Mr & Mrs Wolf Tonight on 5 Shaun Ellis! General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Helena54, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Shona


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    I think when someone throws themself into the limelight as much as mr looky at me does they have to expect the good with the bad, lets face it, he cant kid everyone on, there are people out there with a brain that will see that most of what he does is ..............well.........compleatly and utterly silly, Hes put himself up against true experts, who think very little of him, nuff said.
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  3. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Maybe he will want to come and live with your chicken Steph..and interact with them?
  4. youngstevie


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    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Now there a thought, does that mean I need a bigger chicken house then.:017: :017: :017: :017:

    They say chickens are brainless...........Hummmmmmmmmmm well what does that say to you:roll:

    Sorry just had a mad image then....what about the rabbit and guinnepigs, he could ''bunny hop''
  5. Shona


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    at last my question is answered.....VINNIES A CHICKEN
  6. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Don't think you need abigger chicken coop.. just space for his caravan..(at least you could chuck a bucket of water over him!)
  7. youngstevie


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    Hee! Hee! , well I now have a drip coming from the kitchen ceiling, he can stand under that if he so desires.:grin:
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    You lot!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  9. youngstevie


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    How you lay an egg then:shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Gnasher


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    Problem was Lovezois, it wasn't a genuine question. I wasn't born yesterday. And now you have mentioned it, no, I have little respect for SOME of the people on this forum. And I have NO respect at all for the site administrators who allow some preposterous remarks to be made about people's personal hygiene, sex life and other matters absolutely nothing to do with the fascinating subject of wolves and Mr Ellis !

    Borderdawn, you mentioned Cesar Millan ! Now you are talking ! I am a great fan of his methods, and have used them to great effect with Hal, and now my current boy. Perhaps we have some common ground after all, but this thread is about Shaun Ellis, not Cesar, so I mustn't hijack it.
  11. youngstevie


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    In ACTUAL fact Gnasher it was a genuine question.

    So please do not tar me with your silly little brush.

    ou know nothing about me, and to be honest I have little respect for you, as your yourself are quite a nasty person, aggressive and very defensive.

    It appeared the way you were attacking people that you yourself had done work with when I fist joined there was a man on here that did......and I was genuinally asking about your experiences........which I have to say now is obviously NONE.

    And that was what confused me, as to why you are worried about protecting the honour of a man who I have to say is big enough and ugly enough to protect themselves. You call people names and tell them to grow up and then expect people to show respect.

    If you were Shaun Ellis's girlfriend I'd expect your attacking, as at least she has been in with them, surely even you can understand that most of it was a TV staged programme.
  12. Shona


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    you clearly dont know genuine when you see it, when it comes down to it, what do you know?
    Ys is one of the most genuine members on here, she very seldom comes on to these types of thread re NI/UTE/WOLVES AND THE LIKE.
  13. Krusewalker


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    actually, i watched 10 mins of this show this week and got bored and turned over.
    there seems to be a slew of shows at the moment trying to pretend they are 'educational'.
    that thin person and fat person one is a case in point.
    when that is really an front for some pointless stunt or sensationalist TV.
    this shaun ellis show came across that way to me straight away. didnt see the point - very disappointing.

    there are threads on this show on 2 other dog forums at the moment, and without question, every single poster on all of them has said the same thing, and there are plenty of complaints about SE's questionable breeding scheme.....

    ...i dont care if he is dirty though, that bit does ring true to me. he does like living 'wild' after all. no biggee.

    gnasher is the only one on all 3 threads that enjoyed the show, fair play to him/her

    but why take it so personally?

    i couldnt care less if people slate my fave shows or music etc.
  14. Gnasher


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    As indeed I have, although not strictly speaking "work" ... more like pleasure.

    I am more than happy to have a serious debate with anyone about the whole issue of wolves and wolf dogs. What I am not prepared to do is to have to constantly find myself embroiled in silly, childish and probably libellous remarks about SE's sex life, his personal hygiene and other such matters which have nothing to do with the fascinating subject of wolves.

    The minute there are any remarks made of the type described above, then I'm off. I am absolutely not an expert on anything to do with wolves or wolfdogs. I lived with the latter for 10 years, so my opinions are only my own, not based on expertise, qualifications, just purely on my own personal experiences.
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    But this thread IS about Shaun Ellis, not Wolfdogs!
  16. youngstevie


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    Finally, Gnasher, you are responding.....however I wasn't referring to wolf-dogs, sorry this may upset some, but I have little interest in wolf-dog or any other wolfy looking breed, I am however extremely interested in Wolves (100% wolves) and as I actively take part in petitioning for protecting the wolves at yellowstone, and I love they way Wolves interact, live hunt and parent thier young, I was asking you a perfectly normal question.

