pit bull type? BSL

Discussion in 'American Pit Bull Terrier' started by SBT, Jan 11, 2007.

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  1. Biff


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    Like I said I'm sure it wasn't pleasant, and I would never wish that upon anyone.

    Of course what I was saying was tongue in cheek, and just goes to show that what I was saying wasn't me talking "sense". However the same could be said for your generalisation of an entire type of dog, just because of this one incident.

    All individual dogs are different. Next door to me they have a staffy, as do we. My staffy isn't dog aggressive, however next doors is. We're both responsible owners so we keep them apart. Their staffy is the most docile, calm and gentle staffy I have ever seen when it approaches people, however Biff goes wild with affection, he tries to jump up (which infuriates me as we're trying to get him out of it) people and lick them all over. So there are two dogs of the same breed with completely different characteristics.

    Is that not talking sense?

    I know exactly what we're talking about, but your reaction to the problem is not justified and goes to show the fear people with bull breeds, and guard dogs are facing at the moment from people with opinions similar to yours.
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  3. flower

    flower New Member

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    i have to say i dont think you can judge all dogs cause of a few horrible accidents that have happend,BUT i believe no dog no matter what dog should be left alone with a child nomatter how soft it is,you just never know!!!!
  4. Biff


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    You've hit the nail on the head. Biff adores my nephew (4) and my niece (6 months old), but he is a large stocky powerful dog, so under no circumstances would we leave him with them unsupervised.

    My nephew has grown up with Duke, an English Bull Terrier, who he used to adore. He would try to sit on him, pull his ears and tail, play rough with him, allsorts, and Duke would simply let him do it. Unfortunately Duke had to be put down last year, so my nephew tries to do the same thing to Biff, who was still a pup and no where near as strong as Duke. He could really hurt Biff, especially as my nephew is growing himself, and hurts me when we're playing rough together, never mind Biff. Its simply not worth the risk.

    Thats why we all have to be responsible and use a bit of common sense to avoid incidents with any of our dogs, rather than blaming all bull breeds, guard dogs, working dogs......DOGS for that matter, just because of one incident, relating to a particular breed.
  5. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    My point of view is you cannot blame a paticular breed of dog for one dogs actions of the same breed.
    It is usually down to irresponsible bad ownership.
    Like has been said before punish the deed,not the breed.
  6. hectorsmum

    hectorsmum New Member

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    its justified to me.
    and probably to other bite victims.

    but i'm not saying ALL, i'm saying SOME !!

    thats the difference
  7. flower

    flower New Member

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    any dog can turn nomatter how big or small yes it is common sense your right never leave a child and a dog alone kids love to pull dogs about and some dogs just in the end get fed up and snap and then the poor dog has to be put down,im sure if a person annoyed us long enough and pulled our ears and sat on us and tryed strangling us we would snap and give em a good hiding lol,but you do get the idiots who train them to be nasty and use them for fighting dogs at the end of the day it isnt the dogs fault...
  8. Sara1210

    Sara1210 New Member

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    Read your original post. You are saying fighting and guarding breeds should be BANNED just because you were bitten by ONE!
  9. Biff


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    What breeds fall under SOME???

    A friend of mine is a van driver, he was delivering a package recently when a german shephard attacked him and gave him a nasty bite to the ankle. The owner saw the incident, however shouted his dog back in the house and shut the door, not even checking to see whether my friend was alright. He reported the incident to the police. Not sure of the outcome, but using your logic, do you believe German Shephards should be banned? My friend certainly doesn't believe so, as he himself has a german shephard and would defend the breed no matter what.

