll never know , has she ever done this before ,no , would we have got her back tonight if it wasn't an enclosed area ,
    no she'd have been miles away
    WAS she bothered about all the fuss no, I got her in the back of the truck and she gave me a dirty look and snorted at me
  19. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    That made me laugh. I know that look :lol: Mummies just been branded the 'fun police' again!

    Seriously, I'm so glad you got your lass back. So so frightening when one of your furbabies is running loose.

    Take good care of yourself.

  20. Gnasher


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    I've thought long and hard about what you have written her. It must have been scarey to say the least that your son couldn't recall your husky. I know very well what this feeling is like - not with with Tai, but dogs I have owned in the past. Hobo's I used to call them, they just had the wanderlust. Winston, a golden labrador my parents rescued was one such dog. He ate his way through at least 2 sets of solid oak yard gates to escape. They will not have their dogs sleeping in the house, so he had to go before he bankrupted them. Personally, I would have had the dog inside with me, and he probably would have settled, but that's another story.

    I have come to the conclusion though that I still would never keep a dog of mine on the lead the whole time. There is nowhere round here field or wood-wise which is completely safe, completely contained, and in any case I think dogs, like us, like variety and going to different places. I really would struggle with the idea of not being able to let a dog run free, even after having read your story.
  21. budskipup

    budskipup New Member

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    helen thatcher
    yes, I will dread it when my son takes her again ( she's his dog ) I couldn't believe the size of the place when I got there. Talking to doggy people on our rather shorter walk today the general feeling was she got confused in the woods and our shouts wouldn't have sounded like they were coming from the right direction, she's fine now ,I going to the shops to get some hair dye , thanks Helen

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