Things you think are 'wrong' with wolfy type crosses/new 'breeds'? Discussions

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by Alphatest, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    I too prefer utes, love the more brown and apricot'ish looking ones, with thicker/longer coats. Also have met more even tempered utes than N.I from personal experience.
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  3. Lionhound


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    I have never met one but would love to:001:
  4. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    not sure I agree... purely rumour but was collie used in the outcrossing which is maybe what gave the longer coat?
  5. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    I haven't met any utes but would also like to
  6. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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  7. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    going by those pics I prefer the NI's
  8. MistyBlue


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    thanks i replied to that!!

    i cant post pics of the UTs i have seen as its on someone elses website/homepage not sure if im allowed

    but im pretty sure they were all long haired? lol well must just be the ones ive seen! :blush:

    well anyway i prefer the long hair ones lol!!! :mrgreen:
  9. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I remember coming across it somewhere that there was one `approved` outcross, maybe the one you refer to is that one ?

    That said, there is more than one Ute group, and one of those has a warning on their website about people breeding Ute crosses but selling them as Ute`s and that they are working on a pre-Ute register for consideration of usage of documented Ute crosses and founder breeds, presumably with a view to widening and strengthening the gene pool,[ they don`t actually state that but it`s how it appears to me anyway ].

    Also, I know of at least one case of a claimed Husky cross- not even Ute or NI cross at that - being used, [ yet was occasionally claimed to be a Ute here and there apparently `to suit` and had a Ute reg type name ], with an NI bitch and the litter then sold as `Ute`s` but whether they were registered with their fake papers, [ according to the stud owner ], or not is another matter. That stud was used at least twice, 9 offspring from one litter, don`t know how many in the second, and who knows if those offspring were bred from with the owners believing they had pure Ute`s, and if they were innocently registered as well then yes there are other outcrosses `out there` albeit without the knowledge of the owners concerned :102:

    That sort of thing is`nt limited to wolfy lookalike breeds though, sadly there are always going to be scummy lowlifes out there conning people, `aint human nature a wonderful thing, [ sic ].

    And lets not forget the ones which are called by NI or Ute depending on who has fallen out with who and regardless of what breed name they were given before any fallings out :101:
  10. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    If collie was used it was used a long way back and would have influenced the NI's as well, remember Utonagans were separated from NI for various reasons, politics and pedigrees being only 2 of them, one of the other reason was that utonagan people had a different vision of what they wanted. I have seen it said somewhere (maybe on here I don't know) that the NI's 'look' is no longer based on the wolf. Lots of people say to me that my Cariad is very wolfy looking, I must say I prefer her coat (rough coat) than Maelona's (double coat), however Maelona has a brain which she uses, Cariad has a brain cell but often leaves it in the water bucket:lol: :lol: There are still NI's about with a heavy coat although it is a breed fault. Some of them look very much like Utonagans as a matter of fact.
    Lots of NI's have blue or odd eyes, which in Utonagans is a fault
  11. MistyBlue


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    oh if the NI's look isnt based on 'wolfy' anymore i wondered why the website says it is.......:!:

    why are they breeding them now? i would have thought that blue eye swould be a fault as wolfs dont have blue eyes!

    (sorry just realised this sounds like im having a go at you, im not!! i was agreeing!)

    just joined another forum have read SOooo much about JK & others its unreal what goes on behind closed doors! :shock:
  12. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I can give some info on this. Cross-breeding of Utonagan dogs has happened, unfortunately and some are passed off as full Utonagan. The pre-Ute idea is about LOGGING (NOT registering) these crosses with a view to keeping them under the wing of the Association to provide help and advice to the owners and to keep an eye on them and document any genetic health problems etc. with respect to the lines they are from. Keeping them under the wing, so to speak, was considered better than ignoring them and leaving them 'out there'.

    It does not mean that the deliberate breeding of these crosses is encouraged or condoned.

    Because of the lack of diversity, IF dogs are healthy in the long run and pass health tests, are considered suitable, etc. etc., they MAY be considered in a breeding programme to run alongside the Utonagan programme. However, this is a big IF and has not yet happened.
  13. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Probably because `someone` forgot to delete it when recently pretending to `justify` starting a new breed for something other than the reality of it being based solely on a look.

    possibly £££££££££`s ?

    But then dogs are not supposed to have yellow eyes but hey ho :lol:

    and sometimes thoroughly horrifying :?
  14. MistyBlue


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    i know :( literally cant beleive what i am reading im stuck to my chair cant take my eyes away!!! :-o
  15. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    boring and old news yes horrifying but going over the same old stuff is boring. I don't think all NI breeders do it just for the money or just the look. NI do bring something special, something other breeds just dont have, I don't know the best way to describe it and I guess unless you are lucky to have one you wouldnt understand.
  16. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    there are dogs with yellow eyes, my Thunder is one of them, it is found in other breeds too.
  17. MistyBlue


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    Thats what Every owner thinks of their dogs!! :mrgreen:
  18. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Special alright, their owners cherish them (like any other dog) and then get to hear all stuff like this, and are faced with heartbreaking decisions connected to it.

    Lucky? to have a dog bred by a person (nobody specific) who doesnt health test, uses patchy dogs, dogs with curly tails, poor temperaments and the entire breed or "type" connected with such lies, which will certainly account for a vast majority, wouldnt exactly call that lucky, would you?
  19. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    If you are reffering to cryXXXX then all is not what it seems over there, I questioned what has been said and was instantly banned, there are horror stories but not much in the way of proof, look beyond the scaremongering and you will see it doesn't amount to much other than old news from 20 yrs ago and non factual stories from people who are driven by hate, which is neither balanced or progressive.
  20. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    That was my take on things leading me to assumed it might be in the offing at some point, and I was pleased to see the health side was stressed and if that`s what happens to improve the gene pool with healthy dogs then it bodes well, on the surface of it at least, [ provided the health side is adhered to stringently and so long as there is no culling but also no breeding from any which are not suitable to further things for the breed ].

    If only the kind of even the basic care outlined there had been a part of how things should have been done from the start of the whole wolfy type `scene` ... :?
  21. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    Borderdawn - another sweeping statement, not based on fact, someone brought up patchy coats and curly tails earlier and you have now latched onto that one! I have had other breeds and yes all special but NI are different.

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