Ridgeback...Worst Dog Ever? General Chat

Discussion in 'Rhodesian Ridgeback' started by Lets Be Real, Jul 14, 2019.

  1. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I'm from the US, but there are not many active members that are from the US. You can check dogfoodadvisor.com for food reviews. It is pretty reliable.

    Again, if your dog doesn't have persistent diarrhea... I would take him off the Royal Canin.

    Careful with grain free - there are recent links to CDM in dogs and grain free foods. Also, grain free simply isn't needed. Cheaper grain free foods are especially controversial, as they tend to contain a lot more peas and pea proteins than higher quality grain free foods.

    In any case, I definitely would change from that Royal Canin. Excess gas, coat odor, and bad breath does seem like it can be remedied by a different diet.

    And you didn't need to warn me about the RR. I used to want one so badly... And then I went looking around and reading on them and all I saw was a myriad of health issues. Severe allergies, heart problems left and right, joint issues, etc. Turned me away from the breed entirely.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I cannot advise about feeding but one thing struck me and that is about his halitosis. How are his teeth - do you brush them regularly with dog toothpaste and does he have hard things [like bones] to chew on?

    Sometimes dental problems can cause halitosis.
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Many vet behaviourists here recommend Wafcol Salmon and Potato to start off an elimination diet. No grains, novel protein source so a good way to start off the process. I doubt it's available in the US, but it may be worth looking up the list of ingredients to compare like for like for what you have available.

    Members from around the World are welcome and help to give a diversity of views so keep on posting whenever you feel like jumping in
  5. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    The OP didn’t ask for help/advice , just slated off their dog, if someone implies they are not happy with their dog then I believe a better home should be found.

    You post on an open forum like this, you get others’ opinions, even when they may not share your perspective or agree with your choices. They get to post freely, just like you do.

    You can always just ignore any advice you don’t like.
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    It has just crossed my mind that thyroid deficiency has been a problem with Ridgebacks in this country. I'm not sure whether the same is true of the gene pool in the US, but as the symptoms of hypothyroidism can be so very diverse, - dull behaviour and thinning hair are always ones to watch for - it could be worth having a simple blood test to exclude this condition.
    Google Dr. Jean Dodds, Hemopet - she is the world expert in this field.
  7. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    They expressed frustration at the dog and his issues. They warned against the breed. They were venting.

    In my area it's ultra hard to find good homes for dogs. Breeders definitely don't take dogs back and most homes are equally as bad or worse than where the dog may have come from.

    Here, when people actually somewhat care about their dogs behavior, they take them to trainers. This is the highest rated one in my area...

    Because obedience is the most important thing. Turning a bouncy Labrador into a tail down skittish dog using a shock collar is the norm.

    Must be nice to live in a bubble where the first thing that comes to mind when someone complains about their dog is simply finding it a better home. So much easier said than done.
  8. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I struggle to see how one can expect to post something like that and not get negative responses.
    But I'm happy to just agree to disagree.:)
  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    You don't HAVE to be negative. Sometimes the opposite can have a better effect. That's my entire point. But fair enough. We can agree to disagree on this subject.
  10. dave9585

    dave9585 New Member

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    hi, I am new and from the states but we own a ridgeback mix. I knew nothing about this breed, in fact discovered it watching some utube videos after watching him run and play. The shelter we got him from thought he was a kind of retriever. They are a smart dog but quite sensitive to an owner's or in-home tension and emotion. If we are watching a tense scene in a tv show the dog will sense our energy and come over too me and my wife for reassurance that we are ok. This is without either of us saying a word out loud. This has happened multiple times. Very sensitive dog. Ours does seem to have a delicate stomach in that if we change something, even just a bit of an additional snack he can be bound up for a day. Our dog whimpers and stares also. but i think I have figured out his method of communication. Mostly ours wants to run, hunt and walk outside to smell and track. He is much calmer after exercise and a walk. Did I mention he LOVES or LIVES to hunt, smell and track. In short he is an outside dog but likes to rest at night with the family. If I don't allow him adequate exercise and outdoor time he gets nervous and jumpy. Finally I read where this is not a dog to be yelled at. If our Monty does something "doggish" i.e., chew my boot. I must tell him no, assertively. But not go crazy yelling. I did once or twice and he was distant and untrusting for several days. Incredible dog, you have just have to figure him out. Also ours acts "dumb" when he cannot understand what I want him to do. Usually when I am in a hurry and want him to do something without adequate prep and training. How often do you get on the floor and roll around with your dog? Also our Monty is amazingly curious, like a cat curious! I read where these dogs get bored if you are not teaching them something new. One of our favorite games, I call, "who is the predator." I will try to sneak up on my dog in a stealthy way, even as he sees me from across the room! He cant stand the tension and gets up to love and bump me shortly. Hope these ideas are helpful, I love animals and our dog is pretty amazing. Ill bet yours is too.
  11. Lsutigerturner

    Lsutigerturner New Member

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    Wow please tell me someone has taken over care of this poor dog. No way a damn gerbil couldn't sense the scorn you feel for this animal. Im betting you laugh and make fun of this poor animal. And you wonder why he whines and backs away from your touch. He resents you but knows all he has is you that's sad.

