Is there an easy way to open a boxer's jaws Questions

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by Carole, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    They were meat flavoured tablets :lol:

    Finn has had worming tablets before that look like oxo cubes will need to find out if they are puppy tablets. I think I could get Star to take them.

    Finn eats drontal tablets from my hands like a treat too :? crazy dog but it makes life easier for me.
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  3. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I taught Sydney to catch, and he now responds so fast it doesnt matter what you throw at him. His head flies round to catch and if it can be swallowed it will be before he knows what it is. I usually throw him a couple of treats followed by a tablet followed by a treat followed by a tablet and so on. This trick was taught me by my boxer years ago, bless him nothing used to touch the sides he thought it was all a game. :grin:
  4. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    I did use that method and it was the best way to get tablets into her but she has gotten wise to it now and spits out the tablet :twisted: :lol:
  5. random

    random New Member

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    I always put mines worming pills into a cube of cheese :D
  6. Shanik

    Shanik New Member

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    I always pop tablets into something too as it is easier for me giving Max his vivitonin each day. It is his paws he has a problem with and has been like that since puppihood, just does not like anyone touching them, what an effort it takes if myself or the vet have to go near them! Carrie on the other hand does not mind at all. It has made me wonder at times if something happened before he came to us at eight months old.
  7. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    my OH came up with the idea of a teaspoon full of fish paste spread with the tablet inside, couldnt see how it would work myself as the tablet has such a different consistency to the paste, but the pair of them scoffed their tablets and have continued to do so for a week. Sardine and tomato seemed the fave, and they have taken from my palm everytime. personally cant see the attraction but they come back for seconds. :? :? :?
  8. Mae

    Mae New Member

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    We use worming syrup. Put it into one of those plastic syringes you buy in the chemist or vets. Gently slid into corner of the mouth and press the plunger gently. The syrup is flavoured to the dogs taste.

    We also find "coarse" liver Pate very effective for tablets. Smooth Pate - pills are too easily detectable but the coarse Pate they dont seem to notice so much. Press the pills into a good nuggett size of Pate and then make another. Give the one with pills in it and then have the second one ready before her nose. If she is greedy enough she will gobble her pills to get the next one.

    Another is to use a spoon of honey, make sure she likes honey first - some do, some dont. Its quite effective too.

  9. Radar Ears

    Radar Ears New Member

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    I was told to just empty the syringe of Metacam in Mick's food, I didn't know that it could be given separately.

  10. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Must say I have never had a problem with tables, I just hand them to the right dog (I hope) and they take them as if it were a tit bit. If they seem to taste bad I dip them in some butter first, but then my dogs shoot any food straight down the throat. One of mine will come running if they hear me lift a pill bottle or tear some foil.

    To open mouths I have found if you push a part of the dogs lip in with your fingers and squash it against the teeth both sides together they will release the lock, not kind but it you have to retrieve what they are guarding then it is necessary.

    It is better if you don't have to get into this situation and if you can find a way to give the tablet without the fight it is much better and the problem will only get worse, it is having the jaw forsed that is not tolerated not the pills. You can I think even get special treats that will take the pill inside and that may help. BTW if you think dogs are a problem you should try having to face a dozen cats :)
  11. Boxer_Fan_Gsm

    Boxer_Fan_Gsm New Member

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    My boxer 'Levi' will yawn if you give small circular strokes to the side of her face just (at the end of her mouth) with my finger. She opens right up with a curly tongue and everything haha
  12. Bodhi

    Bodhi New Member

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    Sorry, I don't know what to suggest other than smother them in gravy or shove them in the middle of a sausage or something!!

    The only time I have had to give Bodhi pills, I tossed them up and she caught and munched them... She really is too good to be true :shock: :lol:
  13. Amie

    Amie New Member

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    What works with mine is. I get them to sit and stay I then walk across the room have 9 or 10 bits of cheese etc and throw the food for them to catch after about the 4th bit throw the piece with the tablet than another bit really quickley works every time;-)
  14. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    :grin: LOL I used to do that but she got wise to it :twisted:

    I ended up getting panacur worming tablets that look like oxo cubes and she eats them like dog biscuits :grin:
  15. mandyc

    mandyc New Member

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    We only have trouble with the younger of our two boxers Zak, but i found a way of fooling him, i make myself a sandwitch then cut in to four i put Zak's tablet into one of the four, eat some of mine then give some to Zak, the next bit i give to Zak has his tablet in and he know's no different he just thinks he has had some more of my sandwitch. I always give Clyed the last bit so he does'nt feel left out.:grin: :lol: ;-)

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