Looking to get a NI General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by monosyllabic, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. Lionhound


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    My view is if you tell them all the negative stuff and the health problems first, it weeds out the people who are just looking at getting a pretty dog.
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  3. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Dawn we missed you!!

    Remember Dawn, word of mouth doesn't really count for much, we know there is alot of scare mongering, particularly in this breed. Ref the health issues of course no breed is 100% free from associated health probs. I would love to see the results of the health survey that has supplied you with your info.

    This is Shunka and Shad the very first time they met my friends son


    Half an hour later on a walk:
    What beasts :roll:
  4. upallnight

    upallnight New Member

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    All I can say is we have met and fallen in love with this breed. I saw them then enquired about them met with a breeder then met everyone at Skipton and the dogs were wonderful just stunning and like I say their temperaments were amazing and that was crucial for us having an 18 month old. There are good and bad breeders in every breed and yes I do think the NI is perfect for us, what else can I say as we are in love with this breed.
    Luv Valerie

  5. janie

    janie New Member

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    On the other hand Nes.. my two HATE kids.. will back away/run away.. making real deep whining sounds. One little girl went to touch Freya whilst we were visiting my OH sister... she leapt back so violently, she nearly broke his (OH) knee. Noah just barks.. I `m sure given the space they`d run if one tried to touch them... but if they were backed in a corner.. you never could say.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2008
  6. monosyllabic

    monosyllabic New Member

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    I don't understand when people say they are bad with this and bad with that or good with this and good with that.
    I have rehomed some really bad dogs that have tried to have a go at me and anyone else that comes near them and after a few months with me they are more relaxed and will let people near them and start to show affection towards people.
    So I think (just my opinion)unless the have a medical problem it's just how you interact with your dog and how you introduce them to new things that make them people/animal friendly or aggresive.

    I have not had every breed of dog so can't coment on them all. but it is just what i have found in the dogs i have had.
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Im not sure what you are getting at withe the pics, my dogs would be exactly the same to anyones children. If it was because I mentioned aggression, you know as well as I do that its true.

    Its not all scremongery either, you know that too. :002: :001:
  8. janie

    janie New Member

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    Absolutely.. mine were never introduced to little kids.. it didn`t even cross my mind as there isn`t any in the family.

    Just wanted to even up the NI is the "perfect dog" posts.. as they are not.. like many other dogs.

    The person who is looking into a rescue NI.. should be made well aware of this, as you never know, what that particular dog might be capable of... especially with young kids at home.

    I know many breeders won`t sell NI pups to families with very young children.. as they are such big powerful dogs and accidents happen.. then the poor dogs end up being chucked out.
  9. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Putting past in differences to one side, my Luca doesn't particularly like children, especially babies. They frighten her. I have known Luca to either go upstairs and stay there or bark at a child. If she has the space to move away from them, she'll ignore them and go about her own buisiness. I'm in no way saying she's aggressive, because she isn't, but I wouldn't trust any dog 100% round young kids, including my own ;-)
  10. upallnight

    upallnight New Member

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    Hi Liz, you own an NI have you had any health problems with Kiesha??? There are health problems in every breed but the breeders I know are respectable ethical breeders and their dogs are health and every NI owner that belongs to the society fills in a health profile for their dogs and all breeding dogs are hip scored before breeding is considered. I do not know all NI breeders Liz but the ones I know are good people, ethical people and love their dogs.

  11. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Health problems like what is manifesting in the NI dont usually start untill 2yrs upwards in most cases. The majority are below that, although some are obviously older. liz's Ni isnt a full NI she is a crossbreed.
  12. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    Where is your proof of all these statements? you seem to be regurgetating information obtained from some who clearly have other motives to discredit the breed you have NO proof, how many NID have you met? one or two maybe three? have you actually met any breeders you seem to just be repeating unproven facts.... what are your motives?
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    How many? In excess of 40/50 probably more I suppose, board a few and have been to a show or two :002: is that OK for you? :mrgreen:

    Breeders? yep, all those at the show I saw, spoke to a few too! :mrgreen:

    Proof is from the owners isnt it Suzy! :001:

    Motives? Erm, lemme think???? Wanting better, healthier dogs, and breeders not brushing problems aside to suit themselves and conning people into thinking and believing they have a healthy "breed" with a documented history!!
  14. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    Which show? which breeders? which people ? as I saidwhere is YOUR proof?
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Same place as yours. Did you go to all the NI shows last year? See anyone with a lurcher and Border there? If not, I wasnt at that one! :mrgreen: Good to see you have Ni's now Suzy ;)
  16. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    perhaps you were not at any.
  17. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Oh do get a grip dear..

    Why would she lie??
  18. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    If you say so Suzy, if you say so. :002: :001: What is it NI people like to say? oh yes: "I dont have to explain myself" well neither do I, however if you were at all the shows you WOULD of seen me.
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Its called grasping at straws, dont forget Suzy has only just rememberd she has NI's at all!! :044: :044:
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Did you go to the Oldham show last year?
  21. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    Okay I believe you, no not at oldham. but tell me would owners go to a show and tell some random person that their dogs had epilepsy, addisons, vwd or that they were aggressive. can you honestly say you did not appeciate them at all?

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