New addition Photos

Discussion in 'Beagle' started by Tone, Aug 15, 2024.

  1. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I would try some mental exercises for her - during or after the walks. A puppy whose brain is tired will sleep. A puppy with an alert brain and tired bones will get into trouble.

    Puppies (and kittens) definitely learn more skills, especially social skills, in a home with an older dog(s). In the wild, they would remain with their family for far longer than 8-12 weeks learning how to behave around other dogs, learning how to identify danger, and so on. They will learn restraint in their play, how to communicate, etc. And they learn who they can trust and who should be avoided.
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  3. Tone

    Tone Member

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    We do have a couple of dog puzzle games that you can hide treats in and they have to work out how to get to them to get the treats, it didn’t take buddy long how it worked, but beau was like nah not interested if your not giving them to me. Might give her them and see if she can work them out as quick as buddy had.
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Eddie was my last puppy, and my first Beagle. He was 4 months when he came from rescue kennels, but he came to a house with an older dog - and one that worked obedience and working trials. I think he just assumed that he was expected to do the same job.
    The next two were middle-aged former show and breed ladies. Merry tried hard but never learned to resist following scent, Tally would never even consider working for a living. The same breed characteristics, but all shaped by their early experiences.
  5. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Tornado-dog requires human interaction. Giving him a puzzle toy held him for only a couple minutes. Instead, I had to make time to play games with him to tire him out. His favorite game was, and is, try to take my ball. I try to trick him in new ways to get his ball from him - each new trick has him having to rethink his technique to keep it from me. And that settles him down nicely.
  6. Tone

    Tone Member

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    She does I noticed when she’s found a smell pull and you are not allowed to take her away from what she is smelling until she has finished and then she walks away herself, she like anchors down her back legs spread eagled to the ground. Which is fine I let her until Beau is pulling the opposite way like come on, so I’m stuck in the middle of both. Luckily he comes back and waits.
    She’s is not really interested in a ball, yes in running to keep up with Beau but not to pick up the ball, she puts her mouth over it and then lets it go to jump on Beau instead. It’s like a you run and I’ll chase you kinda thing.
  7. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Bat-dog had a beagle nose. She was the same, she anchored herself until she was finished smelling. I just tried to remember that we weren't in a race and didn't have a required goal. If she wanted to spend an hour sniffing at something, I was happy to do so. Aunt C has a more difficult time with that - she wants constant movement and when the dogs stop to explore, she gets antzy and tries to hurry them along.
  8. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Tally is scent fixated too, she seems keen on squirrel and bird scent - plus all the popular dog pee spots of course. Both previous Beagles were rabbit obsessed and loved chasing a ball, but Tally is only interested in those tiny Kong squeaky ones - too small to be safe.
    Her favourite game is searching for the things I hide in the garden. I will hide four different items - things like a 2" square of welly boot rubber, 3" piece of plastic hose, a wooden peg, a shotgun cartridge, a knotted piece of cord etc. She has a good retrieve and brings them one by one, but his weekend I included a teaspoon. She marked it but refused to pick it up - both previous Beagles would carry keys and teaspoons. I think we will have try a key on a leather tag to get her started. A dog that will find lost keys might actually be useful!
  9. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I keep telling mine they need to work for their room and board. They laugh...

    Last night, Tornado-dog was snooping around the kitchen. I called him out and Cat-dog came looking all innocent. I told her I wasn't falling for it - she's as rotten as he is now... I'm so proud of her.
  10. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Well so far she has worn out both my dogs, they are both asleep on the sofa. She’s like the tasmanian devil, she never winds down. She’s fixated on buddy’s ears and he’s like I don’t want to play, Beau has started to grumble at her, like that is enough!! So now she’s trying the cats and they spit at her. Only thing I found that entertains her is a beef bone of the dogs but only for a few minutes everything else is boring after a few seconds.
  11. Tone