    This dog deserves to be in the company of someone that loves and cares about him and will watch his back. Hope you don't ever get another dog that will have to live despite you.
  12. Gail77

    Gail77 New Member

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    I AM the proud and happy owner of my third consecutive RR. Miss Annie is the same age as your RR who must be 7yrs old now. We have had her on a Canadian kibble, Arcana with Lamb and Apple, for multiple years now without issue. Great for sensitive stomachs. She has toots - what dog or human doesn’t? - and sometimes they are foul but that’s part of life. She doesn’t often have bad breath - I’ve rarely noticed to be honest - but I give her raw beef bones which help to clean her teeth. As for the standing, staring, and backing away when you go to pat her, that’s how my RR communicates with me. It means, ‘follow me, I want something’. I just say, ‘Show me! Show mum what you want’ and get up to follow her. First she will attempt to ‘herd’ me and follow ME but I insist she show me, and sure enough, she leads me to the kitchen to stand in front of the fridge (treat), her food bin for dinner, or the door - she wants out. I don’t think your dog is lazy because she won’t go outside - she just wants YOU to go outside with her - that’s the kind of pack dog she is. Mine is the same way - she wants her family with her. It also sounds like your antsy dog needs way more exercise - RR need to run hard and play with their doggie friends! I am fortunate that we have a group of neighborhood dog owners who let their dogs chase and play every morning for 30 minutes - it’s not an official dog park but our dogs all know each other and play well together. RR’s need this stimulation and a chance to burn off their high energy. I also wonder why your dog smells: RR’s self clean and rarely need a shampoo bath - are you bathing yours when he gets groomed once a month? That would dry his skin out - maybe his body is over compensating by producing too much oil? I have my girl’s nails clipped every 3 weeks and have her ears cleaned,,, that’s it. I might have her bathed twice a year tops and wash her bedding regularly. Miss Annie is very quiet and doesn’t like to bark. But she will give a deep throated bark at night if the doorbell rings - she knows that is not usual so it’s an alert bark. But if it gets rung in the day, she too goes ape-crazy - it’s because she associates the doorbell with a friend that comes by regularly to pick her up for a doggie play date - so that’s who she is hoping it is. Those are my comments. Your RR is not stupid - she/he just needs more actual attention and exercise. Being with your dog all day is not the same as interacting with your pet. Thanks for taking care of your baby.
  13. Lets Be Real

    Lets Be Real New Member

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    Susan B Anthony
    About 6 months ago we waived the white flag, contacted our local RB Rescue club & dropped off our RB. First time we have given away a dog but we could no longer deal with this dumb beast. Shortly after, we purchased a Golden puppy who, in less than 5 months has proven to be the ideal girl for us. The IQ difference in these breeds can’t be compared. For all who justify and make excuses for their RB’s thimble brains, that’s just who they are. Life is too short for a dimwit dog. I know my opinion will be cursed and criticized, ultimately judged negative in the court of public domain. But when you log out & look at that confused, anxious, indecisive RB who’s behavior drives you crazy, know there is a wonderful Golden out there waiting fulfill All of your K9 dreams. I am saying what 90% of RB owners think but don’t confess. Best wishes to you all.
  14. flashpointe

    flashpointe New Member

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    It could have a simpre answer. Your RR is a retard mental or ill dog and he s not a representative specimen´s breed.
    I own a RR and he s extremely clever , funny and active. He es the opposite of your. I m from Spain. My Rodesian comes from a breeder that mixes russian RR with USA RR and they are fantastic.
    I guess you dare to advice to all world from the opinion of yours , owner of 1 RR.
    It s ridiculous. If you regret of your decision with the bread or are frustated it s ok. But it s not necesary to extrapole around. You can be mistaken.
  15. Kristinne

    Kristinne New Member

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    It's interesting that OP thinks that this behaviour is inherent to the breed. Despite similarities, dogs of certain breed are not clones and have their own personalities. One may be dumb, another exceptionally clever. It's like with humans, you know. Anyway, maybe it's better to find another owner for the dog. It's OK to get a dog and realise you are not able to meet it's needs - emotional or otherwise.
  16. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    The OP posted this in 2019 and has not been back. I think it's safe to say they've gotten over their issues or rehomed the dog by now.
  17. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    @Toedtoes See post #32. The RR was taken to breed rescue. The OP is happy with his replacement, a GR bitch puppy.
  18. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I guess that proves my point that the OP has either gotten over their issues or rehomed the dog... ;)

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