Siberian Husky off lead walking??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by Zuba, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I did, but when I was on that site, it was a long time ago, there was no mention of culling, nor bolt guns Spot, none at all, I only mentioned the fact I worked my dogs, and BANG!! with the response typical of some of the posters on this thread! My friend got similar treatment for saying she fed raw food!! (oh and I have proof of lets call him "admin" and his letters to this person, nice guy!)

    You know I have NOTHING to hide and never have done, I dont hide behind false names, false ID's etc... me is me, take it or leave it!

    You are right, some are conspicuous in their absence! We wait in anticipation.
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  3. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    good grief!
    Im stuffed then

    I feed raw food
    I work my dogs
    I breed
    I dont let them off lead

    shall I go off and shoot myself now (with a bolt gun!):lol: :blush: ;-)
  4. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Oh I say name and shame too.. After all if we have been "discussing" this topic with people hiding behind false ID's or more than one ID thats not playing fair is it..

    Also.. its rather predictable to see that Mayhew, Lisa@Mayhew and Helping Hounds and an alan2 are the only people to let their dogs off in unenclosed areas in the poll..
  5. grindys


    Likes Received:
    Hee, hee.... same here Lyn

    *we Feed raw food
    *we work our sleddogs
    *we also work our gundogs in the field, me + shotgun = great fun :lol: (OMG I'll have to shoot myself now with that bolt gun :mrgreen: )
    *we have bred and may do again
    *our dogs are never off lead (Oooh that's a lie as one did escaped the other day and managed to eat one of my lambs :roll: )

    Hangs head in shame :evil:
  6. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    oh yes!, forgot about the shotgun (and air rifle). mostly for clay pigeon shooting, but have been known to shoot the odd few rabbits here and there for the dogs.
    oh the shame!!, i really dont know how we live with ourselves
  7. spot

    spot New Member

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    you dont have to do it yourselves Mr Smith will gladly do it for you! Glad it made you laugh though (didnt see the funny side of it myself).
  8. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    You two Lyn's really should be ashamed of yourselves. I know Terry and I are. Not only have we worked our dogs , we show them, occasionally breed them, keep them on lead unless they are in a safe, enclosed area, force them to eat fresh raw chicken wings, and, what is worse, we make them suffer the indignity of having the run of the house and garden, sleeping on the sofa and the bed. I know, I know - even the bolt gun is too good for us!!

  9. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I don't see ANY reason why a bolt gun has been brought up.. I don't see ANY reason why whatever Dawn has said or agreed with on another forum should be brought up either..

    We are talking about Sibes being let off leads in unenclosed spaces etc...

    Yes.. maybe it is off topic but is there a point to it??
  10. lisa@mayhew

    lisa@mayhew New Member

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    I'm sure Alan2 would admit himself that he's training at the Mayhew, doesn't mean he hasn't got the right to add to the poll or have his own opinions
  11. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    I think there is about to be a mass suicide of very sinful UK sibe owners here......the kennels better brace themselves for a mass influx of homeless Huskies who will need weaning off their BARF diets, surgically removing from their harnesses and/or showchains and taught impeccable recalls so they can live in off-lead homes
  12. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Hi All

    Here's an update on the multiple account log-ins from the same IP at some point, not nesc just from postings in this thread.

    Lisa@Mayhew has pm'd me and explained that they have 20 computers or so at their property. Other rescue people may have used their computers too.

    The ones flagged by our system were:

    Mayhew Animal Home
    Alan 2

    Lisa@Mayhew has told me the following:

    The first two accounts are Mayhew accounts (although Dogsey doesn't recommend official rescue accounts be used in debates, as not always will the views posted be the views of the rescue itself - so Helen, who's been using the first account is going to register her own personal account).

    The lisa@Mayhew account is Lisa's own personal account.

    Helping.hounds is a volunteer at Mayhew.
    AnneUK was originally shown Dogsey by Lisa@Mayhew and Lisa has said Anne registered on her PC but hasn't used it since.

    Alan2 is one of Mayhews NVQs - athough I don't think has posted in this thread.

    I am posting this info so that we are transparent about it and because I think it is only fair people should know when more than one account has logged in from a single PC in such debates. It's up to the individual user to take from that and draw their own conclusions. Lisa may of course add her input to this if she wants :)

    By posting this I'm not saying the above accounts have done wrong, as obviously in such an organisation there may be more than one person sharing a computer. However at the same time I think it's fair to make such accounts known, especially if they have posted in the same thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2007
  13. lisa@mayhew

    lisa@mayhew New Member

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    The impression terry has given is that he does exercise his huskies off lead
  14. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    oh do get off your high horse before you fall!!!

    Where did I say he never had the right???

    Actually I had never heard of him until today.. and it would seem he only joined today after the poll was put up and has only posted once..and of course voted on the poll

    Nothing like jumping to the defence of your friends:roll:
  15. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    1. Terry is a "she" - at least I hope so - we've been married for a long long time and I think I might have noticed.
    2. The fact that two of ours are "great off lead" does not mean that we let them off lead in an unenclosed area. About a mile away from where we live we have a large park which used to be a Victorian orchard. It has 15' brick walls and only one entrance. This is where we train our dogs off lead. It is safe and secure and we would never let them off in an unsafe area where they could access a road or worry farm animals etc.

  16. lisa@mayhew

    lisa@mayhew New Member

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    Just to say not the same computer Azz ;-) but yes there are as far as I'm aware (there could be more) 3 Dogsey members who have posted using our computers, one an NVQ, one a volunteer (who also works for another rescue) and one a rescue associate.
  17. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    LOL.. nice to see you know lots about people in the Sibe world then:lol:
  18. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    Thank you for the update Azz.

    20 computers :shock: Christ - I used to work in an office that paid 15,000 people every month and even we didn't have that many computers :shock:

    Interesting to see then that all the people who have voted in Louise's thread that advocate off lead exercise are affiliated to this particular organisation.
  19. EmmaJ

    EmmaJ New Member

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    Thought terry was a she :eek:S

    Well im new to sibes but i did all my research before i got my puppy ! And i have read everywhere that you shouldnt let them off the lead and i also read the reasons why! So there for i would rather keep my puppy safe and well and keep him on a lead...........i know from my own experiences in a short time that should my puppy see a leaf move he will try and chase it where ever it may be so i aint willing to risk letting him run free!
  20. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    I just wish we had as much time at work to get to a computer and post on a forum, Obviously Mayhews staff are extremely busy people. Maybe thats where they are now, off somewhere teaching recalls
  21. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Interesting as well to note that on the thread Should Breeders carryout the same checks as rescues

    That helping hounds introduces herself as Sally Wood "the liason officer for Helping Hounds rescue.. And then says
    Pot & Kettle spring to mind once again

    Helping Hounds/Sally must have more hours in her day than anyone else to be a liason officer for one rescue and also a volunteer at another.. and still have time to excerise all these dogs off lead!
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