Malinois Pitbull mix - very rare dog breed! Anyone else with similar? Photos

Discussion in 'Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)' started by mrmueller, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Buster121716

    Buster121716 New Member

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    I have a 7 month old pit bull/malinios mix that was found in a box and we took in and he looks just like these other dogs. He is sweet but very high energetic and loves to get into anything he can. We recently started obidence training and he learns very quickly where other dogs it takes them a while he picks up on things quickly.

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  3. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    Not sure if that's his mix but he looks cute no matter what he is
  4. Whitneyeli

    Whitneyeli New Member

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    Hi there! Also from the US and believe I have a Belgian Shepard billy mix! I don’t know the proper terminology and I’m working on getting her dna tested but here’s some pictures of my girl zeppelin. I’m my opinion she’s very malinois looked until she opens her big goofy mouth ha! She is super energetic and loyal but can also be quick bark or growl at no people. She’s never snipped at anyone but I will often have to make physical contact with a new person before Zep is comfortable with them. She is a lover dog and needs lots of attention. She is also very receptive to emotions of not just myself but everyone. She has a way of coming in and making you relax when you’re upset. She is so misunderstood with her goofy looks and anxiety but she really is the best dog!

    Hi there! Also from the US and believe I have a belgian shepard/ pitty mix on my hands. I don't know the proper terminology but I believe she is mostly malinois looking until she flashes her big goofy smile and then BAM she's a pit. She is high anxiety and requires lots of attention and activity. She is extremely protective of my family and will bark or howl at new friends until I make physical contact with them and she knows they are safe. She sure is misunderstood but such a loving, protective and smart dog. People say she looks like a coyote!

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  5. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    Really don't think she's a Malinois mix, though that is always possible she very well might be a multi gen mix of other breeds. She's got an interesting look about her. I'd she be interested in seeing results if you ever do an Embark DNA test.

    She has a primitive wild type look maybe that's why people think coyote, it can commonly occur though in multi gen mixed. She could possibly have one mixed parent and one pure parent.
  6. Mikhalu

    Mikhalu New Member

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  7. Mikhalu

    Mikhalu New Member

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    This is Mona, she is a mix (mallinois/american Staffordshire) the mother is the mallinois.
    She is 4 Years old and she has troubles with her hips, knee, she has a Lot of energy and love

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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2018
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Since when have mongrels been "breeds"? My little one is a known crossbreed - not intentional - but she is still not a "breed". Not a guess because I saw her with her dam and saw her sire.

    She is a cross-breed. Not a mixed breed. Not a mongrel. She has a Dachshund dam and a Minpin sire. But she is NOT a breed. She is a known crossbreed - an accidental mating.

    She is my mutt.
  9. Bostondog

    Bostondog New Member

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    Boston’s pack
    CaroleC likes this.
    Was told our boy was a GSD/Mali cross.... we’re in the states and he looks very Pitt to me (block head and that mouth- maligator on steroids). We’re doing a ton of obedience training and will ensure he is an upstanding societal member.
  10. Melissa Bishop

    Melissa Bishop New Member

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    Melissa Bishop
    I'm an RN working at a Level1 Regional Trauma Hospital in Texas and I go by this
  11. ShawnM

    ShawnM New Member

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    We had an accidental mix with our Husky and Belgian Malinois. We're actually finishing up some cages to minimize this in the future. No plans to get our Husky fixed as we plan to breed her next year to another pure breed Husky.

    She only had 3 pups so I doubt it will be too hard to find them there forever homes once they are older (5 weeks old now). Really big pups though and are really cute little guys and gal. Too early to tell which breed the pups will take after more but definitely has the Belgians mask.

    Husky-Belgian mix.jpg Cages (1).jpg
  12. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I had an intact male and intact female together for over 10 years with no "accidents". If you can't be responsible enough to not have "accidental" litters, it's highly unlikely that you're a responsible breeder. Cages to "minimize" rather than PREVENT this issue definitely doesn't sound good at all.
  13. ShawnM

    ShawnM New Member

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    Minimize was not the correct choice of is about preventing another unplanned cross between these 2.

    This thread was about Belgian Malinois mixes...which is why I posted a picture of a very cute puppy. Perhaps I should have left out the reference to the cages but thought they were coming along quite well and maybe someone would find that informative.

