The best breed that you have owned? Discussions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Alphatest, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    I love the calm, noble nature of Deerhounds and it's a quality that Skye has but, if push comes to shove I'd have to go for my Springers.

    I know they're hard work and can leave you tearing your hair out but their willingness to please and love for life is infectious. I tend to think of them as having all the good (and frustrating) doggy characteristics, but turned up to 11.
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  3. Baileys Blind

    Baileys Blind New Member

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    I've only ever owned one pedigree dog, I do love my crosses and mongrels.

    Lily my Working Cocker is just fabulous :007: She totally fits into our lifestyle, she loves to be outside exploring, tons and tons of energy so she can keep going as long as us, she's soooooooo cute and funny and loving Ooooh and she keeps the field mouse population from overflowing into the house :lol: :lol: . . . . .

    . . . . . . But then again, my cross breeds are/do all of the above aswell ;-)
  4. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    Gotta go with this - except I would have just stated the breed. I've loved all my dogs and I love the Min Pin I have now but there's just SOMETHING about a CKCS! And not an aggressive bone in their body - don't even defend themselves. But very NEEDY but then I can relate to that! And don't want a dog that doesn't need me or give a hoot whether I am in or out!
  5. Polarbear2008

    Polarbear2008 New Member

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    I've only ever had Lancashire Heelers and I'm not sure I'd want anything else. Both my girls have been very different but both with their own special, fun loving characters. I love them :007:

  6. Gracieface

    Gracieface New Member

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    Rottweiler. Incredibly loyal, very eager to please and always by my side. :)
  7. Gnasher


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    Ooooo ... defo wolf crosses!

    They are stubborn, wilful, more intelligent than you most likely, shed like the very devil, mess up your house, your heart, your life, can devour your house if you leave them home alone, can excavate your garden if you leave them out there alone, mess with your mind, bankrupt you ... and yet ...

    There is nothing quite like being wooed at in a demanding fashion every time the ball has gone under the kitchen units ... something that happens at least 20 times a night - deliberately of course!!

    There is nothing like being woken up in the morning by wolfie kisses and gazing into those deep amber impenetrable eyes ... and you just KNOW where that tongue has been!

    There is just nothing to beat a wolf cross, or a northern breed type dog, nothing ... not even my daughter's chihuahua who I love to bits!!
  8. Timber-

    Timber- New Member

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    Do mixed breeds count?

    I love my boy Timber. We're not sure what he is exactly but we suspect he's got Anatolian Shepherd in him. He's an awesome dog, very smart and affectionate, but keeps you on your toes when he doesn't want to do something and tries to trick you. He's always ready to go and do something fun like a long hike or swimming but is also good with taking a long nap. I love how he is great on both ends of the activity spectrum.

    I also love Tynan who is a Lab/St. Bernard cross. He's the same as Timber, ready to go and ready to take a nap. He's my shadow and is always close to me but isn't as cuddly as Timber. I love how he's protective of all his doggy brothers but is not a fighter in the sense that he goes off that wall easily but I know that he will give his life to protect me and his brothers.

    Dallas is great too, he's a Great Dane/St. Bernard but he came with some issues. I bet if he was raised properly he would be a bomb proof dog.
  9. s7eph

    s7eph New Member

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    I have had staffies, Huskey and now a french bulldog.
    I loved all of them (huskey maybe i loved the most) they all have different personalities
    I just love all dogs - more that people !!!!!!
  10. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    Isn't it lovely to read that, seems no matter what sort of dog it is, someone somewhere will love it and consider it to be the BEST dog of all!
  11. Pookin

    Pookin New Member

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    You are so right Tangutica :) My lurcher is the total opposite of the ones mentioned so far, gentle??? affectionate??? loyal (ok maybe we'll give him that one).
    He is the most snooty aloof dog I have ever met, the only petting he enjoys is a bit of a rub at the base of his tail and gentle strokes under the armpits of his front legs.
    Touch him anywhere else and he sticks his nose in the air, you can see the disdain in his eyes.
    He also enjoys trampling my small dogs on a regular basis and once headbutted me so violently I had a lump on my head that took 3 weeks to go down, he is not gentle.

    On the other hand he loves fetching and I love throwing, he has a range of different peeps and squeaks and I know what every single one means, its like he can talk.
    He's a horrible dog but he's mine mine mine and I love him, don't think I'll meet anyone like him again :007:
  12. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    I've had a variety of mongrels and Tonks is the first staffie ive had. I never thought I would be someone to stick to one breed/type but since having Tonks I can't see me not having another staffie. I think she is the most beautiful dog, she is the most patient, kind, tollerant dog. Fantastic with other dog and adults and amazingly patient with children. She is five now and is wonderful. In the house she just wants to snooze and cuddle but loves long walks. She is clever and agile ...perfect.

    Remus is the first lurcher (bull lurcher) I've had and he is beautiful and the calmest puppy I've ever known, but so far (only had him three weeks) he hasn't changed my mind about staffies being the best dogs!

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