Malamute X Rottie a good breed.. General Chat

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by katchone, Mar 28, 2008.

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  1. zoeybeau1


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    Very cute on there own, but no a breed for everyone so the idea of them crossed scairs me.xxxxxxxx
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  3. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    Awwwww - gorgeous pups Mo :007:
  4. katchone


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    i was not given money for him and i got him a 7 from a broken home i just wanted him to enjoy what he had left and I'm sorry but a farm is a hell of a lot better than my back yard and a hour walk everyday , so if you do love your pet get it out of the cage where you have it.... like most breeders i on the other hand care about his well being so i let him go ... ps his was nine by then... And not going to be used for breeding so keep your ideas to yourself...
    you seem to know all the best ways to make money from dogs i don't think that way, i wonder who has the problem...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2008
  5. katchone


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    to malady

    i think you might think your the bee's knees when it come to dog but your not.. your right i have had only two of my own but to assume just because i am in experienced that your some type expert what makes you an expert ??? my cousin is the best dog trainer in australia he has trained dogs for 35 years so good luck if you have half of his experience ... and p.s. try looking up pure breeds and see that you might find they bastardized that species long time before you where around why don't you relax and keep you hurtful opinions to yourself your the one making money out of dogs not me i the guy who buys your mistakes so they don get destroyed and i will say this 1 more time " HE IS A RESCUE".... thanx for nothing
  6. Malady


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    How on earth do I make money by PAYING to show my dogs ???? :lol:

    When they are not showing or running riot enjoying sledding, they are asleep, usually on the sofa, NOT IN CAGES where you think we all keep our dogs, so please tell me where the money comes from ? :roll:

    And you reckon I am the one with hurtful comments !!! ;-)

    As for your brother being the best trainer in OZ, please let me know his name, as I lived there a few years ago and still have many dog friends/breeders/trainers that I talk to regularly, and I'm sure they would obviously know him, if he were that famous :001:
  7. Malady


    Likes Received:
    PS - Purebreed isn't a Species :mrgreen:
  8. katchone


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    to malady

    are you going to keep them all??? i guess your gonna sell some ah???

    and no i don't know your name but you strike me as a goose so i won't tell you his name but here is one for ya find the best trainer in australia since you know heaps and ask him if he has a cousin called Tony and if you find him please tell him your theories' so again what make you an expert??? coz ay had a couple of puppies??? think not
    i only speak to you like this because you seem to think your god when it come to this subject and your not..

    p.s. what no comments bout how bastardized the dog specie's is ???? so you have studied good girl
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2008
  9. Malady


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    Gonna sell some what ??? :lol:

    God doesn't exist either !!

    Funny how you feel it necesary to openly abuse me, yet many, many people answered this thread, with the same opinion as me, how strange !! :roll:

    NEWSFLASH : You have no right to speak to me like anything ;-)

    and yes I've studied !

    ps :

    bas·tard·ize (bstr-dz)
    tr.v. bas·tard·ized, bas·tard·iz·ing, bas·tard·iz·es
    1. To lower in character; debase.
    2. To declare or prove (someone) to be a *******

    I fail to see what the above has to do with dogs :001:
  10. Malady


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    PS - I can assure you that the best trainer in Australia would not condone crossbreeding dogs to produce mongrels for the purpose of making money...............sorry you were giong to give them away weren;t you ?? !!!!
  11. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Excuse me ????????
    I don`t keep my six rescue dogs, [ which have never been bred from as breeding from rescues is heinous ], in cages thank you :evil:
    They also benefit from me being an agility instructor plus all the other training and behavioural experience I have.
    Four of my dogs are deaf but I make damned sure they have full normal lives with plenty to do including training/competing in agility and two will be doing Flyball.
    Can you say the same ?

    Hmmm, you have only owned two dogs but you think you are qualified to be a breeder ? Particularly as you have no idea on the problems of cross breeding and certainly not the, [ lack of ], ethics about it....

    You offloaded an old dog who had given you years of devotion in other words :evil:

    I would`nt usually be so harsh but given what you have been coming out with, I suspect my harshness is nothing compared to what most people are probably thinking.
  12. Malady


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    You're right about that Patch :evil:

    Good post.

    Katchone, I'm not god's gift to dogs, no-one is, but at least we have the future of dogs at heart and our concern is for their welfare etc, unlike you whom saw fit to offload your elderly dog then get another and talk of breeding mongrels with no thought whatsoever.
  13. katchone


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    To Malady
    Giving me an explenation to a word i used is a clear effort to try and change the subject.

    well the point i made was that the dog species in general has been basterdized mainly due to so called expert breeders WAY BEFORE YOUR DAY , then again you might be over a hundred who knows.
    You are a scary person and your insight is not valid you are dilutional and you need to spend less time on the computer expressing your dilutional state.

