Had a look addisons is usually found in young to middle aged dogs and normally in un speyed females, soz as Inks is a boy he might well be ok...most cases of addisona are idiopathic, and a lot of dogs that have it with treatment can have a more than satisfying quality of life
I think it comes on slowly with vague symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, general lack of energy, and after a while the animal goes into shock and that is very dangerous.
Oh they do indeed - it is treatable with steroids I think. I was just using it as an example of something that can come on later, not just up to the age of two.
Thank you (to everyone else who has replied to my pics also) Trouble is really healthy and has only ever been to vet for basics, neutering, innoculations and once for a dodgy tummy. I've been really lucky with him.
MY auntie's mum (all step family) owns one called shawnee she's 11 and my aunties brother owns 2 i think they are 9 and 10 none are related but none are on the forum either x
Thats good I so hope Kato is that lucky, it would break my heart to see him suffer. I have never seen a dog in my life have an epileptic fit but have seen 2 in last few weeks and its awful just seeing must be heartbreaking for the owners.
Yip, she is at the moment but we have had a fair few dominance squabbles surprisingly. She has kept her status so far and I cant see her losing it any time soon. Trouble sometimes forgets who's boss though but she will let him know rather swiftly Thank you
It is. :-( Loki had two in the early hours. It's only 4 1/2 weeks since the last lot but it's almost 12 hours fit free now, so that's something to be thankful for.