Pics at last of Mikey,,, Photos

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by alfiebasher, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. alfiebasher

    alfiebasher New Member

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    I have NEVER commented on how you treat your dogs..yet you seem to think I keep mine in kennels and speak to them badly..Have I ever told you to go **** yourself?
    Or told you that you are up your own ass??

    Umm that would be no....I haven't..[/QUOTE]

    Well all im gonna say,is you talk to people like it!!!!!!!
    maybe you should learn people skills,,,
    i cant be assed with you,,
    i hope because of you,,,,this site has lost a member,
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  3. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Well all im gonna say,is you talk to people like it!!!!!!!
    maybe you should learn people skills,,,
    i cant be assed with you,,
    i hope because of you,,,,this site has lost a member,

    I talk to people like what??
    I have people skills..I don't tell them to go f*** themselves:roll: (or that you can't be "assed" with me...stop replying then?

    You hope because of me this site has lost a member?? sorry that doens't make sense what so ever:shock:
  4. matsi

    matsi New Member

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    Please can you two make up. We all love reading about both your dogs and looking at the photos. I joined this site to talk about dogs, and I wouldnt bore my friends so much.I have learned so much about dogs and to hear from both of you:roll: :p
  5. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    LOL..nothing to make up..

    I've not fallen out with anyone..although I do think she has a cheek calling me rude then telling me that I keep my dogs in kennels and to go **** thats rude! I don't even own kennels!! IN fact...I kept one of the dogs I have to keep her OUT of kennels!!
  6. tazer


    Likes Received:
    Eve, if Louise is that much of an issue to you, why not just add her to your ignore list, then you don't have to read her replies.

    As for what to call your boy, I'm sure I've said this before but just call him a crossbreed, if people ask you what he's crossed with, just say he's a rescue/rehome and you don't really know. There're many people who rescue/rehome dogs, and don't know exactly what is in them, as long as you love him, and give him the best life you can, why should it matter if you can't satisfy someone's curiosity.

    Whilst it would be nice to see/read about how your boy develops, I'm not going to try to persuade you to stay, its just not my style. If you want to leave than go.
  7. alfiebasher

    alfiebasher New Member

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    LOUISE 13
    id like to appologise to you,,,i shouldnt have said what i did,,,i bet your a great dog mummy,,,,
    but i hope you can see my point of view,,?
    one minute im being told hes saarloos then saarloos x ni,?
    if hes a crossbreed thats fine,,,
    but i just get sooo frustrated,,at being told one thing or another,,
    as you know,,it is like horses in a way,,a horse can be welsh x,,,,,but half of what he is is there!! the welsh part,,,
    or tb x id,,,,,
    obviously this dont happen with dogs,,
    anyway,,i hope you accept my appology
  8. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Apology accepted. I am a great doggy mummy, or at least I know they think I am that's all that matters.

    You are right of course about the horses. I have a welsh x. I know part is welsh but don't know what the other bit is but I call her what she is. A welsh x.

    I think you will never know truly what is in your boy so crossbreed fits netter thsn sarloos, nothing wrong with a crossbreed, as I said it's the labelling them with names I take issue with..

    Believe me when I say I don't take things personally I have had my dogs called fat huskies and poor crossbreeds on here lol, so people telling you that your dog isn't what youthought he was is kind. Wait till they start calling him names and hold the abuse til then lol

    Whatever he is give him a good life, and pat on the back for essentially rescuing him
  9. alfiebasher

    alfiebasher New Member

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    does it help if i said i had a bad day on the coaches yesterday lol:lol:
    people just cant seem to keep there neb out,!!
    but yeah,,,i CAN see your point of view,,but i suppose im to nosey sometimes lol,
    i have a dog show next week end that im gonna enter him in,,just silly puppy classes really but should be good for him,,thats if he dont turn into a puff and run a mile lol,,
    as for basher,,id LOVE to show him,,but untill hes castrated he will just win the humpiest dog lol
    anyway,,i havent seen any pics of your dogs yet,,lol,,
    Eve x
  10. alfiebasher

    alfiebasher New Member

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  11. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    I know this was aimed at Louise - but -

    As a NI is essentially a cross of a Husky, GSD and Mal, you get a variation in looks as well....
    BTW - here is a Patchy Utanogan I know...she is a very didi. (A Utanogan is a variation of the same thing as an NI - GSD/Husky/Mal x)

    I hope you have fun at the show :) - I have to say - I cannot imagine my Saarloos x CsV coping with a stranger touching him! We have been to fun shows - but it has been to watch from a safe distance!!

    PS.....make sure you take the camera ;)
  12. alfiebasher

    alfiebasher New Member

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    Awwww he looks so little lol
    i see what you mean tho,
    mikey is like a bull in a china shop lol
    thankyou i will be getting my hubby to take pics,,dont know how he will handle it,,but may aswell try ,lol
  13. bint

    bint New Member

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    Your dogs are lovely:grin:
    I'd call him a crossbreed. He looks to me like he could have NI in him but then I'm no expert.
    Does he have a goofy, silly, everybodies friend type of temperament like my crossbreeds, aka Ute's?:lol:
    Looking forward to seeing updates as he grows:grin:
    Oh and does he like to chase small furries?
  14. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Definately more NI(ish) heritage in there than anything else I would say..

    BUT I Have to say that the NI/BI/Tamaskan/wolfdog breeders do tend to throw out names of breeds that interest people to get them to spend their pennies on that dog and it turns out nothing like what they are meant to be..
    So it could be that the person who bought him as a puppy was told thats what he was..and due to no research didn't really know any different..which may be why you were told that he was a sarloos..



  15. gsdgirl:-)

    gsdgirl:-) New Member

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    Aww Louise your Dogs are stunning, i love the heads they look like they just wanna be snuggled! :grin: xx
    Mikey is beautiful too no matter what he is xx
  16. Moonstone

    Moonstone New Member

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    Haven't been on for ages, but saw Cruiser's pic:049:

    Mikey is very cute, he does look N.I/N.I x in heritage to me:grin: sometimes you just never know, what is in your dog;-) xx

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