Norwegian Buhund, any info on this breed? Discussions

Discussion in 'Norwegian Buhund' started by jesterjenn, Jan 13, 2010.

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  1. youngstevie


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    That would be good if poss. Saddens me that they can be bought for a mere £50, but not only that seems to be up for rehoming again.

    Just being nosey I went onto gumtree today and it made my stomache churn, seeing so many puppies, adult unwanted dogs and even someone advertising his Rotti as a stud at £300 per be paid before he does ''his job'':shock:
    And worse a Bullmastiff with a child lying across him....yet saying he's up for rehoming as they have another child and he has to stay outside now:shock:

    Whats the world coming too:!:
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  3. Benzmum

    Benzmum New Member

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    I was just away to say that Basi :) and I thought having Qualified for crufts would mean he was pedigree (but then my knowledge of showing is fairly limited!!) I am sure Dogswatch person who posted said they were going to work on the issues and its not been that long but I guess if things have worsened or dogs health/safety is at risk it would be in the best intrest to rehome Buddy ASAP so hopefully the person in the shop near YS can at least find out a bit more and see if she will have the time patience and love to give this lad a good forever home. :grin:
  4. Anne

    Anne Global Moderator

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    Please note we do not allow naming and shaming or threads/posts discussing other members - any posts which are seen to be doing this will be removed, and the thread is being locked.

    If you have concerns about someone's dogs you may only ask questions in any related threads the person has started or contact them directly via PM. Or, if you feel it is necessary you should contact the RSPCA or the Police.
  5. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    Trelowen buhund update

    hi :grin:

    a little cryptic i know,but for anyone that read a thread earlier this year(or was that last :? ) about a certain Buhund and a breeder that supposedly did not want him back and wouldnt help?,well the breeder fought for him and won after seeing said dog at crufts with drains etc in :-(

    well the said wee dog,is back with the breeder and attended his first dog show sinse recovering from another attack from the previous owners dog.

    happy ending :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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