    Obviously posting something on a public forum gives folks the opportunity to find issues and/or make assumptions about people they do not know and never have or will meet in "real" life. Good on you for keeping 2 intact dogs apart for 10 years...I'd be willing to bet not everyone is as fortunate to be as responsible as you.

    Anyway...the pups are pretty cute and we are looking forward to seeing their personalities emerge as they grow. And being responsible dog lovers we will make sure they go to loving forever homes.

  14. mdumond99

    mdumond99 New Member

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    I just found this forum, im shocked to see so many pups that look so similar to mine. Ive been on a mission to find out the breed of my pup, the shelter believed he was a GSD mix, and i have alot of people say he looks like a bully/pit mix. Which i do agree, he looks very much pit but im stuck between GSD and Malinois, considering he shares alot of Malinois traits

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  15. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Hi Michelle, welcome to the forum. Some lovely photos of your boy. It looks rather cold in your part of the world!
  16. Roy Black

    Roy Black New Member

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    I love my puppers her name is Heartleigh Sueanne Belladonna VonWolfhousen, she is 1 1/2. She is very obedient and learns real qiuck. Heartz is usualy calm 95% of the time, but once i get to playin with her she gets going. Love to run, jump and play keep away, but knows when i mean no or for her to stop (drop not so much). She loves her toys, and markes them as hers by chewing off the eyes and ears immediately upon reviving a new toy. She has an older sister and she gets along with splendidly. And she gets jealous when I give attention elsewhere, especially to my girlfriend. But she's never shown aggression towards anybody or nipped at anybody out of aggression. I call her my dumpster baby cuz that's where she was headed, when the person who stop the guy from doing so, got Heartz. I have been trying to figure out if there are any others like her and it Thrills my heart to see there are. I know she's a mixed breed but I think this should be a real breed. From what I've read a lot of the characteristics of the same with the coat with personality and everything. A very loving, loyal, and smart dog. IMG_20200317_191342.jpg IMG_20200317_191342.jpg IMG_20200314_223431.jpg IMG_20191014_185052.jpg
  17. ShawnB

    ShawnB New Member

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    I too have just had a litter of the same mix breed. I raised a female, blue Nose pitbull (who is 5yrs old this year in August) & a male, Malinois (who turns 1yr old this month). My litter came at a great demand because YOUR description is VERY SPOT ON. My pit is focused, intelligent, fast, very agile & loves attention. My malinois is very attentive, also focused on every movement & noise. He's very protective & intelligent. Ive gotten nothing but high grades from our family Vet in reference to their health. They what's referred by the vet & get plenty of exercise.
    I cant say I planned on the mating but it's not like I kept them apart... he was uncontrollable... the whimpering drove me crazy.
    So, yes, I'm also a mix breed owner & already have every puppy sold... LIKE I SAID THE COMBINATION WAS IN HIGH DEMAND.
  18. Trace0

    Trace0 New Member

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  19. Trace0

    Trace0 New Member

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    I can't wait for my roommate to get home so she can see this post! She was creating a website about "her" Malinios/Pitt mix when hurricane Dorian was about to strike Florida.. so it never got finished. She's done a lot of research, & this mixed breed has apparently been used in the (?) Russian military for several years BECAUSE of the traits the mix gives them. Her dog is intelligent! Non-agressive, but VERY protective! Especially at night! The mother was a red nosed Pitt and for the 3 years shes had her... she has NEVER EVER FOUND ANOTHER MIX HER COLOR! She's a red dog or rust! & just stunning! Everyone stops to ask.... WOW! What kind of dog is THAT!! I think they BOTH love the attention!! Lol
  20. Trace0

    Trace0 New Member

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  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    CaroleC and GsdSlave like this.
    I don't think anyone snubs mixed breed owners. My dog is mixed breed, she is a Dachshund/Minpin [accidental] cross, and the one in my avatar was a mutt of no known origin - as was my dog before her.

    Regarding ShawnM's puppies, as he posted about them in October 2018 I should think he found homes for them a long time ago.

    There was another Shawn on this thread, ShawnB, but you were responding to ShawnM who was the one with the puppies.

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