Hi Julie, you couldn't get your OH to come round to the 3 pups you had your eye on then The only name I can think of is Ayla (after the wolf from wolf watch) I wanted to call our 1st Ute that but got voted out by my son and OH so we called her Anoushka - Noush for short. Sorry not more help, look forward to the photo's
Yes I tried that site Laura submitted and also a lot of others . I picked TyHoni but after saying out loud a few times , I couldnt get it all out my mouth before the dog did something!!. I settled on Poppy Just type in North American Names in Google ...you may be there for ages. Lets know what you pick?
A few that I found/like: Anana - beautiful Chena - name of a river Eska - a creek in Sutton, Alaska Miki - little Pikatti - companion Sakari - sweet Sedna - Goddess of the sea and creatures Shila - flame Suka - fast
I just found this, it's brilliant, loads of names http://www.bubbaboo.com/baby-names.asp?ori=Native American
if not mentioned before there is a website for inuit/eskimo names http://lowchensaustralia.com/names/eskimonames.htm There are loads If I'd had children and it was a girl, I would have called her Kaya - AND I didn't even know it was an eskimo name. Should be a handy site for breeders.
no he put his foot down and said i could only keep two[nasty man:twisted: ] so i had to sell the other one.the two ive kept are stunning and am still wading through all the lovely names people are sending me,love the name anana but think it too much of a mouthfull. .