    I am not sur who the guy was but as I stated there was a guy on this forum that was part of a project in rearing some young wolves....although they were to be reared as ''wild'' and as I have had 3/4 of a hour with the rangers and Wolves at the Safari park....albeit that they are not as domesticed as SE are, it was of interest.

    By the way.....if you look back I actually think that even if SE read what I have posted, would have a laugh, I am sure he must have a sense of humour.

    But as others said this thread actually was about him and his preception of things.
  17. lovezois

    lovezois Fondly remembered

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    No I think the problem is that you come on here not prepared to accept the genuine you could not get a more |Genuine person than YS.

    If you feel so strongly about the way you say this forum is adminstered then you have the option of not posting on here . Simple reaslly
  18. Gnasher


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    Beg your Pardon Stevie, I have just checked back on your original post to me, and I see you were asking me about wolves, not wolves and wolf crosses.

    Glad to hear you are taking part in the petitioning against the reintroduction of "open house" on the persecution of the Yellowstone wolves. I signed the on line petition I think, but am out of touch on the latest news. Has the cull gone/is going ahead do you know? I'm ashamed to say I haven't kept up on what's happening, but it goes without saying that I am dead against a cull of course, or a lifting of the hunting ban.

    I would be very interested to find the guy on this forum who was part of a project in rearing young wolves. It would be fascinating to compare notes, because I see that you say he was rearing them as "wild". By putting wild in quotes, did you mean that he had to interact with them as little as possible in order not to "tame" them too much? Just literally feed them, and nothing else?

    My experience is the opposite of this in a way. Several years ago now, I was involved with someone who had some "tame" wolves, they had been born in captivity and in terms of tameness, would be akin to the wolves at Reading ... the Walking with Wolves place, if anybody is familiar with it. (Well worth visiting by the way). You could go into the enclosure with them, if they didn't like you, you had to beat a calm, dignified retreat, but luckily I came up to muster and lived to tell the tale !! They were certainly not tame, not as tame as Shaun Ellis's pack, but I must have spent hundreds of hours in with those wolves, and never felt a moment's worry. Wolves are so affectionate, all they want to do if they like you is to lick your mouth, they really are extremely affectionate. They are naughty, mischievous and very playful. The also hate the smell of perfume, deodorant etc. and you will have a far better time with wolves if you are au naturel like Mr Ellis - no blue mascara like Mrs Wolf !! This is why he may appear dishevelled and unwashed - as a low ranking pack member, he would not be in trouble if he went in there smelling of Dove ! (So to everyone who has made those bitchy remarks about his personal hygiene, you know why now. If you had any sense, you would have realised this). These wolves were extremely loving and lovable, and extremely keen to please. They were all low ranking omegas, and all from the same litter.

    Sadly, I have had absolutely no experience at interacting with wild wolves. I would absolutely adore to meet the wolves at Woburn or Longleat - some nasty virus wiped out the wolves at Woburn I believe a few years ago, but I think they are building up a pack again.

    I have met SE, and believe me, he has an excellent sense of humour, so I am sure he won't be sending out any lawsuits yet ! I was and still am appalled though about the personal comments that were being bandied about by various people on this forum (through sheer ignorance) who very likely have never met him, which is why I kicked up such a fuss about this. It is just plain bad manners.
  19. Shona


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    hes not in with them all the time, on his time out he could make the effort to scrub up, he looks to me like someone that has just totaly gave up on himself.
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    But you yourself have thrown insults at people and not only recently, and also on other forums. CR dished out some repulsive language which had to be removed, is this OK because he was angry, like you said the other night in your case?

    Give or take Gnasher, a public dog forum is just that, like Krusewalker said, you should see what been written about him on other forums! If you are appalled you should of reported the posts and left, it would of given you more credibility than to throw it back!

    Im NOT trying to antagonise you here, in fact the opposite, but you yourself gave back enough for everyone to see you didnt feel that appalled by what was said.

    Im not starting a thread on Cesar Millan either, I got torn of a strip for liking him!! :002: :mrgreen:
  21. Hollieandmum


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    Sorry Shona, I should have said he scrubs up very well. When I met him he very nicely dressed, appropriate for the occasion with an absolutely cracking pair of tanned, well muscled legs !

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