My 2.5 year old Collie boy is afraid to go outside??? Behaviour

Discussion in 'Collie (Rough)' started by OMCHamlin, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I hope you had a good holiday Chris - and I am sure Brody was very happy to see you and his home again. Dogs' foreheads do seem like steel - little Tikva has not done my nose in - yet - [my son did that, twice] - but she has given me a black eye before now - luckily I take my spectacles off before I get on the floor with her!

    As for being mouthy - Tikki learned that "gentle" meant she could still mouth my hands when we are playing but not hard, although she did when she was teething and it hurt. Vee @GsdSlave can probably help you with advice regarding bite inhibition.

    Anyhow, it sounds like Brody is doing well now and that things are working out. :)
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