NI/Ute Health Problems Health

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Jo_W, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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  3. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    If you believe a 'type' has been establised today, why is such terrible inbreeding still happening?

    This isn't directed at you in particular werewolf, but I'd just wondered if anyone could answer it for me!
  4. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    But werewolf you say you love the breed and are concerned about its future ect ect yet you choose to keep secret why your young NI died suddenly.
    And its not just SC speaking is it there are many others? They cant all be liars.
  5. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    It seems to me that anyone with an ounce of sense would not blindly follow anyone at all, would ask pertinent questions of all and make an unbiased, well-informed judgement.

    Not siding with one faction does not mean acceptance of their adversaries.
  6. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    It is no secret why I lost my dog, just because you and SC don't know the reason, that does not mean it is a secret. The relevant people know and it was not hereditary so it is irrelevant to the future of the breed and none elses business quite frankly though many people have pmd me and been told the reason.

    When you say it is not just SCs speaking there are many others, who are you refering to exactly? If it is her group of supporters then it is not unbiased is it? They are fed information from her and repeat it with no knowledge that what they are saying is inacurate, infact you did this ref my Silver Shadow, remember?
  7. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I agree :grin:
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    The point you seem to be missing is whether or not SC did wrong (and she has admitted she has) ALL the dogs are MAHLEK bred, can you NOT see that? Its Mahlek dogs that are producing and carrying all the problems!!:roll:

    You say you own Borders, would that be just the one? Arent your other dogs NI's?
  9. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    IMHO, I think there is a type but I also believe due to some people breeding for no good reason at all, using dogs that are not to type/breed standard, there are dogs that are not to type.

    When you say terrible inbreeding what do you mean?
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Come on WW you are reading the other forum you can see the problems in these dogs, pleading ignorance is silly.
  11. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Dawn, surely all dog breeds go back to the original dogs, whatever that founder kennels name maybe.
  12. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    And some would say you are fed by JK?

    You are the only owner I have met who will not disclose her dogs death, just to outsiders looks odd and a few have said he displayed signs of Addisons.

    Have you questioned JK on the info that has come to light?
  13. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Dawn you know I am not stupid, well I hope you do!

    I am not pleading ignorance and honestly I am staying away from that forum as much as possible due to the many untruths. I do not trust a word that woman says. Secondly where is the proof :?: I understand that there are some pedigrees on there , how do we know they haven't been doctored, remember her database is different to the one that the NIS have as she has tampered with it. Remember, I have TIDA paper for my dogs they are different to the ones I got from the NIS and my friend has the same for her dogs and again they are diff:roll:
  14. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Yes they do of course, but they also took care about what they were breeding, kept correct records etc when establishing breeds. They also didnt tell lies and used animals of unknown origin and make things up to suit themselves did they?

    Werewolf, you look but you dont see. Study those pedigrees, read what is written, these are NOT lies, the breeder of a couple of those dogs has put up pedigrees of her OWN dog (all mahlek bred) that has produced epilepsy, those who refute this are totally beyond me.
  15. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    Brother to sister matings, father to daughter matings etc. All happening a too often. The same dogs appearing tens of times on one 5 generation pedigree - this is not good!

    I'm surprised that with this amount of inbreeding that there's any variation in type at all, but there is! Even if it was required to 'fix type', then the amount that has gone on is still unjustifiable. Popular sires were rife and dogs today are feeling the poorly considered breeding that has gone on in the past.

    I'm not on any side, I just hope people can change their ways.
  16. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    My dogs death is disclosed to the relevant people , how many more times do I have to tell you that:roll: I am not going to question you anymore as you don't answer truthfully do you? The only person who brought AD up when I lost my dog was SC , which is why when you first posted it on here I knew exactly who you had been talking to.

    Why don't you question JK if you have any concerns:?:

    And it is a shame when you state you are so interested in these dogs you did not attend the talk by J Sampson. According to SCs false advertsing he was meant to be talking directly about NIDs:!: I would've thought you would've bent over backwards to be there:?:
  17. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Of course I do.:)

    Untruths according to who? JK? Didnt they try to catch SC out by saying Hunter was rehomed etc... called her a liar and "I have been told etc..." she told them he was PTS having suffered cluster fits and they still said she was lying, she was forced to produce the flippin reciept from the vet satating his euthanasia and cremation for gods sake!!

    So there you go again, believe JK and the NIS, they MUST be right, right? Come on WW, really? I dont think anybody with a genuine love of dogs can look at the pictures of her dogs and say she "cares" about them and whats gone on, can you?

    Exactly! So why on earth would you think JK is right and not SC? What "grip" does she hold? I know she threatens people, I have pm's from people who have been told to "shut up" and stop asking questions!!
  18. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Sorry, I don't understand this, what are you saying? :grin:
  19. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Dawn, I don't understand this - what would anyone have to gain by saying he was re-homed?
  20. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    TIDA Constitution states:

    The committee will keep an up to date register of members for the sole use of TIDA and in conjunction with any application to the KC for recognition of the breed.

    The register of members must include the following particulars of each member.

    The full name and residential address of the member.
    The date of admission as a member
    A detailed account of Northern Inuit dogs owned or part owned by an
    Jane says:
    All information and “knowledge” acquired and known must be treated as confidential to TIDA during and after their term of office.

    SCs has clearly broken those rules.
  21. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    WW you are not answering any questions have you ever dared question JK?

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