    Dogs are born all the time maybe you should arrange death squads to go round killing all cross breeds you stup read another thread and leave me alone your doing my head in with your rambling, there where plenty of people with valid comments not personal attacks like you. GET A LIFE you no hoper if you dont like my cross its your problem but before you go slandering the cross try getting proof .

    Since i have the cross you say is dangerous i guess i'm the one with more knowledge so get proof there dangerous or piss off .... real proof not that immaginary stuff you have been giving me and your still yet to tell me what makes you an expert???????
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2008
  14. katchone


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    you are so full of yourself and you keep coming back..
    pure breeds are not species than what are they aliens???? even aliens are a species of something go back to school you need it...
    and i said my cousin not my brother... no wonder your dogs are deaf there sick of hearing your voice...

    no i was never gonna breed him ... you keep going on in your own tangents don't mind me ... and as for breeders not diluting the pure breeds well all i got to say to that is money talks and bull !@# walks so you can only talk for yourself, not other breeders call a breeder and see if he changes his beliefs if enough money is offered..

    i have heard enough from you especially since there is no god i can breed anything i want since i wont be stuffing with any of his creations and malady get proof of sickness and bad temperament and then you might have some leverage, right now you got your word and it don't mean much without proof.... live with it
  15. katchone


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    i never made such a claim did you go to breeding collage
    ??? or uni of some sort all you do is get a guy dog and a female to fornicate your nothing special ok bro no school needed for what you know....

    and as for tass my other dog i got him at 7 as much as i loved him and looked after him he has 7 years of hell sorry if i was worried with a 78 kg dog running round my yard growling at times ... i had to consider my well being but i guess i should of put him down like you would do...

    i would love to meet you, i bet your the worst pet owner that exists if you put your feelings before the well being of your pet.. yes he was given away but only because he could have a better life and more dogs to socialize with, you need to not worried about this thread and speak to malady you will get on like a house on fire now piss off
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2008
  16. katchone


    Likes Received:
    so your telling me your not a breeder??? your not a vet???
    than where do you get your info???? whilst showing off your dogs trying to prove there better ??? my one is on the floor he loves so much with his matt and is just as happy as yours sound ... i thank the non existent god that your decent enough to treat them like family not like add ons to your image..[​IMG]...
  17. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    This i all getting a little too personal, Katchone, the reason people have their backs up at the minute is they feel passionate about their particular breeds, and although you do have a lovely dog, he really is not breeding material, just based on the health side of things, although your boy may be showing no signs of having health problems ie hip dysplasia or cateracts (sp) this does not mean that he dosnt carry the problems, these are two of the health problems that are within the malamute side of your dog, the rottie side of your dog may carry all the health problems related to that breed. Chances are the person that bred your boy did non of the health checks a good breeder would do before breeding, simply because the breeder actually bred two seperate breeds together, this does unfortunately indicate that the breeder had no real interest in either breed, the whole point of breeding "should" be to better a breed I think we can all agree on this point?, so for you to think of breeding from your boy could have disasterous consequences, your boy will produce mongrels as you are breeding from a x breed already and the dam whatever her breed is will only add to the mix, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a x breed and I am not pedigree snobby here as I too have owned mongrels in the past and they were lovely dogs, but..because of the dogs that are involved in the make up of these x breeds the outcome is NEVER reliable, I know you love your boy dearly, but to breed from him will never produce another of him, you may produce a litter of dogs that have every health problem related to the breeds involved which is heartbreaking for the families that will own the pups you produce, what if the temperment of the pups is unstable? this can happen in any breed but I am sorry to say the breeder of your dog most probably did not take into account the temperment of the dogs they used to breed your dog due to the fact they actually bred two totally different breeds together, you have been lucky your boy turned out ok, do you know how the siblings of your dog turned out? are they also as loving as your dog? would you like it on your concience that you passed on to people dogs that could possibly have unstable temperments? they will no doubt be large dogs due to the breeds involved, could you honestly say that you wold be happy if you found out later that one of the pups you bred had sever hip dysplasia and spent its life in pain, breeding from your boy will effect many people, if the pups turn out with all these health/temperment problems do you honestly think the owners will keep them with mounting vet bills etc, it would be foolish to think everyone has the same consideration for their dogs, and will keep them for the rest of their lives despite the costs involved treating health problems, many will I am sorry to say hand them over to a rescue, and then some idiot will come along possibly adopt the dog, think the dog is the bees knees and breed from it and so compound the problem, please seriously consider the whole picture, of just breeding from your dog, it will effect many many people.

  18. Anne

    Anne Global Moderator

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