Needs of a boxer? General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by kammi_sparky123, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Actually 1ish hours a day is even better, not because I wouldn't do it, but this would be when I was living on my own and working full time (I would have arrangements for the dogs, they wouldn't be left all day). Also it would then mean Alfie could go on all walks too (as long as it wasn't a one on one training walk lol).

    Recall is something I plan to put so much work into from day one, it is the one thing I wasn't as strict with as I should have been with Alfie and we went through a while of training again as he wasn't as reliable as he should have been around other dogs.

    The plan is that when I move out, I get a puppy fairly soon after (not like a couple of days, more like a month or two when me and Alfie have settled), as I am moving into my first home I don't have furniture, so will get free/cheap furniture from ebay/gumtree, THEN get the puppy so there is no real upset if it does cause any destruction to furniture (Alfie didn't touch anything that wasn't his, but I know not all dogs are like that :lol: ) then when it has finished it's chewing phase, I will have saved up more for more decent furniture!

    Wow I really want a boxer again :lol:

    At the moment my choice is between boxers and airedales....
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  3. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    And of course gets on well with small terrier crosses! ;-) :lol:

    Did you follow the vets advice about when to let him down outside?

    I did that with alfie - only was put down a week after 2nd jab, but was then told by people on here that it is better to put them down from day one as the chance of them getting something is slim?
  4. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    I carried him ...
  5. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    That's what I did with Alfie lol
  6. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    They were easier to lift back then ,,
  7. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Haha, that's what I was thinking... how am I going to carry a boxer round until it is about 12 weeks old? Alfie wriggled enough and he was tiny :lol:
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I used to carry Millie around in a rucksack, from around 8 weeks of age, till she was old enough to do her own walking.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2012
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Both breeds being as different as chalk and cheese...:lol:

    From my understanding of Airedales, they can be a very independent breed, with ALL the terrier insticts.

    I know someone who has one, she (the dog ) is a nightmare ...lovely girl, but I am glad she is not mine :shock:

    She has little to no recall (not for the sake of trying) goes off on a scent, and leave friend waiting for hrs for her to come back, she is well known in the park, we frequent: , she no longe ris allowed off lead.

    On the other hand she also has a Bouvier de Flanders, who is a dream of a dog, so laid back he is horizontal :lol: , as different as can be from her Airedale...and she says the Bouvier is now her forever breed.
  10. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    After her jabs? So you don't let them down before the vets timing? That is ideally how I wanted to do it, but just as some said it was fine to do it the day you get them.. like if you are travelling home with them they need to pee outside somehow?

    I know :lol:
    The fact they are a terrier was my main concern with them really :lol:

    Part of it, is that I want a boxer, I am sure you remember from a while ago when I was asking about them.. I do love them :lol:

    It was the DA that put me off, but if that is a lower chance than I thought, then I do still really want a boxer

    I just need to look at more than one breed to be "sensible" and make sure I make the right decision.

    Tbh - apart from DA (although terriers aren't always the best dog-friendly animals!) and the health issues (I want to go to a really good breeder though), the boxer is winning hands down :lol:

    I told my brother I prefer the boxer and he went "well of course you do, you have always loved them and they are better dogs!" :blush: :lol:
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Here `s a little Boxer baby fix for you, my friends almost 4 week old litter....:007:


  12. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Did you see the 3 boxer pups i posted in the rescue section ?
  13. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    oh my :007: :007: they are gorgeous :007:
  14. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Omg they are so cute!

    Shhhh don't tell anyone else but I think boxers are by far one of the cutest puppies! :lol:

    I love the one on the left in the first pic, Fawn isn't it? That is the colour of boxer I would love :D
  15. Murf

    Murf New Member

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  16. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Awwww how cute!
    Yeah that would be my first choice of colour of boxer :D

    ETA: personal preference I prefer ones with just a dash of white as opposed to a lot with the fawn ones - still cute though!
  17. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    And the other ,...
  18. pam

    pam New Member

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    I recognised these little beauties:grin:
    hope you enjoyed your visit to see my babiesxx
  19. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Question.... if I do decide to go for a Boxer (not sure there will be an "if" there much longer :lol: ), are there differences in boxers drive and characteristics? Enough to get me to look for certain traits and not others?

    Does that make sense?

    What I mean is, when I was looking into GSD's I know what level of drive i want, the temperament and the characteristics and the breeder would have helped me pick the right puppy for me, is the same true with boxers?
  20. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    If you get a reputable breeder who cares(like Pam) the answer is yes to all your questions, someone like Pam, Murf or Jackbox could guide you on a choice of breeder, I am on the wrong side of the Irish Sea

    A Boxer's aim is to be as close to his or her family as possible. They are a Velcro dog, if they could get in under your skin to be close to you, they would.

    Oh and we never let our pups down either until guidelines given by the vets.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2012
  21. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Congratulations - is Solo the dad? I like your red pup (reminds me of Rosie) - are you keeping any?

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