    Tone Member

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    20:54 and she’s finally flaked out, she’s been non stop all day without one break. :015: If she don’t sleep tonight, I know I certainly will
  12. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Finally 88C9D933-D67F-442F-9AC7-21B80C90583E.jpeg
  13. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    They're lovely when they are asleep. You'll be so relieved when she goes home. Thank goodness they eventually grow out of it.
    Athena is unusual, that's the first time I've seen a Beagle with hind dew claws, though I have heard that they can crop up occasionally.
  14. Tone

    Tone Member

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    I most will @CaroleC i now think she is worse than what Beau had been and I thought he was bad enough, but he did go to his bed when told, she looks at you like hmmm no I want to annoy these. Yes they did pick an unusual name, but then their other dog was called Zues so I think they like godly names. Yes she has 2 back dew claws. But the vets said to leave them unless she catches them and makes them bleed.
  15. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    As I tell Tornado-dog:

    When do I love you?
    I love you when you are asleep
    When you're sleeping
    And when you're not awake.
  16. Tone

    Tone Member

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    IMG_3347.jpeg :023:Well we’re all becoming the best of friends after 24 hrs and a little calmer, a few grumbles here and there from the other 2 but getting less and less E2E1E74A-946C-4C49-AF59-C19DA41ED464.jpeg
  17. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    That's lovely. She's settling in now!
  18. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Yes she is, but she will be going home tomorrow afternoon, so she will have to settle back in to her routine again there. I think these pair just might be glad in a little way, they won’t be having their ears pulled about anymore. It’s been hectic at one point and we’ve only had a couple of wet patches on the floor, leaving her mark that she’s been here. But all in all she wasn’t to bad really.
  19. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Today the dogs and I went for a walk with my son and his dog, I walked down to his house and met up to go walk around the play park near him and from the second of walking into the house she was very vocal, started on Buddy as soon as she seen him, was a complete and utter nightmare putting on her harness ( well what’s left of it ) and started like baying all the way to the park with yelping in between them, anybody thought she was being hurt and all she was doing was pulling to get there, complete and utter noise all around the park, so I let Beau off and played fetch and all she wanted to do was bully Buddy. So he lefts her off and she runs after Beau, then turns around and runs back to bully Buddy again it’s like well I can’t catch him so I’ll go back for the little one.
    I have actually said to him, I honestly think that she needs some training in manners now!! he actually said she’s a nightmare around other dogs and it’s not like she hasn’t been socialised with them. Adolescents started to kick in already, he said at home on her own she acts like she’s been trained properly but as soon as she gets outside she’s the opposite like no one has ever bothered to do anything with her. He’s trying but she’s not listening :102:
  20. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Socializing is about building confidence around things. Training is about developing manners.

    Many puppies become overstimulated. They get so excited about what is about to happen that they can't hear their own brains, let alone their person's voice. Most people think that socialization means letting puppy play with every dog and person they see. What that actually does is create a hyper awareness of other dogs (and people). Puppy sees a dog and immediately goes into "gotta play" mode and gets overstimulated. Then puppy starts anticipating other dogs and working themselves into that overstimulation as soon as they go outside. And as that continues it turns into reactivity that isn't easily resolved.

    She still young enough to start teaching her to ignore other dogs. Start slow and easy. Redirect her behavior. Instead of taking the dogs out to run and play, start taking them out and just walking - no interaction between them. Do some basic obedience while they ignore each other. Do a few trips with no play time, then start re-incorporating play time AFTER they have their lessons. If she starts bothering Buddy, no more play time let's go home.

    Start now before it becomes an adult behavior.
  21. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Thank you toedtoes, he did immediately put her back on her lead and made her sit and wait and wouldn’t let her back off until she did as she was told, he then tried again a little later but she exactly the same thing again, so he put her straight back on her lead again.
    Bless him, he is trying to keep her calm but she really is hyper and even I raised my voice at her to sit and wait when she was jumping on buddy’s back, in the end he took her away from the situation all together and took her on her own so she wasn’t able to play. I know she needs to learn but I don’t want to look like I’m taking over and interfering and not only that I think my son was getting stressed with her so that wasn’t helping either

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