Malamute X Rottie a good breed.. General Chat

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by katchone, Mar 28, 2008.

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  1. Malady


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    Yes noted, I didn't realise it had changed.

    However I am trying to dissuade the OP and others, it seems, from breeding crossbreeds irresponsibly, as I don't think it's right with so many in rescues, and so many purebreds in rescues also from irresponsible breeders.
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  3. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    That i can relate to,What my point being it is irresposible breeding that puts these poor dogs in rescues and shelter homes. I think the OP was looking for opinions and in my opinion asking the question in the first place shows a degree of responsibility. There is no right or wrong to the question just opinions, the more opinions the better IMO, If my posts offend people in any way i do apologise but its just my opinion and i,m not a novice where dogs are concernend!!! and again nobody has all the right answers.
    cheers kinzy
  4. Malady


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    Yes opinions are just that, but you STATED that the OP was probably more responsible than 50% of purebred breeders !!!

    Purebred breeders have their entire breed at heart, and think of the breed in the future and try to do the right thing. If the OP wanted to do the right thing, they would go to a rescue and get another crossbreed rather than try to condone producing more, to earn some cash !!
  5. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    Sorry but I don't agree with this - you just have to look at the BRS to see that very few of the litters registed come from breeders with good ethics who have the breeds best interests at heart :(
  6. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    Again i stand by my statement??? you are stating purebreed breeders have their entire breed at heart? Tell me please is this 100% ?? You are basically saying all breeders who breed purebreeds are all in it to better the breed.Lets be honest that is codswallop,again 5o% of people producing pups from purebreed dogs haven,t done their research or breeding for ££££. The responsible breeders know this and would not be insulted by such a comment.Reputable breeders do not need defend against such a statement as their breeding programs procede them.
    cheers kinzy
  7. Malady


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    I meant to say Responsible, but typed Purebred instead !!
  8. Malady


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    No, 100% of breeders dont do it for the good of the breed, but they dont purposely go out of their way to produce dogs from a gamble crossbreeding either, that could potentially have huge implications !!
  9. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    No i agree,But some will breed from unhealthy dogs for a quick buck which IMO is far more irressponsible...The world is full of all sorts and if people don,t research about their future pup/dog that is their irressponsibility, doesn,t help the dog in question but goes back to my original answer, If good homes found for the pups...Shows a responsible person in my eyes??whether cross breed or pure breed
  10. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    but without knowing what the offspring will even look like or behave like, how can these homes be guaranteed? at least if people have researched a purebreed and put their names down for a pup, there's a good chance they'll get a pup and give it a forever home. however, with a potentially unsuitable cross and no guarantees of what the offspring will be like, i don't think it's safe to assume that everyone who puts their name down will give the pup a forever home.

    also, what's the point in this cross? what will it achieve?
  11. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Kinzy can I ask.. if this person was contemplating crossbreeding a Victorian Bulldog would you be so quick as to tell them to go ahead???

    Malamutes are not for everyone...neither are Rotts.(and mostly on this thread the people who own Malamutes and Rotts are the ones giving their experienced opinion) Whereas you seem to have no experience in either breed??

    If the Mal owners were to give the go ahead to an irresponsible deliberate mating of cross breeds of your chosen breed I am sure you would be saying what we are saying now..
  12. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    Looks have no bearing in the issue IMO if people are willing to take these dogs on it is THEIR responsibilty to give them TLC whether their cross breeds or Pure breeds.Are there anything guaranteed when placing a pup no matter what its make up?Not ALL of us are hung up on pure breeds,there is no saying there is homes for these pups was just a suggestion by myself!!!But at end of day if people are willing to give a pup a home stay with it.
    cheers kinzy
  13. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    i don't really know exactly where homes came into this discussion, but it's relevant and another problem associated with the breeding of crosses, that as nothing is known about what they will grow into.. and also the reason why some end up in rescue. this i why i brought "looks" into it.. it should be the responsibility of the breeder to find suitable homes, but what if the pup grows too big, is hairier than expected or has a strong guarding instinct or is hard to train? something that couldn't be gauged from puppyhood? people can't possibly research a crossbreed such as this properly which may result in underprepared homes.

    i'm sure this happens with regard to purebred dogs too, unprepared, unsuitable homes which result in the dog being rehomed. i'm not saying that this is a problem specifically to do with crossbreeds, just that a prospective home cannot possibly be expected to know what the resulting offspring will be like (eg. size, coat, temparament), and so is effectively taking a risk. I'm not "hung up on purebreeds" just that you have more of an idea what the pup will grow into as such dogs breed true.

    i'm not knocking crossbreeds, there are plenty of beautiful, loving ones in rescue kennels up and down the country; i just fail to see the point in breeding more for no reason.
  14. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    If the dogs used were of good enough quality to breed from they would have been used to further their own respective breeds, not least because the owners would be proud enough of them to want to further their lines from those dogs.
    I can only conclude that those doing this sort of breeding are doing so because their dogs are not good enough to breed from for their own breeds so they are doing the designer bandwagon to earn money from them instead, and as has been said by people who are extremely experienced in the two breeds, the crossing in question is a potentially dire one for likely temperament, trait and health problems.

