The journey of Cash - my Hovawart Photos

Discussion in 'Hovawart' started by Dogloverlou, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Eddie had a very unsettled start in life, and was approx. 17 weeks when he came to us. I had lots of problems with car sickness, resource guarding, and inability to make eye contact or socialise with both dogs and people. I think a change of home is a major traumatic event for some dogs - especially after that vital 'socialisation window' has been passed.
    I'm sure Cash will develop more confidence as he builds a stronger bond with you. and this will come through the training you are starting to do. I know you imported him, was he used to hearing the English language? Eddie's big breakthrough was with the 'Watch the (dog or whatever), and Watch me', (Then treat), command. Which encourages the dog to take notice of his environment without dwelling on the thing which has taken his attention.
    The food thing can take time - we had a serious fight the first week, so split them up for mealtimes, but always gave any small treats to both together (not big ones like bones). Gradually things did start to mellow, and now Ed will defer to Tweed without any resentment, and they do eat together.
    Puppies are such a joy - but boy do we worry about them! Cash is such a lovely boy, I'm sure he'll make you and his breeder proud.
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  3. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Thank you Carol. Funny you mention about him knowing the English language, because I don't think he does much. It was something that his couriers transporting him here commented about jokingly. So that's probably added to the overall confusion. I think he's just starting to recognize words I'm saying to him. I mean, as far as I was told he was used to is name ( which he is ) but I have no idea whether other commands were taught in English or not. I'm presuming they wasn't.

    I've kind of been doing the "watch me" game. He looks at the dog/person and I call him to look at me immediately and then reward.

    Feeding seems to be a bit better now too. Cash eats in the hallway and seems to be waiting back a bit more when told. I still give all three dogs the odd treat together, like you said just the small treats. Hopefully he will continue to improve.

    Here is a pic I took yesterday of him...


    And guess what? Tyler played with him!! I had to step in to help Ty out, bless him, as Cash got a bit to much. But it's all a step in the right direction towards Ty feeling more at ease with him. Missy hasn't really played with him yet, but she likely won't.


    :D :D :D :D

    Took all three on our first walk together out in the car this afternoon. Cash is strapped in with a harness in the back because otherwise I fear he'd be everywhere. Both boys met a little Schnauzer to say hello to and Cash approached the lady owner himself.
  4. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Not sure why the pic of him and Ty playing hasn't shown up....

    Aha, there you go!
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Lou - it is the language. Both Little One and Pereg were born and brought up in Hebrew speaking homes, and neither had heard a word of English until the came to me. Accepted I am bilingual but I do tend to a lot of English with Pereg, as I did with Little One. Actually I use both languages I honestly am not aware of which language I am speaking.

    And Pereg understands both languages as my neighbour does not speak English and they both adore each other.

    But Cash does not have English as his automatic human language, so apart from anything and everything else, he has to learn the English words for things.

    This might sound a bit stupid and even I forget my English at times, but I do think that Cash needs to learn/understand certain words in English, just as he needs to learn/understand dog verbal and body language.
  6. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Yes, I'm sure that adds to his overall confusion Malka. I mean, anyone would feel overwhelmed moving to a new country, not knowing a word of their language and expected to "get on". So that is understandable.

    I've been in touch with his breeders, who basically confirmed that he's had a major life change. As the breeder's lie out in the country, surrounded by forest, they've not even had to use leads on their dogs, and they didn't meet people walking along roads or anything of course. They took Cash & his sister into the city where they did fine and as I said, Cash was taken to their training club weekly. She commented that the litter as a whole are all high tempered and all started barking at people/dogs from 3 months old.

    Am also due to speak to someone at the Hovawart Club UK today also. So, hopefully I will be able to have a good chat with them.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It is not just spoken language, it is the way things are said and the emphasis on words.

