Things you think are 'wrong' with wolfy type crosses/new 'breeds'? Discussions

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by Alphatest, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    The leader of the NIs should set an impeccable example, which on every level she does not.

    When looking at the hundreds maybe thousands of NIs bred we still probably have only about 5 old ones, this to me seems strange.

    I have personally had my family, my home and my dogs threatened by JK not fiction FACT as have many others.

    Yes there are health issues in other breeds but the percentage is greatly higher in NIs.

    The in breeding that has been proved in black and white is a disgrace, breeding siblingsand mother and son ect is morally and ethically wrong and I dont give a hoot about improves this or that it goes against nature and JK has constantly done it.

    I would like to see someone who has no vested interest be head of this new federation then the NIS can stop with the picking on us card.

    ETA JK has 2 cruelty convictions FACT and having worked with the RSPCA a few times they dont falsely prosecute in fact only ever get a prosecution if a water tight case and they very hard for them to get. So why on earth this woman is in charge of the NIS beggars belief.
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  3. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Yes, sadly true. JK has stated that the dogs used were crossbreeds & no health tests were done although 1 dog was x-rayed.
  4. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    :blush: :blush: :blush: Bu**er. Fair point, but I'm for one not holding my breath :)
  5. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Who in their right mind with no vested interest would want to do that with all this going on.
  6. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    Proof please

    Proof please, do you have access to the thousands of certificates, or are you just making an uneducated guess?

    I'll accept you have if you say so, but please don't use other people.

    Very big statement. What is the basis of this?, and what is the percentage?

    Mmmm, a moral argument, dangerous ground. Did you know for instance that the oriinal ship that landed in America only had 119 people on it, and that included children. A very small gene pool to start a new community.

    It doesn't go against nature, it goes against current morals, that's a completely different argument.

    Ah, one I can agree with :)
  7. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    Do I have to say anything :lol:

    Lots of facts so far :grin:
  8. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    So, 5 pages in and the only fact (and I haven't seen the actual post) is that the original two dogs were cross-breeds with no health checks.

    Even that doesn't necessarily mean that there is a problem, just that they weren't checked for problems.
  9. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Could someone (preferably JK) please come forward & state for fact that JK has DNA for her dogs or has sent for the packs. Alternatively can someone (preferably JK) please suggest to me in their own opinion why she has not done so in light of whats been happening lately.
    Clearly JK's dogs are in everyone's pedigree's so it seems the best place to start DNA tests IMO.
  10. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    IMO I think DNA profiling is a good idea. Although it can only state parentage of the pups surely this is a good thing. Any dog that developes a heireditary illness, can be then linked back to the parents and therefore all arguements regarding pedigrees can't be questioned (providing parents are also DNA profiled)

    Thanks for the link earlier Linda, I'll now aks for a swab kit for Nushka to be profiled :mrgreen:
  11. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    Good suggestion. But this will only prove which dogs are from which line. It may point to trend in a genetic disorder. But it's not going to tell us "things that are 'wrong' with wolfy dogs".

    And as I've pointed out, who would you trust to keep these records. Are the KC going to be bothered with a non-registered breed?
  12. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Efes this thread asks what we think of the breed (factually, all area's) there is nowhere it states this thread is only about health problems, there are other threads for that, of course you are welcome to discuss them but its not what the thread is all about. :002:
  13. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    I believe the thread asks what 'wrong' with the breed? Not what we think of it. If you wish to be pedantic making the DNA suggestion post is not discussing what's wrong with it, it's suggesting ways of improving. Perhaps it's you that should start another thread, or even join the one that's already discussing that instead of double posting.:002:
  14. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    It's got to be worth doing though. There are a few NI breeders that do DNA profile their dogs/pups but not sure if that's through the KC or not.

    As Lucky Star stated in another thread, you can have a full cert of the profile, scan it and give the scanned copy to the relevant breed club. If you keep the original, it won't matter who you trust to have or not have it, you still hold the original and the KC still has it on their database ;-)
  15. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    The other thing that just drives me crazy is the rescue dogs. They are rehomed without being castrated or speyed, the result is quite often puppies (i have proof) How is that rescuing a dog? Further to that the pups are then ADVERTIZED by ADMIN !!!!!
    So much things about these breed of dogs are done with little regard for the dogs.
  16. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    That's really bad. I thought every rescue organisation had their dogs 'done'. Surely these can't be any of the registered rescue places?
  17. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Hi Efes
    I apologize the word is 'wrong' I stand corrected on that.
    The DNA post is relevant as it would go a long way to prove genetic faults or (whats wrong with the breed)
    Sorry i dont see where i have double posted but do not see the need to start a thread entitled DNA as i said, its relevant here in this one. :002:
  18. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    OK, so far the facts we've had of what's wrong with the wolfy breed are:

    1. No health checks done on original mating pair
    2. No single organisation in control over the breeding/registration

    Any others?
  19. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Yes, sad but true. It makes my blood boil. We are not allowed to post links here which is why its so difficult & frustrating to prove things but i can assure you this is happening right now.
  20. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Can you please add in no rehoming policy & no castration / spaying of dogs to be rehomed as i feel very strongly on this one.
  21. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    No probs, probably over-reacted anyway, just had a big argument with a work collegue and not in a good mood. :-( Will try to cheer up

    Sorry, didn't mean you'd double posted, but there is a close copy of your post on the NI health thread.

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