KC suspends unbeaten dog rule and AV stakes classes regulations Showing

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Malka, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    JRT/Parson Russell Terriers have their own dog shows, the classes are as followed:
    broken fur tan/white - puppy - junior - yearling- bitch - male - veteran
    broken fur black/white - puppy - junior - yearling- bitch - male - veteran
    broken fur white - puppy - junior - yearling- bitch - male - veteran
    broken fur tri coloured - puppy - junior - yearling- bitch - male - veteran

    smooth fur tan/white - puppy - junior - yearling- bitch - male - veteran
    smooth fur black/white - puppy - junior - yearling- bitch - male - veteran
    smooth fur white - puppy - junior - yearling- bitch - male - veteran
    smooth fur tri coloured - puppy - junior - yearling- bitch - male - veteran

    Then after all above rounds there's the following:
    Best In Show
    Reserve Best In Show
    Best Of Breed
    Reserve Best Of Breed
    Best puppy In Breed
    Best Bitch
    Best Male
    Best Puppy
    Show Champion
    Show Certificate of Merit

    The JRT/Parson Russell Terrier dog shows are run over 4/5 days
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  3. Janet

    Janet Member

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    I bet those shows are huge fun to go to - all those little dogs with attitude!
  4. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Yes as these cute lovable little dogs do trend to have lead aggression & will growl, bark at each other, but once they are off their leads {terrier racing classes] then they are best of friends x
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    They have their own club, the JRT club , that they make up their own champions, as they are not recognised by the KC their titles are only relevant to their club.

    The information 6JRT 's has posted just does not make sence, you can't compete a crossbreed against a pure bred dog in KC conformation shows, no matter what she believes,

    It does not matter if a dog/ breed is recognised in one country, if it's not officially recognised in another it can't be show in classes for breeds that are recognised.

    We have an import register, for breeds to be shown at champ level, but they are breeds, not cross breeds. of one type or another.

    To show a dog in championship shows, BOTH parents have to be recognised as the same breed and be registered .

    We are being led to believe that a JRT that is affiliated to its own exclusive club, is going to be allowed to compete in a championship KC show in the same class as another breed ....:017:

    It's like saying, my doodle is competing in a poodle class because it's got poodle in it, and the dam is a registered KC poodle !

    It would be more believable if she said, the KC are about to recognise the JRT as a breed and are going to add classes at shows for the breed......
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I would never say never Jackie.. While I have been 'in' dogs I believe several breeds have made it into the show ring on the basis of Hunt records, Parson JR's only had an interim standard until quite recently, and Foxhounds and Otterhounds were originally granted KC registration on an individual basis by an agreement with Masters of Hound packs.
    Further, if the AKC and EU registered 'shorties' (not crossbreds) were to be imported in sufficient numbers, they would be eligible apply for Import Register status in the same way as any other imported breed.
    I agree, they could not compete against PJR's in mixed classes, unless they achieved registered status, and were entered in AV Terrier classes.
    I think that Tina's Working Terrier shows have no connection with the KC, and many of the Working Terrier people are quite happy to keep it that way.
  7. Janet

    Janet Member

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    I'm sure I can remember that border collies were not recognized at one time - I think I had to register my Blodwen on the Obedience Register so she could compete in Obedience Competitions.
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I agree, things change and as you say never say never, but this is about now, and the info Tina has given suggests that from next year JRT will be competing in the same breed classes as Parsons...

    It also seems many JRT people seem to be under the illusion that they are eligible to compete in another breeds class.

    As you say maybe one day they will be allowed recognition and able to compete in AV classes.

    You know what Tina is suggesting is just not possible...on many accounts.
  9. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Interesting statement from the JRTCGB http://www.jrtcgb.co.uk/rules-and-constitution/
    History has shown Kennel Club recognition to be detrimental to the physical structure and working capabilities of a variety of working breeds. Therefore this club is opposed to Kennel Club recognition of the Jack Russell Terrier.

    No JRTCGB member may permit their Jack Russell Terrier to participate, or participate themselves in any Jack Russell Terrier related event or activity, connected in any way to a Conflicting Organisation. Jack Russell Terriers registered with a Conflicting Organisation cannot be shown at a JRTCGB event.
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    That's interesting, so anyone who partakes in a KC show would be banned from the club , yet on the club notice board they are saying they are going to be able to compete in KC shows :017:
  11. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Yes. My first Golden Retriever, born 1958, had a Labrador in her pedigree, (a Holway, to improve speed in the field), and therefore had a Class 2 registration. I showed and bred from her as normal as she was the 3rd generation since this interbreeding, and her puppies were eligible for Class 1 registration. I think the Interbred Retriever register was closed shortly after this date, and Class 2 registrations ceased.
  12. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I will try to clear up a bit of confusion over JRT's X PRT's if I can
    Right here goes the KC have for many years now set up a breeding program which envolved cross breeding JRT's with PRT's, this was done mainly for 2 reasons,
    More JRT's where being AKA & European registered then there were PRT's being registered, second reason was to out breed gentic deflects in both breeds. (Choking in PRT's & Knuckle kneecaps in JRT's)
    By crossing these 2 breeds as resulted in JRT's having longer legs & shorter bodies bringing them in line with the KC PRT's spec, so these 10 plus generations of JRT's that have become champions are the one's that the KC have hand picked to complete along side PRT's in open classes, following the out come of these classes depends on whether or not the KC will merge both breeds together as done in some European countries.
    How here's were it get complicated there are 2 JRT groups the Show dog group (which I am a member of & which the group as been working with the KC with the Cross breeding program) & the JRT working group who are dead against having the JRT merge with the PRT mainly because the JRT will no longer be on the working dog list & therefore will no longer be able to have the puppies tails docked & will not be able to breed pudding JRT's which this group love breeding ( pudding is short stumpy legged & longer body) Both group breeders are arguing with each other one saying better to merge others saying no, if & only if the KC do decide to merge both breeds it won't be done over night, they are looking around 2020 for the merger if its going to take place at all, It is not the first time the KC as introduce a cross breeding program nor will it be the last.

    Has K9 & Skye no longer take part in professional dog shows, only occasional fun dog shows, I am not really bothered whether the KC mergers both JRT's & PRT's into one breed, all I am concerned about is the breeding of healthy puppies.
  13. Janet

    Janet Member

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    Interesting - don't think I've heard of the Interbred Retriever register before.

    Both Blodwen's parents were ISDS registered, though I never registered her.

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