    For me, if I wand Pereg to sit, I say "shvi". If she was male it would be "shev". And emphasis on certain words in a sentence is difference. I use a lot of sign language with Pereg - no read need to but I do, and she understands. And she would understand my neighbour if she used the same signs. Probably.

    Words are different to Cash. Sounds are different to him. Scents are different to him.

    In face everything is different to him.

    And he will need to learn.

    He is now in a totally new world so needs time. And love.. Which I am am sure you have more than enough of!
  8. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Training today went fantastic! Cash was probably better trained then two of the smaller dogs who'd been there much longer lol. He had good focus on me throughout, was walking nice on lead, did a nice down and even had fun learning some of the basic agility equipment. He shot through the tunnel like a pro, learnt to get on " the box" for his reward and it was almost as if he'd done it before. Very bright! Think he got a bit over tired towards the end but that was to be expected. He must have been so mentally exhausted.

    Came back and had a chat with someone in the Hovawart Club. She was helpful, but firm, and was very frank with me. She asked me what the hell I thought I was doing and that she wouldn't have sold me a puppy! She asked me if I'd gotten him on a whim. That couldn't be further from the truth! I did so much research and everything right as far as what is generally advised to do before you commit yourself to a dog. I felt like a naughty kid basically. So, my goal of being accepted by the club looks like it's fallen flat before it even started. They don't much like imports by the sounds of it...despite the fact there are quite a few imported dogs here already. Or maybe it was just because I'd done it all myself without anyone's help. A testament to the fact how much I did research and my capabilities. That said, I don't know the breed as well as this lady and I am going to take her advice seriously and implement it. I just feel a little intimidated right now.
  9. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    Phoebes brother was like this with his own mum. Poor Zena just took it all never gave it him back. Was sad to see so i know how your feeling. My brother did a few of the typical alpha dog things like feeding him last, letting him in/out last, pretending to eat from his bowl before giving it him. Zues soon learnt his place and Zena soon became happier and more confident. Once he matched her size she had no problem letting him know he was out of line so not sure if if she wouldnt snap at him because he was little. Glad to hear things are improving with cash and hope it continues it could all just be because it was such a massive change.
  10. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Its great that things are coming together, sorry that you had a rough time from Hovawart Club,whilst i understand she may have concerns surely it would be in the 'Breeds' best interest for her to offer you help rather than condemn,after all thats what they should be there for to help newcomers to the breed., and why wouldnt she sell you a puppy ?? Sounds a bit like 'sour grapes to me.
  11. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    She did offer me help...after a while and did say "what's done is done now" but she wished "they'd" caught me before I made the decision to import. I had actually been in contact with the club before, attended a club show, and been in touch with UK breeders before, so it's not for lack of trying on my part. She also asked why I'd contacted them and not my breeder. I had done actually, but just thought contacting breeders and owners in this country would provide me with invaluable support closer to home. Still, I do get the feeling because I'd done everything off my own back it wasn't really something she was happy with. Most of the advice was dominance based...but she drummed it into my head just how "hard" the breed is and that I basically have to be in charge at all times. I actually looked at Cash afterwards and was just like "Woah!". Not sure I'm interested in joining the club now. But have taken her words on board.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Sorry about all the typos in my last post, I was wearing the wrong spectacles.

    Anyhow, what you said about the Hovowart Club reminds me so much of the Griffon "clique", which is why some of us split away and formed our own Griffon Bruxellois Breeders Association.

    And to my horror I have discovered that some of the original "no no no, we never have puppies with clefts" and "no no no, we never have hip displasia in any of our lines, are still breeding even now- probably a daughter of the original breeders as this was way back in the1970s and 80s.
  13. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    6JRT's, Azz and GsdSlave like this.
    Well, I'm following the breeder's advice now as it's more in line with my own thinking and besides, she knows her dogs best.

    Took Cash to a massive county fair today. He did really well. The only thing that spooked him was when we first got out of the car and a toddler was walking past next to us. Sent Cash into a growling/barking fit. But the county show itself was a fantastic way of getting him used to so many different things from farm machinery and livestock, to hundreds of people & other dogs. He took everything in his stride and was unfazed by it all. Even feel asleep half way around lol.

