Split from Rottweiler thread/ advice wanted. General Chat

Discussion in 'Rottweiler' started by heidi05, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. Jojo P

    Jojo P New Member

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    I dont know of a vet who would recommend that a bitch should have a litter before being spayed - it's an extremely old fashioned approach that is not substantiated by any evidence whatsoever. How you arrived at the opinion that the other person was a breeder who was breeding for financial gain I dont know - highly confusing!!:roll:
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  3. rottalmarotts

    rottalmarotts New Member

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    If you are referring to me get your facts right the last litter this kennel had was in 2005(careful breeding producing a Breed Champion) and because of the state of the breed in this country I have not bred since because I care deeply about for my breed.
  4. nicrotties

    nicrotties New Member

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    Heidi05- I find what you have written totally irresponsible, if you truly love your dogs as much as you say you do, you will do the right thing and get your bitch spayed after her season. The rescue's are brimming with hundreds of dogs waiting for loving homes so why would you want to potentially add to this. As for its cruel not to allow a bitch to have one litter, i find this absolute rubbish, i have three rottweilers two entire males and one bitch who is spayed, so do you think i'm cruel for not allowing her to have a litter?
    What is the reason for having this litter? Are you planning to keep a puppy yourself? As for the 8 people waiting for a puppy off you, i suggest you tell them about all the rotts stuck in rescues waiting for homes. You said your dogs are hip scored that is great but what were the scores?
  5. wildheart

    wildheart New Member

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    can you remember the pedigree dogs program that was on the tv??? all the crap that is going on with crufts is because of this program BUT to be honest the majority of bad breeding is done by people like you.....yes their are some breeders who show their dogs & dont give a damn but they are the minority.............
  6. nicrotties

    nicrotties New Member

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    I totally agree, having a litter of puppies is a very big responsibility and shouldn't be taken on lightly and without lots of research and planning.
  7. rottalmarotts

    rottalmarotts New Member

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    well said Lynne
  8. Kezza

    Kezza New Member

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    Well, what can i say?

    I can't believe what i've just read.

    Ok ....

    I can't believe that any vet would say that Heidi. I have 2 entire males and 2 spayed bitches, that must make me cruel also.
    You have also said that you can't get out to the shops??
    Well, let me enlighten you with 2 short stories, in the big wide world.

    Firstly I foster for 2 Rescues organisations and one of them has taken in a pregnant bitch, (dumped i may add), she gave birth to 13 pups 2 days ago. 11 of which have survived 'so far'!! 18 months old and this is her 2nd litter.
    My question is - Where do you think this bitch came from originally?

    Secondly, another call to rescue asking if they can take a bitch and 8 pups, which are living in a suitcase in a flat.
    More unwanted pups.
    My question is - Where do you think this bitch came from originally?

    So far i have told you only 2 stories, so now there are 19 pups and 2 bitches that we need to find homes for. Well.... does that sound fair to you? Does it sound fair that these poor bitches have to be put thru all this? Do you think it's fair for these pups to start their lives in rescue? Do you think it's fair that we have to turn people away because there isn't the room for them? do you think it's fair that owners are putting their dogs to sleep because we haven't got the room?

    I'll tell you one thing that IS fair..... you not breeding!!
    These bitches came from people like you originally, do you think that's fair?
  9. Chicco

    Chicco New Member

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    Excellent post Kezza and totally true and fair.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2009
  10. melsgems

    melsgems New Member

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    excellent post, well said. I have a bitch and yes it would be lovely to have pups from her, she is a great dog. But never will she have pups, I have no idea what I am doing, she will be safer off being spayed than having pups. As for not having a litter of pups being cruel....I really think you need to change your Vet, sorry but no vet should ever say that. Unless he is trying to line his own pocket, looking after your bitch and her pups. She will be fine never having a litter. If she is payed you won't have the issue of having to seperate them ever again....
  11. Kezza

    Kezza New Member

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    If the RSPCA aren't doing anything about the puppy farms, y do you think they would turn up on your doorstep???
  12. lottndill

    lottndill New Member

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    I have a rottie girl who is a product of a BYB which Heidi will become if she proceeds with this mating... Lottie was dx at 6 months (when she was under a GA for SPEYING)
    I wouldn't want to wish the trauma we have been through on anyone!
    Not just the heartache and the pain she endured, but also the huge vets bills for continuing care that she receives for severe H/D in both hips. her medication costs approx £50 per month

    Luckily we can afford it, but i think if some owners are strapped for cash ( esp in the current ecomomic climate) their dog may either be pts OR thrown into resue!!

    I agree, researching lines etc is the best way to go, and this can take years.......Unfortunately Heidi, you are nowhere near!!!!!

    Lottie is going to be 6 years old in April and is now on daily pain meds!!!!
  13. Shona


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    Your telling us you got his papers in an empty council house :shock:

    1} how do you know they are his papers?

    2}why did you not get them when you got the dog?

    3} what breeder checked them and said they were your dogs papers?

    4} how did she know they were the papers for your dogs?

    5} Are they DNA profiled?

    lets face it these could be papers for another dog

    You could be breeding two close relatives without knowing. It all sounds really bad, please dont go ahead and breed these dogs.

    How will you cope? you mention your disabled, a litter of pups takes so much effort,

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