Irish staff X American Bulldog General Chat

Discussion in 'American Bulldog' started by georgtown, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    But she chose to come and ask experienced people on here.
    Kruse has explained how he feels politely. Maybe we could all do the same, instead of turning this thread into another argument.
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  3. longford

    longford New Member

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    was not me nippy some people dont even own the breeds mentioned and are experts in the history of the breed and cant even get that right and another member seems to think fighting breeds dont exist also how long has this thread been dead in the water???

    Seems to me there are to many middle aged house wives needing to get rid of their frustration ;-) on here:lol:

    So wind your neck in your like vultures on here you must e mail each other so each one can put your 2 pence in lol:mrgreen:

    and here is a link to read
  4. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    obviously you have something against pits. but at the end of the day two legal breeds have been crossed no crime has been committed and if the dog turns out to be a pitbull type then to worst law of the country will have been broken. but maybe you should think before you critisize others and know when to keep your opinions to yourself. i would love to see how these dogs turn out
  5. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    crikey!! YOU sound like your the one thats frustrated. you'll give yerself an ulcer for gods sake.

    and here is a link for you to read
  6. lozzibear

    lozzibear New Member

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    if a dog was bred for something it should be instinctive... meeting nice SBTs does not say that at all to me!

    you are so rude!!! and if i am classed in that category, you are way wrong!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  7. longford

    longford New Member

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    got nothing against american pitbull terriers what i dont like is people crossing to breeds that had different had different functions and then trying to pass it off as something it aint also there are many of these dogs around and many are manbiters thats a fact carry on crossing them if your into plastic pits;-)

    so wind your neck in ashman:lol: as if i posted my real name up here you may recognise me and you wouldnt of posted that comment also proper dogmen who are into staffords and apbts do critsize this cross when they get out of hand its puts heat on others as happened in the past and real kennels have lost there dogs because of idiots trying to make badder dogs I know of dogmen that keep american bulldogs and staffords and would never dream of crossing them

    yes i am rude
  8. longford

    longford New Member

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    I am calm trouble is you know nothing about the breeds stick to your shepards;-) why hijack an old post?????

    did the rest of the board go quiet
  9. lozzibear

    lozzibear New Member

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    how did she hijack an old thread?! the thread isnt even a month old, and she wasnt the one who started it up again, so maybe she didnt realise the date on it! and just saw someone had already posted earlier that day!

    you seriously need to learn some manners.
  10. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    your location: 'under a rock'.
    figures :040:
  11. longford

    longford New Member

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    still have not added anything useful to the thread;-) must be keeping all that expert knowlege of these breeds to yourself:lol:

  12. longford

    longford New Member

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    you seriously need to learn to learn a bit more about the history of bullbreeds before posting as with your expert knowlege you seem to think a SBT has to be highly agressive to be a fighting dog and also go round eating the neighbours cats that nice stafford you talked about might not be so nice when challenged.

    Also a post that was made a month ago I would call old maybe it dont move so fast rounf here thats why they created an over 50's board
    Also you didnt say anymore on the history of the stafford ;-)
  13. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    :038: you have actually posted something right for once :lol:
  14. longford

    longford New Member

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    pity your mate couldnt post anything right about bull breeds your expert knowlege I was refering to was not about german shepards
  15. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    I think this is were there is a big miss understanding.
    When the police sieze a dog as type they do not care what breed or breeds the dog is supposed to be.
    There is no DNA test to support or dismiss claims.
    It will be assessed as type and deemed illegal based purely on its appearance.
    While I am sure there are more tactfull ways to put it when I saw the original post and the cross of dogs I just asked myself why?
    In todays climate it is one of the most foolish crosses to make.
  16. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    i know all about the law and the misunderstandings. and i dont think its a great cross to make at all but i am more against the rudeness coming from a certain member on here.

    Just a question longford? and if its too off topic i hope you wont mind shooting me a PM how do u define a "proper dogman"?
  17. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    I agree with you about there being no need for rudeness.
    I have highlighted the bit that I wish people would not believe. Some still do.
    BSL is the most useless bit of legislation I have come across, it in no way protects anyone from being bitten by an out of control dog.
    I seriously can not under stand why anyone would make a cross of some breeds because at the end of the day you might think BSL won't effect that dog but it Could and I would not put any dog in that potential situation.
  18. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    ok i get what your saying i think. maybe i should have been more clear but i did say it may turn out to be a "Pitbull type" but the crossing or two legal breeds , while quite careless, is not illegal. the reulting dog though may be.
  19. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    Exactly, so why take that chance.
  20. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    easy answer. I wouldnt nor would i advise anyone to. the OP already had a pup and wanted advice.
  21. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    One thing I have noticed in this section is how a new member comes on and asks questions about a cross or type of dog and then abuse flies and the OP doesn't post again.

    Now it could be that they run in fright but they could also be trolls looking to stir the can of worms

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