Takeaways or bought in Food

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    When you know that you are physically unable to do more than make yourself a cup-a-soup or a pot noodle.

    Been there many a time once I broke both hands/wrists after a bad seizure, couldn't even open jar of jam to make sandwich, that's why I now bulk cook its a lot simpler just to pop something in microwave, I use an paper plate on a tray & plastic throw away cutlery, its easy to put the tray on me wheeler & push me dinner over to table, there's no washing up afterwards just bin the paper plate & cutlery.
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  3. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I bulk cook too and make use of the freezer, and for days when I really can't cope there's always toast and a mocha, The OH would cook for me if I couldn't do it for myself but tbh I'd rather have the toast. I've never had a cuppa soup or a pot noodle in my life. Iain's mum has stopped cooking for herself and as she lives alone has no one to do it for her she lives on ready meals and biscuits judging by the online shopping list she gives us to order for her. Any suggestion of cooking soup etc in batches is greeted with " I can't". He's going to spend a week with her next week so maybe we'll have a better idea then of how she's coping. I sometimes think if I suggest it, it's automatically rejected. I suggested a walker for her a while ago and was told she'd never manage as she has very little space etc. Funny ole thing as soon as her Dr arranged one for free she was more than happy to manage with it. Scares the cr@p outta me cos she's only 14 years older than me, I think she's a bit addled tbh but he claims she's always been as daft as a brush and not in a funny way.
  4. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I got a wheelie (walker) it as a seat on it which is useful as I always end up breaking my ankles, I sit on seat & using my good foot push myself across the room, when I broke my wrists/arms I put my breakfast/dinner/tea on tray & put the tray on the seat & push wheelie over to table.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I really do admire you Tina, doing all you do plus looking after your own six dogs and all the work you do at your rescue organisation, but one question struck me. If you had broken wrists/arms, who did the cooking? Because nobody cooks for me, and I am sure it is a silly thing to mention but I do not use a wheelie [walker] but an electric wheelchair because I am an incomplete quadraplegic.
  6. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I live with 3 men, (husband, brother & ex boyfriend) when I first became an epileptic I was having up to 20 seizures a day, so could not be left alone so we sold all our houses & brought one big house, I was a chef (before being epileptic) & I slowly taught my 3 men how to cook, I would sit in kitchen telling them what to do & over time they learnt how to cook without me watching over them.
    Since being on metformin I am down to only 1-2 seizures a year now, so I am able to get back in my kitchen bulk cooking again & freezing the extra food, so if I do end up breaking any bones due to falling over or having an seizure, I can just go to freezer to remove a meal & pop it in microwave if my men are out or at work.
    Having my system alert dogs K9 now & Zara previously I can sort of lead a normal life again & my men can safely leave me on my own, as K9 picks up I am going to have a seizure 2-4 hours before beforehand, giving me plenty of time to phone my men up, K9 lets me know straight away if my sugars starts to fall so I have glucostop which stops me going into diabetic coma.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I still admire you Tina, but please understand that I live alone and am virtually physically useless.
  8. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Are there any restaurants near you that do deliveries, we have one near me that is owned by my Jewish friends, they deliver for free but do ask if we could tip the driver.

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