Siberian Husky off lead walking??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by Zuba, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    Well I'm back, but I've nothing to hide, just been out with my boy, and yes I'm sure to those in the Sibe world it's fairly obvious who I am ;-), 'cos I did actually put my real name in my user ID (never thought about putting in a false name :roll: ).
    Still hoping to get some references to published stuff concerning studies into the physical and mental cruelty inflicted on Huskies (and sled dogs in general) who are not allowed off lead in unsafe/unenclosed areas...
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  3. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Yeah.. haven't you seen my video??

    Crazed malamute finds own exercise due to torment of not being allowed to run free.. trampolines the world over better start praying
  4. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    Wasn't sure how to access it :roll:
  5. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    Mozzy, I never doubted you, your a 'Husky person' :grin:
    and, no, none of this proof seems to be forthcoming, nor are the answers to some of the members questions.:?
  6. pod

    pod New Member

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    Not to mention the expense of running ~30 computers. I'm dumbstruck :shock:
  7. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    Oh!, and im hiding behind no made up addy either, its my fully paid up and widely known KC affix. Happy to use my name, but nowhere near as catchy ;)
  8. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I have`nt read the rest of the following posts yet so this may have been adressed by now but I feel compelled to say, a public statement like that about a specific person does the reputation of a rescue no service.
    Its a good way to put people off trying to adopt if their `assessed` suitability for any particular dog will be publicly paraded in this derogatory manner.

    Not good form imo, particularly for the dogs awaiting homes who might have to wait longer because people feel confidentiality will be so flouted...

    I hope your comment and any other references to it [ mine included ] will be removed, this is not the way to treat a fellow Dogsey member in my personal opinion :smt018
  9. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    Well we wait in anticipation...

    but I'm going off to yoga shortly to chill out after all of this, and get my head sorted out and back together :lol: - it's been very painful banging it against this brick wall. :smt021
  10. lisa@mayhew

    lisa@mayhew New Member

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    Some of these posts are very unfair, no one from the Mayhew has posted on Dogsey under a false name.

    The Mayhew is a huge organisation both a rehoming centre, Veterinary Surgery and Human Education Centre. We have approx 30 staff not to mention our trainees and volunteers. If I had more time to come on here an educate I would but simply do not have the time, may I remind people that this thread was not started by ourselves but by a disgruntled mop and personally felt the need to defend our policies against those who were exaggerating the truth.
  11. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    that 'Disgruntled MOP' was actually asking a very genuine question, asked by many prospective husky owners, but was obviously very confused to be told off-lead exercise was required when everyone else was telling her NOT to let the breed loose in unsecure areas. Cant blame her for asking advice on here really can you?. In no way alters the fact that you did your organisation a great disservice by publicly discussing her experiences with you on here.
  12. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Just click on the link and click on the big play button:lol:
  13. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Four camps ;-)
    The fourth being those who feel each dog should be considered as an individual, and his or her needs assessed on the dogs own traits.
    As with all breeds, some have lots of breed drive, some have none, and the rest have varying degrees in-between.
    I have tried posting on those aspects but I seem to be a minority of one who may as well say nothing for all the help I`ve been on the topic :roll: :blush:
  14. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    What part has been exaggerated? The fact that you recommend they are let otl or that you won't rehome to potential owners if they won't allow the dog to have a minimum of 1 hr off lead a day?

    As far as I can see these are the two main points that have come out of this.
  15. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Can I ask why some members on here are choosing to only pick on the rescues, others have said on this thread that they too agree with Huskies being exercised off lead;

  16. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Lots of other breeds also live in harmony.

    Sibes are dogs I wish people would stop making out that they're an exception, they are not wolves!!
  17. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Squirrels, birds, running after other dogs, people etc
  18. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    but most of these quoted members also imply this is done in a safe area.
    no-one would have a problem if Mayhews policy on this included the statement 'in a safe area' and perhaps discussed more of the breeds traits in the dogs description, specifically their desire to run and their prey drive.
  19. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    No one has said it is cruel to exercise a dog on a rig or other Husky sports, Why are you trying to make out that they have?
    I have said time and time again :roll: It is cruel to only walk a husky on lead unless s/he is exercise off lead in open or enclosed areas or involved in Husky sports
  20. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    No they don't :?
  21. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    No one needed to know the specifics, the OP did not mention any specific rescue organisation and certainly did not berate rescue in any way.

    To remind you, the original post stated " I have just seen an advertisement for a husky and they say he needs two hours a day off lead exercise "

    Did that tell us where the advert was seen ?
    No it did not.
    As far any anyone reading is concerned it could have been in a paper, free-ads, online, a card in a shop window, anywhere at all in fact.
    Therefore there was nothing for you to `defend` so personally imo.

    The only one in my personal opinion who is bringing the name of the Mayhew in to disrepute in this particular regard is yourself, if you had`nt breached confidentiality no one would have been any the wiser about any connection between the OP and the reason for starting the thread though quite frankly I don`t think the intent in starting the thread had any such hidden agenda as you seem to have decided to see :smt102
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