What an excellent post. Must admit I've been put off posting here as any thread I start, or join in, ends up with some sort of attack on NI's.
You'd be surprised by what I know I believe it has been said to you before that there are some concerns regarding Kato's breeders, however, that doesn't mean that all breeders are the same and certainly doesn't give you a right to go slagging off and making derogatory and sometimes even slanderous accusations/remarks about other NI breeders. If you feel the need to vent about Kato's breeder and any evidence you have discovered, then I'm sure many of the other NI owners will offer you advice and sympathy about it but it isn't right to have a go at the breed as a whole just because you do not agree with one breeders ethics.
LOL we won best brace with Kiska and Cassie!! It was a novelty class and they moved well together. We thought it was ace as they are both the same hight and are black and white but opposite sides of the doggie spectrum.
Ah, I see, had been a bit confused as to the brace thing,,,;-) are there quite a few nov classes running along with the normal one then? can I also ask,, how many judges there are for NI dogs now,, is there a judges list somewhere?
Yeah there are the same amount of nov classes as Breed ones but they run a bit faster. That way everyone's dog can enter something. They also have ute breed classes. No idea about the number of judges, at Skipton it was a Mrs Simpson who helped to write the NI standard and at Ammersham it was Julie as that was more a fun show.
Janice Sheldon has judged at Essex before, and there some pics of people judging at shows how i haven't seen before but i don't know there names. Sorry
If you meant Lupi, don't think Lupi is the type really looked for - he is quite big and broad. He always comes last in shows, lol. But people outside of the ring adore him. I'm biased though, I think he is very handsome and has lovely eyes
Kcjack, we have had our differences but I beg you to take heed here. IF YOU HAVE A LARGE BREED DOG YOU MUST RESTRICT ITS EXERCISE TO 5 MINS PER DAY FOR EVERY MONTH OF THE DOG'S AGE, UP TO AN AGE OF 12 MONTHS. (ETA- E.g. pup aged 3 months gets 15 mins exercise per day, 10 months gets 50 mins exercise per day. Also you should not let your puppy go up and down stairs, do agility, pull etc etc) If you fail to do this, you are inviting joint problems in later life. If you don't want to take advice from me because you don't respect me then so be it, but I IMPLORE you to just double-check this rule with someone who's opinion you DO respect - like your vet. I am totally shocked by the above quotes. Poor Kato!!!
That is totally not understandable!! Please re write that to say ON lead exercise.. I only follow that rule to on lead exercise..Obviously no stairs, jumping in and out cars etc..BUT natural play in the garden is not restricted Oh and Malamutes start training about 9 months if they are to be worked..and can compete from 1 year old
Can I just ask, Louise with the addition of 'on lead exercise' into Sally's post, are you agreeing that a 10 month old pup being taken out for 2 runs per day off lead is excessive? Do you agree that this could lead to joint problems? Thanks Jo
Laura Kirkham judged the novelty classes at Skipton, if I remember rightly. I will rewrite it - sorry it came across as confusing.
thanks for that, Does Laura also judge breed classes? also can you tell me how many shows there are each year? Do you have a show list, I would love to attend some
Kcjack, we have had our differences but I beg you to take heed here. IF YOU HAVE A LARGE BREED DOG YOU MUST RESTRICT FORMAL EXERCISE TO 5 MINS PER DAY FOR EVERY MONTH OF THE DOG'S AGE, UP TO AN AGE OF 12 MONTHS. (ETA- E.g. pup aged 3 months gets 15 mins exercise per day, 10 months gets 50 mins exercise per day. This can be either on or off-lead exercise but does not include general puppy-play such as a short romp in a fairly small, enclosed space like a yard. Also you should not let your puppy go up and down stairs, do agility, pull etc etc. If you would like to train your dog for a specific sport, seek training advice from a knowledgable trainer with experience of your breed and consult your vet for a health check before embarking on any training program.) If you fail to do this, you are inviting joint problems in later life. If you don't want to take advice from me because you don't respect me then so be it, but I IMPLORE you to just double-check this rule with someone who's opinion you DO respect - like your vet. I am totally shocked by the above quotes. Poor Kato!!!
Do not advise me Razcox as you do not know my dog. My kato certainly doesn not need your sympathy lets hope you keep these 2 dogs and not give them to your parents. My other dogs have to go and twice a day and Kato comes he doesnt keep up with them he plods next to me when knackered.
I don't know if Laura has judged any breed classes. BTW the breed judges at Skipton this year, Mr and Mrs Simpson, were from the world of boxers I think. There's the Essex show, A North of England show (Skipton this year), the fun show at Amersham, and a Ute show with NI classes in Scotland (the NIS shows have Ute classes). The shows are all over for this year now, but I can highly recommend a visit by anyone interested in NIs. All dogs are welcome of any breed and the atmosphere is very friendly and fun. I went to Skipton this year and it was my first time ever at any dog show. My dogs and I had a blast! It was so good to see loads and loads of NIs and Utes playing and running freely together. Meeting the breeders and their dogs face to face is the best way to get information IMO.
This year it was on Feb 9th in Ayrshire. Details for next year's show haven't been finalised yet, but it will probably be around the same time of year.