Looking for Victorian Bulldog breeder... General Chat

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by will7, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    Outcrossing is the breeding of dogs with no common ancestors, usually within a five generation pedigree. Continual outcrossing is a method that is commonly used by breeders who have no real purpose in breeding dogs or by novice breeders. Occasionally it is employed by experienced breeders to bring in some needed attribute to their line. Though one hears about such things as hybrid vigour when outcrossing, the continual use of this method can be as dangerous as continual inbreeding as you are always bringing new genetic equations to the mix.

    Inbreeding is the breeding of close relatives not separated by more than one generation, i.e, brother to sister, father to daughter. This method is used to concentrate good qualities in the line but may also concentrate bad qualities. Only the most experienced breeders should be willing to attempt this method and be willing to make possible hard decisions with respect to the resulting puppies. Continual inbreeding should not be done.

    Linebreeding is a method that breeders will use to improve upon and try to eliminate structural and health problems from their dogs. It is the breeding together of dogs that have a well bred superior common ancestor who has attributes that the breeder is attempting to reproduce and improve upon in their own dogs. Things such as health, longevity of life, structure, movement and temperament of a dog that one is planning to linebreed on must be taken into account. Linebreeding is an attempt to concentrate the genetic contribution of an outstanding ancestor in the resulting offspring. As well once started one must continue the linebreeding process or all will be for naught.
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  3. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    So is the bitch you bred from hip & elbow scored ??
  4. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    The post was originally about the VB so i have answered posts accordingly.My last post on topic i,m not on here to educate people on the breed who have no interest in them.If you are interested in them i suggest some research and some other more bull breed forums specifically for them.
    I find it ironic how people seem to know a lot about the english bulldog and the Vb and dont own them, where as i am in a position of owning both breeds and know less...lol....audious anigos
  5. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    Thanks for that, that's how I had understood line breeding. Very interesting.
  6. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    ROFLMAO the more Kinzy replies the bigger the hole gets

    In breeding is breeding from closely related dogs ie half, litter & full siblings or parent to offspring(your bitch has a COI of approx 14 %)

    Line breeding is dogs having common ancestors on both side of the pedigree in different generations or back more than 2 generations
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Which is what the pedigree he posted is!!! Inbreeding!!!!!!!!! not Linebreeding:?
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Well with your given ethics and understanding of inbreeding, its no wonder the "breed" got no further than imagination then. Keep on rocking!:mrgreen:
  9. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    Whatever,no point in arguing, would be nice to see where 2gens crops up? as linebreeding is a common ancestor.The breeder of this dog has been in dogs all his life and is a dedicated breeder so knows what hes doing,can someone quote me where g/Dam on both sides is a inbreeding...mmmm and where half siblings accumulates to an inbreeding as the common ancestor is 2 gens away g/dam?
  10. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    whatever you think oh wise one,i must be imagining i have VB,s eh...silly silly silly
  11. Shona


    Likes Received:
    kinzy could you poss post some photos of your dogs?
  12. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    I stand corrected this could be called an inbreeding as well as others calling it a linebreeding,it seems the definition line between inbreeding/linebreeding varies between differ breeders so i will hold my hands up on this one, to some it is a linebreeding to others it is deemed a inbreeding.
    Will admit when i,m wrong at others opinion but i still deem it as a linebreedings,no reflection on breeds as all breeds are inbred anyhows.So i apologise on this matter
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    There's no doubt about it, it is inbreeding, but at least you have the grace to now see that. ;-)

    There is no grey area on line or in breeding if any breeder wishes to interpret it differently, then they need to do a little more research???
  14. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Thanks for your knowledge, or would that be the Cavaliers sites knowledge?:002: You should link to sites you take info from, could be seen as stealing you know!
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Nope, I dont doubt you have that "type" of dog, just like any other unrecognised breed that never got off the ground.
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Yep, the hole is HUGE now, and he nicked his "info" from a Cavalier site!!!
  17. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    wasnt my knowledge just a copy and paste effort
  18. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    I did mention i had it wrong did i not??
    First off there was no such breed as VB reg in BVA i proved this
    second up the breeing of dog came up?i didnt breed her
    then one inbreeding indicates the breeds in **** creek?soc what are KC breeds no inbreeding..lol
    I have had 5 litters in 10 years in the VB 2 linebreeding(yes 4 gen ancestors) and 3 outcrossing (no ancestors in any side of pedigree)
    The dog with the BVA score i have not owned for over 4 years,call it i never looked into pedigree deep enough at start that i made mistake so be it hands up i,m het, the hole only gets bigger when you try weave your way out it i,m not doing this.
    It was a mistake on my behalf silly some might think unknowledgable but considering i have been seriously thinking of an inbreeding in future through my bitch just now for attributes i want to keep and this mating would be half siblings really does make me look silly.
    To the GENUINE posters i argued this topic please accept my apologises sincerely.To the not so genuine posters and ones goading for a debate i do believe there is a better understanding of pointing out your side of the story in person as misinterpretation of text can sometimes lead to a lack of peoples true meaning in the debate.
  19. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    Can you please define me what determines a breed of dog and not a type?look forward to your answer.There are lots of differ breeds NOT recognised, the jindo and the chongqing being 2 of the most ancient breeds but not recognised
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Of course, a "type" is a mismash of dogs that really dont make a breed. They are of a "type" but certainly dont conform to any standard as the variation is too wide.

    Take these 3 photos from the link you posted.



    First one has extremely loose lips underneath, suggesting severely undershot mouth. he also has exaggerated turned out feet at the wrist/pastern. Also exessively wrinked, but the second isnt and the third has hardly any, hardly consistency?

    Second I feel incredibly sorry for. He appears either to suffer from photsensitivity or has another eye problem. Possibly the photo but I doubt it. His mouth is APPALLING!!

    The third looks like a Boxer cross Staff.

    Taken from the Victorian Bulldog Foundation web site.

    I think just these 3 dogs alone demonstrate the "variety" within this type of dog.
  21. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Oh and with regard to you point about only red and whites being registered, you are once again wrong, take this ad:

    Im assuming these are registered as it seems to be a recognised kennel, I dont see any reference to health testing though. Pictures show brindle and whites as well as others and was listed on 16th October this year. Are you sure you are as "up with it" as you think you are?

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