Sorry for the delay in replying, but I was taken ill shortly after the beardie trial and spent a few days in hospital. Am fine now Anyway, there was a decent turnout for the Working Beardie Society of Scotland sheepdog trial and I found it very interesting to watch the dogs working and speak to the handlers. There were a mix of shepherds who have their beardies for work, and also handlers with pet dogs who work part time or trial for fun. I took a few photos, although none are wonderful ... sorry!
New comer to this list...wonderful the work shown. I'm an American Hobby herder (Beardies) who takes the work seriously when the opportunity comes up. City kid here but farm sit for others. Have worked small and large flocks but never over 80 acres or so.. The moor shots were GREAT
I'm going to take a shot at posting a picture of my young bitch.... this is the beginning of our field time about last Sept