Rough Collies Not Very Popular These Days...? Discussions

Discussion in 'Collie (Rough)' started by TabithaJ, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    What a lovely picture and yes, Brody does have beautiful eyes but then he is such a handsome boy :049: and it sounds like he [and you] are going to do well with his schooling.

    I am not sure about the teeshirt the boss is wearing as I cannot turn my head to read it. Probably not suitable in the UK but the number of kids I have seen here in the past wearing totally unsuitable teeshirts [obscene more like it] with absolutely no idea what the English means, have shocked me. Or rather the fact that their parents have bought such things without knowing knowing what they are dressing their kids in.
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  3. OMCHamlin

    OMCHamlin New Member

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    Oh, Malka, it's not obscene, but it's from one of our favorite stores in east Tennessee, Smokey Mountain Knife Works, and I know folks in the EU (okay, I looked, and see that you are not from there) are having problems with knife crime these days.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Chris, I know the teeshirt the boss was wearing was not obscene and was obviously about knives, but I could not twist or turn my head to read what was under the pictures [fused neck due to fractures and a spur pressing on my spinal cord]. I did not mean to imply anything bad.

    I know that knife crime is quite bad in England from what I read in online UK newspapers - we may have many problems here but knife crime is not one of them. But I remember when sitting on a bus and seeing young children wearing teeshirts that had English obscenities on, with neither the children nor their parents having a clue. Probably thinking they were the latest fad. L-rd only know where these came from but at that time variations seemed to be everywhere.

    Brody is just so beautiful and you have and are doing so well with him. It might sound strange but when you said he originally belonged to an elderly lady, who was mostly unable to take care of him, being very elderly myself [and a permanent chair user] I still somehow managed to look after my beloved epi angel Pereg [the girl in my avatar] through four years of horrendous seizures - and then ended up with a 3-week-old scrap who needed to be bottle-fed day and night.

    But that 450g scrap is now a 4 year-old 6.5kg little booger who I adore. Even when she strews her toys all over the place and outside in the yard, and refuses to pick them up!
  5. OMCHamlin

    OMCHamlin New Member

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    CaroleC likes this.
    I hear you Malka, I never met the lady who owned Brody first, of course, but you know many times part of it is about the desire to do the right thing, no matter what our limitations are.
    I can tell you would take care of your dogs until you could no longer draw a breath, and I hope I would strive to do the same. To many, unfortunately, pets are an accessory, but to some of us, they are a solemn commitment.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tikva - little booger that she is, I am very lucky in that there is someone who will take her [who adores him] and look after and love her should anything happen to me. His brother looked after her while I was in hospital last year - she did not know his brother but was very happy staying with him and his Shih Tzu. Amit, my friend, had even come and taken her night crate and some of her food [I am a raw feeder] as he has a key to my home, but Tikki preferred to sleep with the Shih Tzu in his bed! Amit has also has picked her up and looked after her a couple of times during brief emergency hospital admissions when she had had to have been left alone before he could pick her up.

    I have been able to put aside a certain amount for any medical emergencies [there is no pet insurance here] and for necessary vaccinations, not that he wants it, but I do.

    Tikki, like Pereg before her and Lexi before Pereg - the reason I get up in the mornings.
  7. OMCHamlin

    OMCHamlin New Member

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    I very much understand that thought completely! There is a simple nail on the wall in my garage, full of the collars and tags of my faithful dogs who have crossed the bridge, and I do hope to see them all again someday...

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