Siberian Husky off lead walking??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by Zuba, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    You've obviously not read the whole thread, I own 5 rescued S.Huskies and our rescue has rehomed many more, all of which have been taught a reliable recall and continue to be safely exercised off lead.

    Here's Suka heading for the horizon on Hampstead Heath:roll: :lol: [​IMG] Kato Kaya & Chinook also on Hampstead Heath[​IMG] Kato & Balto enjoying themselves down by the canal [​IMG]
    Suka [​IMG]
    Happy, Safe Huskies :grin:

    I'll say it again Huskies aren't the easiest of breeds to teach reliable recall but it can be achieved. So many people only walk thier huskies on lead once or twice around the park daily, this imo is Cruel, they should take the time to train their Huskies properly.
    The other thing is the number of dogs that escape from gardens and shoot out through peoples front doors, all because they are frustrated at not being able to romp around freely on a daily basis. It doesn't matter how big your garden is, it is just an extension of your house and should never be used as a substitute for exercise. Unless you exercise your husky in an enclosed field or are involved in humane husky sports it's is cruel not to teach your husky a reliable recall enabling them to go for daily off lead walks.
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  3. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    But what if they were a distance from you & saw something they wanted to really chase & just ignored your calls , this can happen anne?? sibes like to pretend they are deaf!!.
  4. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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  5. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    This can happen with any dog that isn't trained properly, selective hearing is common in a lot of breeds not just Sibes. Our Sibes love chasing Squirrels on Hampstead heath and yes they still come back when called. I’m not talking about just teaching a dog to usually come back when called, I’m talking about teaching reliable recalls, so that even when the dog is distracted s/he still returns when called.
  6. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    So, AnnUK, the majority of Husky owners, books on Huskies and organizations like the SHCGB are all wrong are they?
  7. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Yes, I disagree with the myth that huskies can never be safely exercised off lead in open areas.

    Instead of repeating myself :wink: I've posted two of my quotes below

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2007
  8. terrysibe

    terrysibe New Member

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    Hi Terry from SHWA(UK)
    We have now rehomed 54 dogs !!!!!!! We will work with anyother rescue people. But we are a stand alone welfare and answer to no one. some of the dogs we have rehomed have been recall trainned and in safe areas are off lead.BUT as we don't know the back ground of all the dogs, we advise them to be kept on the lead. on a personal note 2 of mine are great off lead.
  9. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Well done with the rehoming of the 54 Sibes, thank goodness you guys were there to help them :smt038 :smt038 :smt023
  10. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    I have to say I agree with these two posts wholeheartedly!

    I've been mad on Huskies for many, many years. I nearly got one as a teenager, but soon realised that I wouldn't be able to offer the breed exactly what it needs. I really do believe that Huskies should not be let off lead (and no they aren't the same as any other breed, anyone who's owned one would surely know that! ;-)) so until I have the time to devote to working them or have enough enclosed space to run them free then I'll do without.
  11. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Excellent post.....

    I don't own one..... but own Mals and Samoyed..(and they are very similar)
  12. Malady


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    Ditto. It only takes the once and the prey drive is spectacularly unpredictable and sporadical.

    I've known of many good experienced people with Northern breeds who spent years training recall and had it 100%...UNTIL that one day when something happened and disaster struck. NO dog is 100% reliable at recall, to say a dog is, is rather niave IMO!
  13. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, Anne, but I find it strange that as I said in my previous post that in your view the majority of Husky owners and organizations concerned with the breed including the GB club are all wrong after years and years of experience in training the breed.
    I don't live in London, I live in the country where I'm surrounded by livestock, I know how strong my dog's hunting drive is, I see it in action every day on every walk. There are no safe enclosed areas, they are called fields here with sheep etc or very near sheep etc, or moorland with sheep and cattle, and they do not have secure boundaries and they are owned by farmers. The woods are full of deer/rabbits/foxes, all my dog would do is run off and hunt. Maybe it's different in London?
    I wish I could let him off to run around, but no matter how well he responds to recall I can't trust him, because it only takes one incidence, and I can't take that risk, so he gets to run safely with a bike. As I said before, most responsible Husky owners compensate for this, and yes we probably over compensate in some cases.
    You must have known that posting remarks stating it's 'cruel' not let you Sibe off lead and that 'it breaks' your heart would provoke a strong reaction with other Husky owners. Would you post this on the dedicated Husky forums?
  14. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Absolutely I would.
    I understand how many Husky people feel strongly that they can't be let off lead but I also know there are many husky people that feel strongly that they can and Should be exercised off lead for their own mental and physical well being. Knowing this can be achieved safely by taking the time to teach them a reliable recall.
  15. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    so do you think all dogs regardless of breed should be kept on lead?
  16. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    Well there are some circumstances where this is not possible - being in London is very different to being in the country, and as you yourself said not every dog is the same.
    No, it probably is not fair to generalize that every Husky must never be walked off a lead, but that works both ways - not every Husky owner is 'cruel' etc because it's not possible for them.
    No one is suggesting that every dog regardless of breed should always be walked on a lead in public, but around here there are many places where you are asked to keep your dog on a lead because of livestock. It's an irresponsible owner who ignores this.
  17. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Could the dog not be exercised on a 100foot long line or in fields where there aren't livestock close by. Yes I live in London now but I was brought up in the country side and know full well the risks associated with dogs and livestock. To walk a husky, or any dog for that matter, in open countryside and never allowing them the freedom to run around freely must be torment for the dog. If it is impossible for an owner to give their dog freedom to romp around off lead imo they shouldn't have a dog never mind a husky. Like I said before it's fine for owners involving their dogs in sports, but not fine (imo & others opinion) to just exercise a husky by doing on lead walks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2007
  18. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    He isn't just exercised by having on lead walks, if you read what I said in my previous posts.
  19. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    I'm not talking about you personally, sorry mozzy if I gave you that impression, you said poreviously you did bikejoring with your dog which is great. I'm talking about people who own huskies (and other breeds) who only walk them on-lead once or twice around the park daily.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2007
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    If I may step in here :)

    I do not think for one minute lead walking only will harm any type of dog at all. We see loads of dogs that we board that never go out full stop, let alone run free, they are happy, loved pets in every sense and perfectly happy.

    With breeds like Huskies you are taking a HUGE risk IMO, and I woulod certainly prefer to guarantee their safety rather than chance it, this goes for other breeds too, particularly some of the hound breeds.
  21. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    Sadly we don't live in a perfect world, and lots of people have dogs that never get any affection or love (in some case get treated very badly and abused), let alone exercise of any sort :cry: . Not to mention all those that get abandoned:-( .
    All I know is that we do the best we can for our boy and always will - IMO he's a happy chappy :grin: , and I'm not going to beat myself up over the fact his life may not be perfect in the eyes of others.
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