Papillon or Chihuahua??? General Chat

Discussion in 'Chihuahua' started by clover, Aug 25, 2006.

  1. clover

    clover New Member

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    are you saying dat papillons and cavaliers are not as fragile as most of the other toy breeds??
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  3. clover

    clover New Member

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    well,i want a dog dat is affectionate and intelligent that is easy to train...someone will be at home most of the time.My parents and eldest sister are working,but i'll be at home in the morning and go to school in the the time i'm in school,my 2nd sister will be back from school.So its save to say that the dogs are hardly alone:grin: i live in Malaysia,which is kind of warm and humid all year round and yes,the new dog gonna be around princess (dats the spaniel mix's name,btw)alot...

    hmmm..after thinking for awhile,i think i'll either get a papillon or a min pin :-/
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2006
  4. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Well bred ones are not as fragile as some toy breeds.

    Now there in lies a bit of a problem, most dogs will be affectionate, most are intelligent but the more intelligent the more difficult it can be to train them. Papillons are typical independent spitz I don't know how easy it is to train a Cavalier but I would think, easier.
  5. clover

    clover New Member

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    hmmm...but i read from a book before which said dat among all the toy breeds,paps are the easiest to train and are commonly use in obedience, agility, and even tracking...

    hey,thanx everyone for all the info8)
  6. clover

    clover New Member

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    can anybody give me the pros and cons for owning paps and min pin?? obviously,min pin need less grooming..
  7. Lottie

    Lottie New Member

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    My friend owns a mini pin who is extremely loyal and loving but is also a complete nutter.

    Pita is right - the smarter the dog, the harder it is to train. You want a dog that is intelligent but has a 'please let me please you attitude'. Typical of spaniels rather than terriers.

    Mini pins are very feisty little fellas, my friend's mini pin thinks he's a doberman! As with most (if not all terriers) they don't realise they're that small and they don't let their size stop them!

    It depends how active you're wanting your dog to be. I would suggest getting a relatively laid back dog if you're still at school because a very lively dog will want your attention as much as possible and put you off your school work.

    The less active the dog, the less feisty they are and the easier they are to train (generally).

    I get the feeling you don't want a dog as 'big' as a cavalier king charles but I really do feel these would probably be the better option. Nearer the size of Princess and (generally) easier to train than terriers!

    Good luck whatever you decide.

    However, if you desperately want a pap or a mini pin, I'd go with the pap. I don't know much about either breed but that's what I'd go with. Have a good read on the internet, contact some breed clubs and ask them.
  8. clover

    clover New Member

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    thanks lottie for the info :grin: actually,i won't mind a dog the size of a cavalier...but the drawback about this breed is that they are prone to heart disease,isn't it?? and they usually die young :-( moreover,i prefer smaller dogs,like the size of a pap or a minpin....easier to travel with:smt003
  9. Shanik

    Shanik New Member

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    Haven't owned a small breed myself but my gran loved them, she had a little pap bitch who was an absolute darling of a dog, very affectionate and just a pure sweetheart. Later she owned a chihuahua and from my memory of him he certainly had personality and let you know in no uncertain terms if he was displeased! But in his defense us kids could be a bit too much for him to put up with at times :grin:
  10. Berger

    Berger New Member

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    Hi Clover. Just caught up with this thread. My aunt has a mini Yorkshire Terrier. He is the most affectionate, lovable, playful little dog that you could meet. He is so small and cute I want to dognap him every time I see him. My kids ( 5 and 2) run him ragged when they are there and he cries when we leave. He will let you lie him on his back to groom him, take anything away for him and is very obdient. He never chewed and was house trained within a couple of weeks. He is only 6 months old. If you want a small dog, with gorgeous long hair you could do alot worse!
  11. clover

    clover New Member

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    hey shanik,
    your grandaughter actually own both breeds?! so,which one is easier to care for?? which one do you prefer?