    So, if one dog bites somebody regardless of breed, the whole breed should be banned??? Is that the logic you are using?
  10. Sara1210

    Sara1210 New Member

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    Thats how she is making it sound. In which case, you`ll probably find almost all dogs would be banned because at some point all breeds have probably bitten!
  11. hectorsmum

    hectorsmum New Member

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    the truth is its not 1 dog per breed, the cause is bad breeding and bad owners and the popularity of a breed in the wrong homes.

    i'm not condeming all bull or guarding breeds through one incident with me, which everyone thinks i am, fear is bourne out of a bad experience.
  12. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

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    hector, fear can be worked through. I understand your point as one of my close friend was bitten (and still has a scar) as a child by a Dobermann, she tells me it was out of the blue and she was playing in a park and didn't know the dog. She wasn't exact on the details so im not sure this is entirely true.

    When we told her we were getting a Dobe the first thing she said was she wasn't coming round any more. :lol:

    But when I showed her photos and videos of this tiny puppy yapping and falling over etc she agreed to come over and see her. She loved Roxy and its great now that when we go out on walks together (she has a border terrier) she comments on how well behaved Roxy is and admitted that she doesn't feel scared around her. She thought that was a big step and I'm glad I helped her out on that. Whenever she pops over the only reaction she gets from Roxy is to be licked all over :lol: :lol:
  13. flower

    flower New Member

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    i agree with biff all dogs shoukd be banned then all kind of breeds have attacked or bitten,what about the lab that ripped that womans face off she had a face transplant???im unsure if the dog was trying to help her or not didnt she pass out and the dog was trying to awake her im not sure if anyone knows???
  14. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Do you mean dogs other than those already banned by the DDA?
  15. Biff


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    But, you are condeming them. What you're saying is that they should be banned, ok not ALL, but SOME. Please elaborate on which breeds these are.

    You're right yours isn't the only incident involving these breeds, but you're failing to notice the pattern which highlights that idiots are the reason for these attacks, not necessarily the dogs.

    Idiots are always going to choose a breed with an image, and then train them to be the way they desire them to be. Unfortunately for owners of guard dogs and bull breeds is that our breeds happen to be the weapon of choice. The traits that attract us to that breed are not the ones that attract the idiots. That does not mean that all other dogs lack a tendency to be aggresive if in the wrong hands, it just so happens that the idiots wouldn't look for other breeds as they aren't "macho" enough for them.

    You cannot ban breeds simply because of isolated incidents, there is no sense in acting in that way.
  16. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

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    I heard the dog was trying to wake the owner up. :)
  17. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    I agree,Our son was very badly attacked by a large breed,he spent four hours in A&E and we had a very bad month with him,but eventually we have worked it through.He has bonded really well with the dogs we now own,i wouldn't say he is frightened of large breeds now,just really cautious.
  18. Hevvur

    Hevvur New Member

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    What we have to remember is that everything dogs do, is because we (people) asked them to.

    WE made guard dogs.
    WE made retreiver dogs
    WE made pet dogs
    WE made lap dogs
    WE made dogs fight

    Why blame a particular breed for something WE made it do?
    Watch this video right to the end....
  19. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

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    What a great video Hevvur! I love the survery done! :grin:

    And how cute is that dog!
  20. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    I have been bitten twice, both times by Springer Spaniels, both injuries being sustained to the right leg on seperate occassions. First bite occurred when I was about 13 years old I stupidly got caught up in a dog fight whilst trying to pull my own dog away from a Springer, the dog launched itself at the top of my right thigh ripping away the skin right down to the muscle, I needed skin grafts. Second time I was bitten by a Springer I was in my late twenties the second bite by the second Springer was much worse than the first and that was bad enough, this time an injury in which I sustained a severed Achilles tendon an injury I still suffer with.

    Do I condemn all working breeds? Or Springer Spaniels..NO..Still love them, fantastic little dogs, with BIG personalities :)
  21. teenytiny

    teenytiny New Member

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    Was starting to get worried about this 'pitbull type' looking dogs thing....as I own a dog that I should imagine could be classed as 'pitbull type' to someone who didn't know what they were talking about :roll:

    I am friends with the bloke I got Georgie from, and he owns both Georgie's mother and father, so I have proof what Georgie is and where he came from....he is SBT x AB :)
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