Learning and training Discussions

Discussion in 'Pomeranian' started by Lifew/dogs, May 8, 2024.

  1. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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    Again, you claim to have all this knowledge yet you have no experience in any of it. You have not been involved in schutzhund or protection sports training, but you watched a youtube video so you know it all. You gleam a little information off the internets and think that is enough to spout off.

    Sheesh I watched many trials of SCH training. Live and in person, LOL

    You seem to think that saying NO is the end all of training.
    Not me YOU. Both of those are far more effective at keeping a dog safe than screaming no at the top of your lungs while the dog runs into oncoming traffic.

    Second, if you are letting your dog loose where he can run into traffic then you ARE a crappy person period. There is NO excuse for putting a dog in such a dangerous situation. This is why leashes exist - to keep your dog safe in dangerous situations.
    I was animal control as IF I'd allow my dogs loose. Only if I know the dog is performing a job and in a controlled environment.

    As for schutzhund, yes, it does include more than just protection BUT protection is a PART of schutzhund. You can't declare that schutzhund training is great yet the inclusive protection training is bad. Protection IS part of the schutzhund training. And those that train for protection alone are using the same methods as are used in schutzhund.

    I stated the PROTECTION trained ONLY DOGS are a problem. Not the ones in Schutzhund. It's ENTIRELY different. WAY different but you would know that if you attended a few trials or shows personally which BTW I have. I don't think I have been to a show because I can find links I'm not stupid.

    I read their body language. Said a lot of people who got bit.
    I learn what triggers they have.
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  3. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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    JACKSON, Tenn.
    -- Authorities say a Tennessee man was killed by a Rottweiler that he had adopted just hours earlier.

    Multiple news organizations report 57-year-old Anthony Riggs's wife called deputies Thursday afternoon upon returning home and finding her husband unresponsive on the floor. Sheriff's deputies shot the 5-year-old dog after it ran out of the house.

  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Well dear, if you cannot keep up, nobody is forcing you to stay.
  5. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Oh, you watched trials! Well that's different. You certainly know what goes into the training, what methods they use, etc. NOT. Watching trials provides absolutely no knowledge of how the dogs were trained. That's like saying "I watched someone walk arount after heart surgery so I know how heart surgery is done.

    Again, you seem to be confused and having trouble with reading comprehension.

    Yet you keep telling us that the only way to keep a dog from running into traffic is to scream "no". As an ACO, you should have learned that this is totally ineffective.

    Actually, you are making stupid claims. You state that dogs trained in Schutzhund are trained without operant conditioning and are great examples of some unknown training method you use but have never explained. Dogs in "protection only" are taught using the SAME techniques as in schutzhund which ARE operant conditioning. So if schutzhund training is a shining example, then by definition so is protection training - because they use the exact same methods.

    Well let's see, I have NEVER been bit by any of my dogs, any rescue, or any unknown dog I've come across. And I have been faced with situations that could easily have resulted in a dog attacking me had I failed at reading them. Learning dog boy language is a very important skill. Understanding what the dog is telling you is the basis of any successful relationship with a dog.

    In summary, you have no idea what you are talking about. Your self-claimed expertise in dogs is nothing more than using a few key phrases like "operant conditioning" with absolutely no idea what it means let alone how it is used.

    You are, quite frankly, a waste of space.
  6. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    And what does this have to do with ANYTHING being discussed on this thread????
  7. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Your google searches do nothing of the sort because you aren't even good google searches. You post links to things that have no bearing on the actual topic of discussion. You link google search result pages that do not have a SINGLE result that relates to your search. You post links that actually disagree with your own claims.

    As for your other complaint, you posted this thread under Pomeranians yet you are discussing Schutzhund training. Nothing you have said has ANY bearing on pomeranians.

    If you want to discuss schutzhund training, you should have posted in General Dog Chat or Working Dogs. Someone coming here to read about pomeranians is not going to be interested in schutzhund. So, you have basically spammed the forum making it difficult for folks to find pertinent information.
    I agree that as you seem to have trouble keeping up, perhaps this is not the forum for you.

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