    He's discovered the joys of trying to get Missy to play with him. I'm not really sure though her play was within normal bounds though. I mean, she plays rough in general and is vocal, but she seemed excessively so with Cash. He was grabbing her pretty hard too and pounding her with his paws, so hardly surprising if she was getting pissed off with him. Then after I broke up the play and gave Cash a little time-out, on letting him out of his crate again he beelined Missy and she grabbed him this time and made him cry out :( But Cash has to learn how far to go.

  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    He will learn Lou - give him time. But he is still a baby and missed out those important few weeks with you.

    But he will learn. He just needs more time than normal.

    Cuddles from me for you and all of yours xx
  15. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Well, a little Cash update. Things are going better. He's been slightly more friendly towards people and seems like he's settling in more now. His second training class went well and tomorrow he's off to stay with a home boarder dfor 2 weeks while we go away on holiday ( sadly Cash couldn't come this time ) but I've found an amazing lady who is going to look after him. Slightly worried it might make him unsettled again, and he'll wonder where he lives seen as I've only had him two weeks myself! But the lady has reassured me he'll be fine and once I come home he'll instantly remember and recognize me. Hope so!
  16. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Been a while since I updated you all. Cash is now 6 months old and looks like this...



    He weighs 26.8kg which I think is a good weight.

    We've had our issues, and continue to do so. I had a behaviourist out a week ago and have got lots of good advice and tips from her, so hopefully I can make things work. He has a touch of resource guarding, and is a bit demanding and one sided in his play. But he's so intelligent and bright and I'm enjoying training him. Although finding training classes has been SO difficult. Never knew it was such an issue. We've had a one-to-one session with an IPO trainer but I really want to join a club and none are local :( I'm hoping to join a new training club in the next couple of weeks although don't feel they're that bothered about me attending or not. However they train to competition level obedience and that may well be something we'll try out.

    Cash continues to be nervous of strangers, especially men. They only have to turn and look at him and he spooks. It's a real issue for me, but I'm doing everything I can to help him feel more confident. He's fine when we're in a built up area, or at a show etc, but one on one he freaks!

    His breeder continues to be helpful, but has said that none of his siblings have shown the same exaggerated fear responses. As Hovawarts still aren't homogeneous some are overly suspicious and OTT in their reactions than others and while no breeder strives to have those kind of dogs in their lines they do crop up from time to time. We're still hopeful this is just a confidence issue with Cash though.

    Am planning on entering him in the Open show at the breed club show in October. But we've not done an ounce of ringcraft work and due to Cash's nervousness I'm worried he may not enjoy being handled so we shall see how things progress.
  17. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    OMG Cash is massive he's grown a lot since last photo's of him, he so gorgeous :007:
  18. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    GsdSlave likes this.
    He is a handsome young man. I hope it's not a male judge at your show.
  19. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Hasn't he grown and what a handsome lad, as hes a wee bit nervous of strangers id get him used to friends / family going over him like a judge would, first of all then if there is any ring- craft clubs around that would be helpful, I used to start my youngsters off at fun dog shows.
    Personally if hes not sure of men, i wouldn't enter him under one untill hes more confident, it could just make him worse a strange man going over him, and could ruin his reputation for future shows.
  20. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Thank you. The judge is a female, but like I said, I'm seeing how he progresses over these next two months.

    I'm desperate to get into ringcraft but it's been harder than I thought.
  21. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    He's looking fantastic Lou :049:

    Hopefully he will become more confident with men as he matures. What I would personally do is feel/act confident myself around men, talk to men, and show him they are nothing to be feared of. I would also consider getting in touch with any male dog lovers you know and ask if they would come and meet my dog to help boost his confidence.

    If I lived closer I'd have popped down :lol:

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