Lets see your greyhounds! Photos

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by grommit, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. grommit

    grommit New Member

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    Aww poor little Barry. Glad to hear he got over it ok though bless him, sounds like a right little fighter. Wilma sounds really funny and cute! The kennels that we got our two from had a dog at the time, cant remember his name but when you walked past his kennel he stood in one spot and bounced like he was on a trampoline! I do hope he found a good home, he was a little too excitable for us :shock:
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  3. grommit

    grommit New Member

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    Finally have some action shots of our 2 couch potatoes! Hope you enjoy. Didnt manage to get many of Paris, she was avoiding the camera and then they had to be put back on their leads as the park got rather busy!






    And an after pic!

  4. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    This is our beautiful girl Indi who is 7


    This is our gorgeous boy Wizard who is also 7

  5. grommit

    grommit New Member

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    Aww monkeydonkey they are absolutely stunning. :049:
    Are they ex-racers too? how long have you had them?
  6. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    Hi Grommit

    Indi and Wizard are both rescued ex-racers. We got Indi first about 3 years ago and Wizard about 6 months later. I think they are an addictive breed and i think most have 2 or more! Indi has a really cheeky personality, is really independant and is definately no lady! If she can find something discusting to roll in or something dirty to drink or eat then she will, cow dung the lot!!! She comes for strokes and cuddles on her terms when she feels like it! Wizard on the otherhand is a big dopey baby and totally insecure, needs lots of strokes and cuddles and reassurance and likes to be near us at all times, he nudges you for attention which is tricky when your trying to type! He is a real gentleman and doesn't really have any gross habits like Indi does!! They are both amazing pets and we feel lucky to have found them. Their personalities have taken a long time to develop and they are vastly different dogs from when they first arrived. How are you finding your 2 ?....they look lovely by the way....love the names.
  7. grommit

    grommit New Member

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    Aww your two sound like they are such opposites. Do they get on well together? When our 2 arrived they didnt get on so well for a few months but they seem to have really settled now. Phil keeps sneaking onto Paris' bed for a cuddle just lately and she dosnt even growl at him! :lol:

    Paris is a very ladylike girl, she trots around puddles, refuses to go anywhere near mud and tiptoes accross the lawn if its wet! When she lies on her bed she makes the most un-ladylike noise i have ever heard though. bed is most definately her favourite place.

    Phil on the other hand is loopy!!! He's always excited no matter what time in the morning i go in their room to let them out. He bounces like a jack in the box when its food time and makes funny half howl noises if he wants to go for a walk! Dont tell him i said this but he's not as bright as Paris either bless him! She can empty a kong in about 3 mins, it takes him half an hour! :lol:
  8. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    They do get on but they don't really show any affection towards each other, i think Wizard would like to snuggle up with Indi but she's not interested! He loves snuggling up to us if he gets the chance, putting his full weight on you and he mouths at us if you stop stroking him (i realise mouthing is to be discouraged and we do tell him no when he does it!) it doesn't worry me or my husband as we know its harmless but to others may seem scary! The closest they have got which was just the other week was when they were both on their sofa together. They usually sit like two bookends but his one time they were both sleeping with Wizard resting on Indi's bum, they were like that for ages so she obviously quite liked it! They will growl at each other occasionally if they decide to guard a rawhide chew or similar but not very often.

    Indi can appear ladylike, she sometimes does a really royal snooty sort of walk thats really funny! but the rest of the times she's a little tramp!

    Wizard grunts and groans when he gets on his bed and they both howl together especially if i play a clip of greyhounds howling (rooing) on Youtube....so funny!!! Wizard does a really deep howl and indi a funny high pitched one and the shape of the mouth when they do this is really comical, they look really wolf like! They both like to smell your breath, they get really close but never touch or lick out faces they just breathe in your breath....i think thats a wolf thing too!!
    Wizard goes nuts and jumps about in small circles when iv'e been out and return home, i'm lucky if indi raises her head from her bed!!

    Neither of our two are mad on food at all, i'm careful to give them a good diet but they have never been excited about food unless their is a freshly cooked chicken about! neither of them like Kongs, i have tried but they just look at me like i'm mad! I put treats in a small cardboard box and them inside another for each of them Wizard is quick to rip them apart for some pieces of cheese and Indi just sniffs and looks at me as if to say get them out them because i can't be bothered!!

    As you can probably tell i could talk about my two all day!!!
    I love to hear how others find this breed and the stories that go with them!!
  9. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Great to see your lovely babies on here at long last xxxxx
  10. grommit

    grommit New Member

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    It is lovely being able to talk to other owners isnt it. After reading your post i did a quick search on you tube. Funniest thing i have seen in ages - the video and our dogs reaction to it!!!!!! :043: :043: :043:

    Phil genuinly thought we had some dogs stashed in my laptop! he inspected every inch of it with a really excited slightly puzzled look on his face! i had to lift it up so he could check underneath as he was puffing through his nose at it! :shock: :lol: :lol:
  11. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    So funny aren't they. Did they join in with the howling? When our two howl, it's always Wizard the boy who starts the howling session and then Indi (girl) joins in with a really different sounding howl!!
  12. grommit

    grommit New Member

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    They didnt join in at all! Phil was just intent on finding that dog that we were obviously hiding under the laptop. He is still looking for it now, found scartch marks on our leather sofa this morning where he had been trying to dig for it... :shock: :shock: :grin: :grin:

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