    The rate of growth difference alone should be enough to make this crossing a big no no - what will be the affect on the dogs regarding Rottie skull splitting if predominant ? What about Rottie frame on Mal legs and vice versa ? What impact can that have on hips ?
    How many people around are well versed enough in both breeds in terms of living with them and training them so that they will be somewhere near prepared for if a cross of the two does show the worst traits of both in one big powerful dog ?

    Neither breed are for the faint hearted, and that`s why those with experience of both breeds are so opposed to crossing them - because they know what a potentially hugely problematic dog it could lead to.
    Those who are breeding them as a cross cant have much experience with one or both breeds - if they did they would never dream of breeding them together, and certainly not selling them to people who read such as the OPs words and believe that it will mean all dogs of this crossing will be fine and dandy :?
  15. zoeybeau1


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    I can agree here what about the breeding implication's, I don't know Rotts or Mals but if a mal female was put to a rott imagine the health and whelping complications for them, if you have any sense please don't breed from this cross it isnt a great cross and homes will be limited if you care about the dog in question you wouldn't want to try to recreate the same as you wont get the same.
  16. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    No sure how it can be suggested that providing the two dogs being used in a mating are 'healthy' and the temperament is ok the resulting pups will be 'healthy' and of good temperament. If you believe that you have no idea of how genes work nor what is required for good breeding.

    It is therefore totally irresponsible to do such a breeding and when one considers the situation with regard to the number of large and mastiff type dogs that are always looking for homes totally unnecessary.

    For goodness sake it is bad enough if it is an accident but to encourage such behaviour is inexcusable, if you care for dogs you should be ashamed.
  17. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Quoting myself here seeing as I am being ignored!!

    Can you answer the question Kinzy..

    Oh and ZB.. The size difference between a Mal and a Rott aren't that huge.. Mal pups are quite possibly bigger than rotts..
  18. katchone


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    To begin thank you for all the opinions given i took it all on board..

    to correct any miss understanding i did not say that the cross was a breed of it own i am inexperienced with dogs, i've only had two.. But i defiantly know the difference between the cross with a pure breed , i am not that inept..

    my thread was to mention that comments made by people who love dog to say that there temperament is determined by it's breed in my opinion they are slightly wrong i have met the purest of breeds of dogs with lousy temperaments and that is the direct fault of the owner.. i took in a 7 year old malamute pure breed that come from a bad home and brought him round to very close to how my cross behaves..

    I must admit i did not have as much trust in him as i do lynx due to raising lynx from a pup.. i believe he experienced some things that created phobias in him and he tended to growl at times.. i know that is a scary statement but i believe if i got him earlier that would have not been there.. i also took him to the lost dogs home and paid to have him temperament tested and he passed with flying colors.. i later was mad an offer i could not refuse and gave him to a breeder who deals with only malamute's
    he now lives on a farm.. plenty of leg space..

    i agree that breeds have specific traits but thats what governs the type of dog you buy .. and again thank you..
  19. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    No it is determined by it's breeding, any dog can be badly bred.
  20. katchone


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    again thank you all for all the advise..

    just to confirm i would like to have a pup from his litter to remember him by when he passes but am know a bit weary i don't want to cause any health defects or suffering.. What i meant in saying i would like another like him meaning if the cross had already been done..

    i have spent a lot of time trying to keep him healthy by learning all i can about him but i need to add he was a rescue from a home as a pup ,just bout to be put down so cross or pure breed i tried and stopped it and he has repaid in kindness to me.. i might ad i am not a trainer of dogs either but i treat them like family he lives inside socializes with everyone no matter what age i teach all my dogs that there treat is a pat no food just pats and good ones i believe thats how i get the temperament i like..

    i know people will disagree but thank you for taking the time to help..
  21. katchone


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    just wanted to add i am not faint hearted i wanted a dog with character when i got him he was a pup and i am positive the reason no one wanted him was due to the cross being for lack of a better word a tuff dog.. i expected complication with training but persistence and love he is a truly tender soul with zero aggression, i know you might not believe it but he is .. i am tho concerned about all the talk off health i hope for his sake his a lucky one..

    finally to say that his from bad pure breeds a designer dog is cruel what two good pure breeds crossing are better??? i think you concluded wrong unless you can read the minds of owners no one knows so good luck with you theories
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2008
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