New addition Photos

Discussion in 'Beagle' started by Tone, Aug 15, 2024.

  1. Tone

    Tone Member

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    I just can’t get my head around how that is training an animal how to do anything, what are they learning? Absolutely nothing as there is no reinforcement or praise for doing nothing but getting locked up, mine have learnt now if I say erm excuse me, what are your doing? And they look at me as if to say oooo damn I’ve been caught!! Or who’s done this? And they both hang their head in shame and skulk off. Yeah table surfing hmm luckily there is nothing on there to pinch or should I say eat, but he was terrible at doing it, now he’s to big for the chairs so he would just fall off the other side if he jumped on them now but he’d be able to jump straight on the table but doesn’t bother. He really doesn’t bother jumping up at the counter tops unless he smells cheese, he checks and sits there waiting for a slither :) like I’m sitting nicely and being a good boy
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    It's all about the idea that you have to control the dog to get the dog to respect you. Which is hogwash regardless of the species. No creature sees being controlled as a bonding exercise.

    Tornado-dog always checks the counter after I fix a meal to see if I left something. If I don't immediately put packaging or a wrapper in the garbage bin he steals it. And even with his size, he can easily sit on a kitchen chair. He scrunches himself to half his size easily.

    He knows "one, two... two and a half" and "what are you stealing?" He never gets that look of "shame", instead he proudly shows me his new treasure or drops it and gets his ball for me to play. Sometimes he will shove his treasure right up against my face so I can get a real good look. He knows I won't just confiscate it. I never wanted him to think he had to gulp something down before I could take it away, so I really reinforced that if he "lets me see it", he can have it back. It's amazing how much he trusts me with that.
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    My dogs are usually really good about food boundaries. My Löwchen dog once stole the top layer from a chocolate cake - never touched the cream below. He was very sick - I think that taught him. The Beagles sit in bed while we eat. I always save a tiny corner for the end of a meal, so I am under constant supervision. In the kitchen they boing, boing, unless I tell them to stop, but they know, 'Leave It!', and won't steal unless it hits the floor. Beagles have such a bad reputation - I guess I've been lucky with mine.
  5. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Oh these pair know when my daughter has pizza and they will lay in the floor waiting patiently for a crust, the Doxie is a terrible guts and will eat just about anything if you let him including potato peelings if you happen to drop any, or any other peelings given the opportunity, but the upside to him is he can’t see on the counter top let alone anything else, but the pup has got to be nearly 4 ft + with standing up on his back legs so he can see everything on the side but never tries to take anything from there. I can’t wait to see what sort of characteristics she has when she’s older :D and how she turns out. They do a puppy socialising club when they have been inoculated with the puppies of the same age at the vets to get them used to other dogs of different sizes and to get them used to the smells and the environment of the vets itself, I done it with Beau when he was small and they give them a free toy and certificate to say they passed being friendly and sociable which was quite nice to meet people going through the same things as yourself and the pups all playing together. ​
  6. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Mine are pretty good about not nagging me while I eat. But Tornado-dog will nag his Aunt C for food. He knows that others are more likely to give him something. As for pizza, give him a parmesan packet and he's happy.

    Rather than give mine crust, etc, while I eat, I try to create a break in the connection. So I wait for about an hour after I eat and then give it to them in their food bowls. This has worked well with everyone except Tornado-dog. He knows.
  7. Tone

    Tone Member

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    We never feed them whilst we eat, they have to wait until we’ve finished otherwise they get nothing, so they patiently wait laying on the floor until they hear the chair move to get up and then they both sit up with the look we didn’t ask whilst you was eating but is there anything left for us? If it’s food they are not able to eat then we get them a biscuit from their treat box
  8. Tone

    Tone Member

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    IMG_3285.jpeg Well we have a little ear tugger, she has to have attention and pulls both Beau and Buddy’s ears or jumps to see what they have in their mouths, Beau really isn’t that bothered in playing chase me so when he’s running after his ball she will try and keep up with him and she sounds just like one of those squeaky toys when she runs. Like wait for me I’m coming. With Buddy she just rolls around the floor with him play fighting, he’s like get off I’ve had enough now :018: but is never nasty with her
  9. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    She is very pretty. Beagle puppies are a bit OTT, so its good that your other two are patient with her while she's a baby.
  10. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Thank you Carole, she is very hyper still but she is fun and I like I said, they are having a taste of their own medicine from when they went through that stage. But yeah I found they are both very resilient with her.
  11. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Well I have just been and collected my sons pup for a walk as he is at work, jeez I can’t seem to wear her out!! She’s is like a coiled spring and the more you walk her the more energy she has. By the time I dropped her back home she was ready for another walk and these pair have the patience of jobe, she’s pulled their ears jumped all over them and tried to annoy them to play, beau just ignored her and she gave up on him so she tries buddy and he put her in her place so she calmed down a smidging but not much. Anyway here’s a picture of them all sitting nicely for a photo IMG_3333.jpeg
  12. Azalea

    Azalea New Member

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    A Beautiful puppy!