    hi berger,
    sorry,i dun understand :blush: are you saying dat small dogs are good or bad??
  12. janie

    janie New Member

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    My mum has three yorkies.. my sister has one.. amongst JRTs and a lurcher. The Yorkies are FANTASTIC. The most loveable, cuddley, gorgeous dogs... can stand up for themslves too.. with bigger dogs :lol:
  13. Berger

    Berger New Member

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    Sorry Clover should have made it clearer. I was just saying that an alternative to pap or Chi is the miniature Yorkshire Terrier. My Aunts is a fantastic little guy. He is so loving, so obdient but would be great with a slightly larger dog. He is a very feisty little guy. Great with children. Ok to be left on his own for short periods. Great little watch dog and just loves life and everyone around him. I would have one in a heartbeat. Plus he is the most adorable little thing you have ever seen.

    I don't have any experience of a Pap or a Chi. Good luck in whatever decision you make.
  14. clover

    clover New Member

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    yorkies need a lot of grooming,rite? do they have single coat or double coat?? juz curious...
  15. janie

    janie New Member

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    my family have their yorkies clipped.. so they always have short coats, much easier to groom. That`s OK if you don`t intend to show... i guess the coat would be a lot more work otherwise. Then again.. the L/H Chi and Pap both have coats in need of a fair bit of attention.. so probably not much in it?? Also.. they don`t shed.
  16. Berger

    Berger New Member

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    If you let a Yorkie's coat grow it will look stunning but I wouldn't say any more work than a Pap. I walked my Aunt's Yorkie last week. It had been raining and we were both soaked when we got back. I towel dryed him and sat him on my lap and groomed him for about 20 mins. He loved it and I loved it. He has been groomed since they brought him home at 8 weeks so is well used to it and now really enjoys it.
  17. clover

    clover New Member

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    clover yorkies need to be sent for grooming often? at least paps dun have to be trim.. Actually,i've never really paid attention to this breed until u guys suggested it to kind of appeal to me now :grin: How big are yorkies? are they bigger or smaller than paps??
  18. Berger

    Berger New Member

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    Sorry late getting back to you but I have only just seen your reply. My Aunt has a miniature Yorkie who would be about the same size as a pap and a little bigger than a Chi. But I swear when he pricks his ears and tilts his head your heart just melts. He is the most adorable dog I have seen and I have to try very hard not to steal him. My Uncle has trimmed his coat since they brought him home. He loves any kind of grooming and any kind of attention. I suppose just once a month this gets done. You should have a look at some breed profiles on the web. Well worth a look.
  19. mrcuddles

    mrcuddles New Member

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    ello and i um:blush: i wanted to say hi ... HI!:shock: to no1 i know:-o yes hi!:grin:
  20. Shirleyc

    Shirleyc New Member

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    I have a little long coated Chi called Fudge who is about 11 months old and he is the funniest little dog, he keeps me amused for hours. He is absolutely full of character and is already the boss of the house and our other dog! He is easy to groom and doesnt ned to be clipped and is a great companion, he follows me everywhere! There are really robust for their size and Fudge thinks he is hard as nails!
  21. surfthetide

    surfthetide New Member

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    just seen this post an thought i would join in!
    i have a papillion called trio and he is some kid! he is five now and he is well,.....special! here r good an bad points!
    1] super clever! he won first place at our club obedience show when he was just 6 months old and the judge said "and the winner is small enough to to fit in the cup"!(i had a collie at the time an trio was smarter!)
    2]he dont like anyone else but me much! he is not agressive but he def makes it clear who he loves!(again clever!)
    3]he thinks he is a giant breed!not a good move! he gets himself into alot of scrapes!
    4]he can act! no kiding my mum an dads dog hurt him an the next time he saw my dad he limped!
    5] on a serious not i think that u have to remember that they r not really very healthy unless bred really well and they have alot of personality so u need to get it right!
    i think the intelligence for me would make paps no 1 on cuteness its a draw!

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