Not even half way through the month General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am not sure why I am crying again about have had some things stolen - at my age what do I want with jewellery [but I am pi$$ed of about the watches, one of which had been a special gift from someone special] - but Nir is the one who has lost. He will never get the 200 shekalim that I had given Alex as a tip and which Nir gave me back from his own pocket. He will never get back the day's pay he gave Alex.And he could have lost the trust of his regular clients who might have "lost" things but did not want to tell him.

    And Alex is laughing all the way to the bank. And that includes my little charity box which, surprise, surprise, has gone AWOL. The little plastic box into which I put all small change, plus extra before I light my Shabbat and Haggim candles.

    I am frightened to look around and see what else is missing.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Found what else has gone. All my rings. All my earrings. All my bracelets. All my pendents. Actually everything he could get in his pockets, leaving the empty boxes.

    I am not going to look any more. I mean I did not need them, did I. Old women do not need jewellery, do they.
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Very sad. I would speak to Nir, but call the police.
    He will have done this before, and will do it again.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have spoken with Nir but have agreed that we can not get the police involved, due to Nir employing Alex on the black [cash in hand]. And I cannot claim on my insurance because I let someone employed on the black work here without Nir being in deep doodoos for employing some who he did, basically illegally.

    This is why I cannot employ a carer or cleaner unless it is through a registered agency and I pay for National Insurance/Health Fund fees, plus transport to and from my home, oh yes, a certain amount of holiday pay. And, of course, additional insurance if someone falls or has an accident not just in my home but from the pavement down and back.

    Tikva is insured to sky limits should she cause an accident, but if a carer or cleaner trips over me? I can not be insured against that. Go tell me the logic in that - I pay more than enough for insurance, including insurance if I am outside on either Xanadu, Tonto III, or The Silver Monster.

    I do not want to cause any problems for Nir - I love him like a brother and fully understand why he employs people on the black. And believe me Alex will be lucky to find such work again now. He is an unemployed Russian living off the State - let him get employed work. He will not get any work from Nir or any of Nir's friends, but why oh why did he steal all my things?

    I mean everything he could gets his hands on.

    The only thing he did not take is the gold chain and Magen David that has been round my neck since my beloved grandmother bought for me nearly 50 years ago.
  6. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    A few years ago, we had a burglary. Quite a bit was taken, but the only things that upset me were a bracelet that was made from my granddad's watch chain and the tape that was inside the video recorder that was also taken. The tape was of the last Christmas 'do' from my hubby's firm.

    It took a while, but I did let it go and I've never got attached to inanimate objects again. I won't let myself.

    The funny thing is, the other half of the watch chain, made a bracelet for my cousin. She too lost hers in a burglary. How's that for coincidence? Maybe granddad took exception to his favourite chain being butchered :)
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Chris, I am slowly calming down. It was only stuff. But I do miss the watch that someone special bought for me - these things I miss and will probably always will - but why he did have to take all my jewellery?

    It did not matter that I rarely wore them. They were mostly old, family stuff, but even though never worn then, but they included my engagement ring, my wedding ring, and my eternity ring, I might not have worn them for years but they were still my engagement ring, my wedding ring and my eternity ring.

    Stuff - that is all.

    But my heart is breaking because they were stolen and we know by whom and yet he cannot be touched unless I want to destroy Nir
  8. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I know what you mean and you really can't buy friendship.

    It looks like karma will have to be relied upon, but I'm sure it will work its magic and Alex will get his before too long
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Every thing has gone - even small bottles of special perfume - I just wish he had left my wedding ring. Not that I had worn it since I took it after my divorce in 1970, but it was something special at the time.

    I have known Nir for a long time now. He is maybe coming up to early/mid 60s - and I have known him since he built The Shack shortly I moved in this bungalow 22 November 2000 so there is no way I will risk him getting him in trouble for having employed someone on the black.

    I did manage to sleep [until Tikva eeped she needed a pee urgent] because I had been exhausted struggling trying to clean up - but why did Alex have to steal everything? And of course I cannot claim on my insurance because it will cause major problems for Nir - who is closer to me than any of my family are.

    But I am just so bdooly angry now - went to get my BP and heart pills from my bedroom and they have gone as well. And I can not get any more for another month. Health Fund rules.

    And there is nothing I, Nir, or my my household insurance - or the police - can do without Nir being hit with a sledgehammer of a fine for having employed on the black.

    And I will not do that to him.
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It does not rain but it pours. Except we need rain desperately and today the sun is shining although we have had a few days of really heavy rain..

    But in the last few weeks I had to buy a new computer monitor - a new television, a new air conditioner in the salon, and now the a/c in the back room has died. Probably only just out of guarantee but no way will I waste money getting it "fixed" - it will not cost much more for a new one.

    And now Firefox has done an upgrade I have lost the Add-ons I really did need - so now I have no idea when Tikva's next Parkworm shots and Bravecto are due, although of course Ram will have it all on his computer.

    One good thing though, Tikki has decided she loves her new bed - as long as she has one of the small ones on top of it in her sleeping area.
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I was not going to say anything but I have had some bad falls - outside and inside. And no, I am not pretending to be epileptic - I tend to trip if I am on my crutches - luckily I was seen when I fell outside. Inside the floor tiles are not flat - again something my landlords say if I want fixed I pay for. One of the reasons I have been paying for the private emergency service. For years now.

    And I tripped. Not the first time and will not be the last but I have two black eyes [stupid I am not, I never move around on my sticks wearing spectacles again. Been there, done that, nearly lost an eye, never again]. My forehead is scraped, I have somehow scraped my right elbow, and my left arm is black from my shoulder to my wrist.