    I agree with the comments about too many people using crates to deal with behavior incorrectly during the day. We only have bed-time crates in our bedroom. Our Chihuahua and our Maltese mix are both senior girls. They enjoy sharing a quiet space together at night. Our Beagle occasionally sleeps on the bed, but he might choose to go inside his crate anyway.
  13. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Thank you azalea, she is a whirlwind but hopefully she should calm down some. (Fingers crossed) she’s coming to stay for a couple of nights while he’s on night shift so we’ll see how she gets on with the cats too. They will certainly put her in her place in our pecking order in the house :005:
  14. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    She is gorgeous, her pictures make me feel broody. I would love another Beagle but it wouldn't be a responsible decision. Did you say what she is called? Sorry but if you did, I've forgotten. Hope she doesn't drive your cats to distraction, she must be lively if she's worse than a working Springer!
  15. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Thank you @CaroleC, she is called Athena, yes she has endless energy, my son rang me yesterday and said you didn’t shut the kitchen properly, which I thought I had but obviously I hadn’t. She had pushed the door open piddled on the hall carpet and chewed some of it ,two pairs of boots and some other shoes, the front porch mat,
  16. Tone

    Tone Member

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    She can run rings around my springer with the looks of it, the two here was as good as gold yesterday when we got back, but with the sounds of it, we didn’t even touch the sides with her and we had been out for over three hours with her. The problem was that the sausage was absolutely cream crackered when he got back so maybe it was a little too long for his tiny legs. But they had been out in the morning before we went to go pick her up, so when she comes for the couple of nights she will have 3 shorter walks instead of one big long one and then see how she gets on with that instead.
  17. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I think more frequent but shorter periods is the way to go - and plenty of sniffing too. It's a delicate balance - too much exercise isn't good for baby puppy joints in the longer term. Also, the more muscle they build, the more they want to use it, (think racehorse). Sometimes they are better learning to use their off switch for increasing periods.
    So sorry about your son's carpet and boots - the hidden costs of getting a puppy can be significant. One reason why so many young Beagles end up at Beagle Welfare - chewing and resource guarding seem to be the breed's major problems. (Along with their barely existent recall). All young Beagles should to learn the game of Swapsies - swapping an item for a treat, before the guarding instinct makes its appearance.
    It's a good thing that they are so cute!
  18. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Well she’s going to certainly have to have shorter walks here, but more frequent as that is what mine get unless I only have the springer and then we go further a field as he can keep up, but like most working springers they know when to switch off if they are not out and about and just learn to chill out.
    We just got back from walking her again and got absolutely wet through as it rained as soon as we got to the park, it threw it down infact. So we come home, dried off and had to change our clothes. This time I check the door and made sure it clicked before I left. Left her treats scattered around the floor and filled her peanut butter kong to occupy her. So fingers crossed she’ll be okay.
  19. Tone

    Tone Member

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    Oh she don’t seem that bothered that these two pick up her toys and play with them as she’s thinking while you play with them I’m going to annoy you to play with me, but they take no notice of her. To be honest I think she’s just happy to see someone else to play with and she will eventually grow out of it, well the ear tugging anyway.
  20. Azalea

    Azalea New Member

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    I didn't think our Beagle was especially difficult as a puppy - however, we have two older female dogs. I've heard some people say that one or two older dogs make it somewhat (not perfectly!) easier to train a puppy.
  21. Tone

    Tone Member

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    With our doxie, he has a lot of my old springers traits, apart from the barking, my other springer was 18 mths old when I lost the old one so he really didn’t pick up much from him apart from a ball game, he was going through the adolescence stage so was very pigheaded to learn anything from him, but this beagle is my sons and doesn’t live here as a rule, it’s because my daughter in law has gone away for a week and my son is on shifts so I have stepped in to check on her and walk her while he’s working. She will be here for 2 nights as he will be on night shift for them nights and it’s not fair to keep her on her own all day and all night with him in bed and then at work. :088: What have I let myself in for??? :101:

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