Siberian Husky off lead walking??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by Zuba, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    The later breeds have nothing to do with dogs being exercised off lead, I was merely stating that your post about KC register dogs doesn't prove a breeds popularity. Huskies ARE desirable by thieves and many are stolen to be sold on.
    So considering how many border Terrier run off on walks do you recommend they should be kept on lead, like some recommend with Huskies?
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  3. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Have a look on the Dreamcatcher Website, there's a thread on their forum about Sibes being walked off lead, and a good few replies state how they do let their huskies off lead :mrgreen:
  4. Malady


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    I have to reply to this.

    If there were a suicidal forum where everyone actively encouraged it and it was recommended, would you follow suit ? No, of course not.

    Just because 'some' agree with it, does not mean it's right. Puppy farmers agree with puppy farming etc, does that make it 'Right' ?

    We all have to take responsibility of our dogs, and others with regards to our dogs behaviour etc.

    I am responsible for my dogs and for this reason will not allow them off lead. If others did the same, there would be nothing to argue about, no posts about dog attacks, no reports on children being injured by loose dogs, no road accidents caused by loose dogs etc, the list is endless.

    Just because a few argue that it is right to do so, does not mean it is gospel.
  5. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Do you have kids? if so would you walk them to and from secondary school everyday just in case! No you weigh up quality of life verses risks, you put precautions in place to keep them safe but at the same time for their own mental well being you give them a reasonable amount of space.

    Like I said before if huskies didn't suffer from the myth they can't be exercised off lead I wouldn't be bothering with this discussion
  6. Malady


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    Yes I have 3 children and yes I walk them to school, because, I am a Responsible Parent too :smt002

    My children however, as they get older, can guage the risk factor for themselves and learn to cross the road safely.

    A dog will never have the knowledge or logic to do this !!

    So your point is ?
  7. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    No they wouldn't that's why you wouldn't walk a dog off lead on the street.
    What I am asking is would you walk your child to and from secondary school? Most wouldn't as it's not in the child's best interest even though there are risks associated with it. Same for dogs, safest thing is to never allow a dog off lead but that isn't in the dogs best interest.
  8. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    If it keeps them alive....

  9. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    You could say the same for walking kids to Secondary school. Do you never let them out of your sight even if the risk is minimal
  10. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Well ???

    Was this the Siberian Husky Club of Great Britain or was it the Siberian Husky Welfare Association ?

    I doubt very much it's the later, would be good to know as yet again we have another unwanted husky in for rehoming who will be up for adoption in a couple of weeks, would be useful to know who to look out for. I do hope it's not SHWA (UK) as we regularly recommend them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2007
  11. Malady


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    Anne, Children eventually turn into adults and learn new resources and new skills on a daily basis to help them through life, so your watchful eye over them, becomes less and less as they learn more.

    Dogs don't have that learning ability, to it IS up to us to ALWAYS keep a watchful eye over them, for the entirety of their life.

    Dogs can run from fields onto roads, a scenario I've heard of all too often, so your analogy of children -v- dogs is irrelivent.

    Children learn life skills as they age, dogs do not.

    A dogs best interest is to be kept alive, and it's our responsibility to ensure that. So if it's in a dogs best interest to be kept from danger and that includes, streets, roads, cars, other loose dogs, etc, then it's also in their best interest to be kept on a lead.
  12. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    So do you think all dogs, regardless of breed, should be kept on lead?
  13. Malady


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    Yes I do. Prey driven breeds even moreso.
  14. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    I find that really sad :-(
  15. Malady


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    It's even sadder to see a dog thats had it's guts splattered over the front of a bus, Trust me !!!
  16. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Well I don't know what its like where you live but we have Zebra crossings and traffic light controlled pedestrian crossings and where there aren't any of them we have nice people dressed in yellow with big STOP lollipops who kindly spend most of the day helping kids across the roads..

    Kids don't have a "need to run" and also have the sense to stop if they see a car..If dogs had the sense of humans we wouldn't be keeping them as pets would we??
  17. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Actually I wasn't thinking about kids being run over, I was thinking about them getting in to school fights, being abducted, abused, getting into trouble etc All the reasons why parents worry when letting their kids walk to school on their own.

    Obviously you wouldn't allow a dog to go out on their own, but I think it's a good comparison when talking about weighing up quality of life verses risks, as much as you would like to walk your child to school you don't as it's not in the child's best interest - mental welfare.

    When walking a well trained dog off lead in the park, the risks are minimal and the quality of life far out-ways the minimal risks, which you will have taken precautions to avoid.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2007
  18. Malady


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    As said perviously, children learn life skills daily and learn to adapt to situations, learn to cope with problems and learn to problem solve themselves as they get older.

    Dogs dont have these skills, to it's up to us to take over those situations and keep them out of harms way.

    Dogs don't go out on their own, agreed, but letting them off the lead to run free, when they themselves dont know the dangers that lie ahead, is like allowing a 3 year old child to go shopping on their own !!!

    It's NOT responsible.

    Just to add, children of whatever age are in control of situations up to an extent, and take certain responsibilities.

    Dogs are in control of Nothing, except where they run, which may be fatal.
  19. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Sooo, if you don`t believe its safe for any dog to go off lead, can you suggest ways a shepherd can work his dogs to a flock, how agility people can train and compete properly with their dogs on-lead, how sniffer and SAR dogs could work effectively on-lead, how protection dogs could apprehend criminals if their handler can`t keep up with the dog..., and why dogs owned by people who do bother to train properly should restrict their excellently well trained off-lead dogs to a life on a line or lead :?
    Not trying to be argumentative, I`m genuinely interested to know what you come up with :smt001
  20. Tuuli

    Tuuli New Member

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    The Finnish law bans keeping dogs off lead, except of course police dogs (sniffer or any other), military dogs, guide dogs etc etc. It does allow dog sports that require letting the dog off lead, but the surroundings must be made safe for both poeple and animals. Also hunting dogs during hunting season are allowed and so are working dogs on farms etc. So there is no real problem regarding this even from the point of view of "law & order".
  21. Charoite

    Charoite New Member

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    Personally I think that very few owners are capable of training their dogs to go safely and sociably off the lead, regardless of the breed.

    I used to live overlooking a city park. There was a group of school mums who'd meet up every morning, let their dogs loose and stand and gossip for an hour or so. These dogs ran around having an absolute ball - chasing (and occasionally killing) ducks, geese and squirrels, poo-ing where the fancy took them, jumping all over people innocently walking through the park ... They were an absolute nightmare :evil: and it's people like this who I believe give dogs and their owners such a bad name. I only had one Siberian at the time and I was verbally abused by some of these ladies for not letting my girlie run free with their out-of-control pooches.

    This is the same mentality as the people who take their dogs into the countryside and allow them to run amongst livestock.

    I'm sick to death of people who say "oh my dog comes back eventually". Yup, this is after who knows what havoc they've wreaked.

    I've had my Siberians attacked by loose dogs then been blamed by the owner who's said it happened because mine were on the leash. And this was in an area where the bylaws clearly state that dogs must be under control !

    If a dog isn't trained to recall on the very first command then no, s/he should not be off the lead in a public place.

    Just my ever so humble opinion and all that :grin: .
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