    So I have been having to get the Magen David ambulance because my emergency service said "sorry, no doctor for at least five or six hours" so they send an ambulance. So what the 'eck do I pay them for? So they send an ambulance and because I refuse to go to the hospital [remember what happened to Baby Ziva?] I now have to pay for the ambulance each time.

    All these years I have been paying for the private emergency service and when I need them I end up with gornisht.

    It is all just getting too much.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Sorry - I did not mean to complain. I have kept this quiet and tried to post as normal, but I had to go across to the macolet and I know my face does not look good.

    But after losing Baby Ziva and not being able to get the Pension again, there is no way I will leave my Tikki.
  13. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Sorry to hear about your fall Malka. I hope you are not too stiff, and will be feeling better soon. Rest up and cuddle your little girl in the meantime. Hug.
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I honestly did not mean to say anything and have tried to post normally [me? post normally ?!] but I have had the ambulance here maybe four times in the last couple of weeks and NO I will NOT go to the hospital.

    And I hurt. Az Mah. So what? But I had to go across to the macolet with two black eyes, a badly scraped forehead, and arms that could not pick up anything. But they are wonderful people so will get what I need and put it in my bag. So I did not know how bad I looked, as I have been avoiding mirrors so did not see what my face looks like.

    I just looked and am ashamed of people seeing what I look like.
  15. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    No need to feel shame. Self conscious maybe. People will understand.
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Sure. Except for the idiot who said "who hit you in the face".

    Most people know that I fall - they have seen an ambulance outside more times than I want to think - not that anyone would bother to come and see if I was OK - it is the embarrassment I think. But to be accused by a stranger asking me who hit me in the face?

    Yes I fall. I trip over nothing. The hospital think that I have minor TIAs and my balance is bad - but I have to move on my crutches at times - you do not use it you lose it, although I am mostly on Xanadu although my little bungalow is not so easy to maneuver around. In any case I have to get on my feet as often as possible.

    You have seen enough photographs of me. On Dogsey and on here. Just me. The one of tiny Tikva with me the first time I saw her and with an Ivrit picture behind me. Pictures of Pereg on The Silver Monster taken by Hai outside the macolet. Pictures of my home. You know me - not just posed photographs. So I hope you know I am who I say I am and I tell the truth. Azz knows because he once telephoned me.

    But yes, I felt such shame by being stared at like that and being asked who hit me like in the face like that.
  17. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Now what you should have answered was the standard "you think this is bad, you should see what the other guy looks like" :).

    Sometimes people say the first thing that comes into their heads simply because they don't know what else to say and feel silly saying nothing. I know it's annoying, but try to laugh it off.

    I am so sorry you are having problems again Juli. I do wish you could find someone reliable to take Tikki for a few days while you got some hospital treatment, but I truly do understand the reasons why you don't want to do that x
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No Chris - after Baby Ziva Tikki stays with me. I did ask the Pension to look after her for a couple of days when I was not feeling good but after being told Aviyatar was on his way - nobody came.

    And I do not want Tikva to be without me. I will cope. Somehow I will cope. But I do think but because of the wonky floor tiles indoors on which I trip, and the stones outside, they are a reason I do fall. But being honest I think that I have been having TIAs.

    But if you know how it was in the hospital, there is no way you would ever go there again. Which I do not care what the ambulance charges me and why I sign to - forget the word - refuse to go?

    And if you only know what they treat "old people" there, you would not go there either.

    And after Baby Ziva and nobody to look after Tikva? Remember Tikki has been with me since she was just 3 weeks old. No. I will not leave her.
  19. Malka

    Malka Member

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    And to cap it all when I gave Tikki her evening wet meal which has her vitamins and supplements I took the wrong pill box and she ended up with OK vits etc but also my heart and BP pills.

    Called Ram - he said the vits etc are OK as they are homeopathic - the BP one will probably make her pee in her crate during the night [she did] but the ACE inhibitor, especially the dose I have to take and her small size - did I know how to make her vomit? No. So if she gets wobbly to somehow get her to the surgery. Sure - David, my driver, works in Tel Aviv during the evenings - and getting a taxi to come from town at 10pm to take me and a wobbly dog to the surgery - which Ram would have to open up - so I am telling Tikki "Do Not Get Wobbly".

    For once she listened to me and was OK, and I am convinced that raw feeding has given her a healthy stomach.
    And now the little booger, who did not ask for her brekkie an hour ago, has just gone out and thrown up yesterday's evening meal - and ate it.

    Again I spoke to Ram and he said to watch her for another 12 hours and call him if she gets wobbly. But this evening will, of course, be Shabbat so I will not be able to get a taxi and Ram will not be able to get onto the Moshav, because the gates will be closed.

    Now she is asking for brekkie...
  20. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Chris B likes this.
    Pity Tikva ate her regurgitated stomach contents. Fingers and toes crossed for the rest of the day - or paws crossed as the Beagle group say.
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I finally gave in to her pleading for brekkie, which she will either throw up or not. But she is as lunatic ever and I can only assume [and hope] that the Premaril has either worn off or she threw it up this morning. But then why would she want to eat her supper again after having thrown it up?

    I think I had better stop worrying about that small 'orrible thing and just make sure her pill box is correctly filled.

    At the moment she is in total delight [little slut] as Rafi came in with Friday's offering, then Amit, my optician came to check my eyes, and she is now outside dancing around to see if there is any more men to flirt with.

    I am still clock-watching though,

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