NI's in rescues General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by k9xxb, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Kristina

    Kristina New Member

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    No not Devon was up north Lincolnshire way.
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  3. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    Please dont touch this woman with a barge pole, she is only in it for the money and if you ask her a question instead of answering she tells u, you are not good enough to own one of her dogs. :evil:
    I have personally experience of this. :roll:
  4. akna

    akna New Member

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    I have already PM'd about someone i know who has a lovely rehome bitch but had another thought if you were looking for an older dog you could look into an ex breeding bitch. Some people would say breeders just out their dogs when they become less useful but those breeders who do look for good pet homes for whatever reason i feel are being responsible. It also gives the new owner a sense of helping a dog out of kennel life, which in some breeders kennels can be awful as we are all aware. The thing that really bugs me is those people who take on rehome/rescue bitches and then carry on to breed them for themselves and without getting them hip scored or health checked. Especially when they then advertise puppies for sale with "pending" hip scores. If you do not have that then surely you should wait till you do? Some breeders will spay/castrate rehome/rescue dogs before they go but that is not always possible with bitches as it is recommended they are spayed between seasons. I think its great you are looking for an older dog as too many people are breeding from rehome dogs when they shouldnt and that is not in the best interests of any bitch especially if you know where they came from and what they have been through. Let me know if you find one i love a happy ending.
  5. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Breeders shouldn't be passing on their bitches whether its to good homes or not!!

    Those poor bitches give their all only to be thrown away when they are no longer useful!! what good is a breeder who hasn't owned a dog/bitch of their breed into adulthood and ultimately been heartbroken over its death

    As for people who take on rescue bitches and breed from them! well they should be spayed before being passed on!!!
  6. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    :twisted::twisted: :twisted: I assume you mean the people?I suppose it will stop them raising their children to do likewise :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  7. k9xxb


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    HEAR HEAR!! Well said.
  8. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I mean the people should be protecting the future of the dogs and spaying and neutering them before they kick them out
  9. akna

    akna New Member

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    I agree with all of the last few comments but lets face it all breeds have breeders within them that rehome dogs! Breeders rehome bitches for many reasons not just because they are too old.... some breeders keep a couple puppies and run them on and if one doesnt quite make it to what the other one does then they are sold on, some have been better by the next generation so the improvemnets are kept, others just dont cut it for the show ring and are sold or given away, thats a fact of breeding, and if breeders didnt breed we would not have the dogs we have today. I was merely saying surely its much better to take on a rehome dog and give it a home life with more attention than to leave some of these dogs living their lives out in a kennel!!! If some of you think a breeding bitch should remain with a breeder till it reaches old age then i think thats cruel. I breed one litter a year from dogs that live with me, in my home, that are in my life day in day out, they work and play and sleep on my bed!!!!! But then i am not breeding to pay my bills perhaps if i was i would have kennels and a lot more dogs!
  10. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    If you are breeding then you are a breeder..whether you only breed once in a lifetime of once every 6 months..

    YES I do think breeders should keep ALL their dogs until their life comes to an end..if they can't cope with or house all the dogs they should stop breeding!!!

    SO its cruel for someone to buy a it, care for it.. mate its pups, bring its pups up and then let it live its life !!
    Not all breeders have kenneled dogs..
  11. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    Well if it's cruel for a breeding bitch to remain with the breeder after she's served her purpose, then that breeder is obviously incapable of caring for dogs properly, and should not have them. Commecial breeding is totally wrong in my opinion anyway.
  12. akna

    akna New Member

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    But this post contradicts what you have just posted! So its ok to breed dogs and spay them and sell them after but if you dont you have to keep them?

    Everyone has a different oppinion about how dogs should be treated.

    This debate is going off track (again) the thread facts that Ni's in rescues should not be bred from. Mulling over ethical breeding is by the by because it happens, always has and always will and us small fish will never change that.

    No matter what breed!
  13. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Good job we dont all think like that, I take in dogs that otherwise if I hadnt its highly likely they would of been PTS, so I am afraid us small fish do make a difference, and I am sure the dogs who have been saved would agree.
    And we can change unethical breeding if enough of us care and do something.
  14. Dragan

    Dragan New Member

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    the question of this thread was are there any Ni in rescues.
    i think that question has be fully answered.. WHY is everybody going on about what breeder should or not should do ???
    i really don't get the point
  15. claudeen

    claudeen New Member

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    Neither do I, it was a totally innocent question but as usual the post hoggers have taken over and turned into a slanging match again.

    Not all Ni rescues are brood bitches or stud dogs, there are genuine reasons why they come into rescue, i.e death of an owner, emigrating, change of job (too long hours) etc.etc.
  16. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    The only reason I replied was because it was suggested that the OP looks into getting an ex-brood bitch. Whilst a very good idea, it didn't sound like there would be a reputable rescue involved, and that it would just be enabling an unscrupulous breeder to get rid of old dogs. It had nothing to do with the breed for me - but evidently, as a non-NI owner, I get put in the NI-bashing, 'post hogging' camp.
  17. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    No I don't think it does..

    If breeders are breeding they should keep ALL their dogs until their days are over..if they have to get rid to make space then don't breed any more until you have space..

    If there are dogs being passed on or rehomed then they should be spayed or nuetered before being rehomed

    I do not think rescues or rehomes should be entire when they are passed onto other homes..this is a different matter entireley to breeders getting rid..cos they should be getting rid..
  18. akna

    akna New Member

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    But it is impossible for "breeders" to keep all their dogs! I know of a breeder recently and without airing their private life has lost their home and marriage so their dogs have been sold on or taken on by other breeders. If someone for example a customer is looking for an older dog i always point them in the direction of certain rescue centres i know or if its an Inuit, husky, mal,eskimo dog, gsd, boxer or spaniel i point them in the direction of reputable breeders i know. Not all rehome/rescue dogs can be spayed/castrated before going to new homes, thats impossible!!! Sometimes things happen that are beyond peoples control. I still stand by my original comment that rehome dogs from breeders should be rehomed, better that they live out their days happily in a home then pts.
  19. Krusewalker


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    its another Northern innuit thread on dogsey....i think most of us have the same problem :lol:
  20. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    If its impossible for breeders to keep all their dogs then they have no right breeding!!

    Obviously in the ODD case of marriage breakdown/loss of home then all dogs should be spayed or nuetered and then rehomed

    ALL rescue/rehome dogs SHOULD be spayed/neutered before they are rehomed MOST rescues have this policy (obviously if its pups then they should be on contracts to be done as soon as old enough)
  21. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    One of the most basic ethical breeding aspects is that breeders should be willing and able to take back any and every pup they have ever bred at any point during that pups life.
    If they can`t even keep the bitches they bred from how can they fulfil this most basic moral and ethical requirement for any of the pups they are responsible for producing ?
    Yes there will be cases where unfortunate and often traumatic circumstance has led to anyone - breeder or not - having to give up their dogs, but barring something like that, if all is well in that regard there is no excuse to ditch a brood bitch just because she no longer serves a purpose as a puppy machine, she should be kept as a pet who has more than earned a comfortable retirement in the home she `worked` for - that goes for any breed.

    Any dog given up for rehome for any reason should be neutered before rehoming barring age or legitimate veterinary authenticated medical constraints, end of.

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